Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1864: Defeat Heaven

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Chapter 1864 Defeating Heavenly Emperor

"Want to pull away and avoid the shock of my heavenly power?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's burst, Emperor Huangtian instantly saw through Cheng Feng's intention.

But he did not chase, but let Cheng Feng pull away.

It shows the powerful self-confidence of Emperor Huangtian, and he has no fear of Cheng Feng's long-range attack!

"Cheng Feng, your strongest martial arts looks like Emperor Cang Sword."

After Cheng Feng flew hundreds of miles, Emperor Huangtian faintly said, "This martial art can use the power of the stars, and half of your combat power comes from this martial art."

"Now, you can practice this martial art, and this emperor will completely defeat you and convince you to take it orally."

"Imperial Emperor, since you want to see the power of our Emperor Cangshu."

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow froze and Shen said: "Then I, as you wish!"

The voice did not fall, Cheng Feng had already lifted the sword.

Om ~~ Om ~~

Suddenly, one big star lit up above the sky.

The stars are bright and almost cover the sun's rays.

Let the entire million mountains fall into the starry sky, countless monsters shivering, thinking that the sky is about to collapse.

Even the starlight spread to millions of mountains, the territory of the iconic dynasty.

It scared a large number of people, and even many martial art masters were dismayed.

However, the chief culprit, Cheng Feng, remained unmoved.

The long sword pointed at the sky, so that the big stars in the sky appeared one by one until they reached two hundred and eighty.

Then, two hundred and eighty big stars shot down the stars.

Wait until it sinks into the Devil Sword, and merge with the massive five-star divine power.

Suddenly turned into a dreadful sword, was severely chopped by Cheng Feng.

Wow ~~~

Wupi Daoguang breaks away from the Demon Slayer, cutting open a large void.

Blast towards the barren Emperor hundreds of miles away!

"It's a terrible sword light. It feels like the sky will be chopped by this sword."

"If it's cut on me, I'll be turned into instant powder!"

"Divine Emperor, can you block this sword?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's knife, everyone was shocked.

A pair of eyes looked at Emperor Huangtian, to see if he could block this knife!

In the sky, Emperor Huangtian's face showed a thick smile.

"Yes, this is the real killing sword."

Emperor Huangtian said lightly: "It's just a pity that the power is a bit weaker and it doesn't threaten me much!"

When speaking, Emperor Huangtian had raised his right hand.

Om ~~~

An unbeatable blade erupted from that magical sword as he moved.

Turning around like a raging wave, he blasted off towards Cheng Feng.

At the same time, an overwhelming power burst out of him.

When poured into the magical sword, the magical sword rose to the storm and turned into a huge sky.

After the knife was cut out, the whole knife came out.

Immediately following that unbeatable sword, met the horrible sword light cut by Cheng Feng.

boom! Firstly, the sword slams against the sword.

The blade is originally an intangible and intangible thing, and has no substance.

However, when he confronted the horror sword light that Cheng Feng cut off, it produced a thunderous roar.

The slashing of the horrific sword by light was delayed by almost half, and the slashing power was also weakened by 20% to 30%.

Then, the great divine sword was cut.

Bang ~~~

Fiercely cut with the horror sword light.

Constantly collide, offset, and annihilate with the dread knife light!

About a second, both disappeared.

Only in the sky, left a huge bottomless cave that went straight to the depths of the void sea.

It's shocking at first glance!

"It was blocked. Cheng Feng's horrific blow was easily blocked by Emperor Huangtian."

"The Emperor Huangtian is worthy of the Emperor Tiantian, we all think more."

"With his strength, we don't need to worry about it blindly!"

At this moment, everyone ’s confidence in Emperor Huangtian skyrocketed.

As for Cheng Feng, his face sank slightly.

I didn't expect my full blow, not only failed to defeat the Emperor Huangtian, he couldn't even fight back half a step.

Let him deeply understand that the first person in the earth dome is powerful!

"Immortal Emperor, it really deserves its name."

Cheng Feng praised him, but he was not discouraged. Shen said, "But Cheng Feng's strength is more than that."

At this point, Cheng Feng's five-star divine thought burst out and filled the sky deep.

After a few seconds, hum ~~~

Above the sky, the two hundred and eighty-one big star was lit.

Then came the two hundred and eighty-two, two hundred and eighty-three ... two hundred and ninety-nine!

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly suppressed, and the smile on Huang Tiandi's face was slightly weakened.

"Interesting, it can actually light up so many stars."

Emperor Huangtian's eyes flashed: "However, you are still not the opponent of this emperor!"

With that said, Emperor Huangtian did not undermine Cheng Feng's breakthrough.

Instead, wait until Cheng Feng's strength has risen to the limit before defeating him.

Let Cheng Feng take it orally!


Above the sky, the 300th big star lights up.

Then came 301, 302, 303 ...

It seems that Cheng Feng's potential is endless, and he can continue to light the stars until thousands!

The reason for this is because of the ascension of Cheng Feng's devotion.

Note that to illuminate the light of the stars, Cheng Feng needs to communicate the stars with his soul.

Previously, Cheng Feng's spirit was not strong enough, he could only communicate with the stars at close range, and the number was naturally limited.

But now it's different. Cheng Feng's spirit has become a god, and it has also reached five stars, which can be said to span several realms.

The moment erupted, the light that lit the stars was as easy as drinking water.

In the blink of an eye, the number of large stars on the sky reached an unprecedented 350.

Let the smile on Emperor Huangtian's face disappear directly and become a little more serious.

And at this moment, Cheng Feng thought of it.

Bring the three hundred and fifty great stars in the sky together into a starlight, and merge them into the sword.

Make the Devil Sword radiate the dazzling light to the extreme, revealing the sharpness of the void.

Wait until the knife burst out, stabbing ~~~

Suddenly the sky was cut open, and Wu Pingguang went straight to the Emperor of the Desert.

Let the wasteland emperor condensate three magical long knives in succession, and then merge the three knives into one, and then greet the light of the incomparable sword.

However, I couldn't stop it!

The enhanced version of the magical sword had no sword in it. After only holding it for half a second, it collapsed and disappeared into the void.

On the other hand, there is no sword light, but it continues to slash at Emperor Huangtian, and immediately approaches.

As a last resort, Emperor Huangtian took a knife from the exclusive storage space.

This knife is wide and thick, giving it a heavy and powerful taste.

When Emperor Huangtian grabbed this knife in his hand, the whole person seemed to become fierce.

Holding a long silver and white knife, the horizontal knife immediately flew, one sword cut to the bladeless light!

However, with the silver-white long sword and the pairless knife, the light blasted together.

The sharp edge of the silver-white sword was stubbornly suppressed.

The horrible energy that had been waiting for them swelled and shocked the Emperor Huang Tian backwards by dozens of steps.

Step out of the void into clearly visible footprints!

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