Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1866: Sky Burial Is Not Dead

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Chapter 186 Heavenly Burial Is Not Dead

"Fighting in the sky?"

Cheng Feng frowned.

Regarding this large array, he had some impressions in his mind, and he seemed to have seen them somewhere.

The big formation was also a broken one, but he felt far less arrogant than at the moment.

"Cheng Feng, Fengtiansuotian array, is a king-pin formation method, best at trapping people."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "A long time ago, a master of matrix formations used this technique to trap a strongest man who reached the ninth position."

"At this time, although the power of this formation is only one-tenth of the original formation, it is not trivial."

"Maybe I can really trap you for two or three months!"

"Even the ninth-strongest man in the sky can be trapped?"

Cheng Feng frowned, and moved a little.

However, he was not scared.

In frowning, the Devil Sword in his hand held high.

Buzzing ~~~

Two hundred and three hundred and eighty starlights were drawn down and merged with one's divine power.

The knife blasted off in a blast against Feng Tiansuo!


After combining three hundred and eighty stars, Cheng Feng's sword strength reached a scary level.

With a single fall, the peerless powerhouse will be severely wounded, and it will be disabled if it does not die!

However, when the sword was cut in the sky.

However, even that great network of magical powers could not be cut open. As for the transparent wall, it was not touched.

This made Cheng Feng's eyebrows tighten suddenly, and his look was extremely ugly.

"Cheng Feng, give up."

Seeing this, Emperor Huangtian said indifferently: "Even if it is a practitioner of formation law, it takes half a day to break this formation."

"You want to break it with brute force, nothing is possible!"

"Huh, right?"

Cheng Feng exhaled and said indifferently, "I'm a little disbelieving!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng's divine thoughts spread and spread towards the sky.

The number of shining big stars in the sky suddenly began to increase.

From the previous 380, it quickly reached 384.

The Emperor Tiandi's confident expression suddenly froze!

"Cheng Feng, do you have to struggle?"

Emperor Huangtian said coldly, "Since so, then I will break your last hope!"

As a result, Emperor Huangtian suddenly concluded a big seal.

This side of the Great Seal can be huge, and there is a mighty emperor.

When it descended from the sky, it fell directly above the sky-locked array, like a sky curtain, and immediately isolated the thoughts emanating from Cheng Feng.

Let Cheng Feng no longer be able to sense the stars in the sky, the process of lighting up the light of the stars was forced to end!

"Blocking my godly thoughts from the nine-day stars?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's expression was gloomy, but his will was indestructible: "Wang Tiandi, do you think you can trap me?


Emperor Huangtian frowned: "Apart from that, do you still have the means to break Kaifeng's locks?"

"Is it ... promoting cultivation?"

Promoting repairs is indeed a major way for Cheng Feng to quickly get out of trouble.

Because Cheng Feng has already passed the sixth severe disaster, he only needs to absorb the water of life and spend a little time.

Then they can upgrade their cultivation from the fifth ascent to the sixth ascent.

By then, Cheng Feng's overall strength will increase by at least 40% to 50%.

With the full firepower, it is really possible to break this mutilated blockade in a short time!

However, Cheng Feng shook his head.

"Without promotion, I will be able to break through this lockup."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "And, it will be faster!"

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng took a rush of thought and took out a purple gold banner from the soul ring.

This big purple flag, the flagpole is deep and simple, and the flag is tattered!

However, when Emperor Huangtian saw it, his face changed slightly.

"Is this ... Sky Burial Banner?"

Emperor Huangtian said in a low voice: "This flag was forged more than 100,000 years ago by the Emperor Tianburial. There are a total of four shots."

"Gathering the four-pole banner, you can derive a forged clone of the Emperor of Heaven's Burial!"

"I didn't expect such a baby to show up in your hands."

"Did you say that there is a shadow of heaven burial behind you?"

Seeing the banner of Zijin had a great impact on the Emperor Huangtian.

At the same time, it also made Cheng Feng's heart a little uneasy.

In his opinion, it was luck, and there was no problem.

But after Emperor Huangtian said so, he immediately noticed a strong conspiracy.

Make him tight all over, his hairs standing up.

"Emperor Emperor, why don't you make a mystery?"

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Feng suppressed the cluttered thoughts in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "I got this flag from the tomb of the Emperor of Heavenly Burial. There is no problem at all."

"What's more, the Heavenly Burial Emperor has died for nearly 100,000 years. How can it be related to me?"

"Hehe ~~~"

Emperor Huangtian sneered: "The Emperor of Heaven's Burial is a generation of lords, and is the most outstanding figure in the heavens and the world."

"It is also the super-presence that has the most hope to impact to the highest level for nearly a million years."

"Do you think such characters will fall off because of time?"

It is rumored that the Emperor Tianfu was depleted of Shou Yuan and died at the end of his life.

But as Emperor Huangtian said, such a character can at least live for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is impossible to die so quickly.

Moreover, the **** of war with his contemporaries was suppressed by him for so many years and did not die.

His supreme emperor, but he died first, is obviously unreasonable!

This made Cheng Feng feel a little hairy, and felt that the Heavenly Burial Emperor might not have died.

Can't help but ask: "Uncle Nalan, do you think the Emperor of Heaven Burial died?"

"Is the Heavenly Burial Emperor?"

Nalan's long-lived voice was somewhat dignified: "This man is a peerless lord and cannot die at will."

"He announced that he was dead 100,000 years ago, and made a large tomb."

"It should only be in the layout. As for its deity, I am afraid that he has traveled all over the world."

"The small earth-dome continent is too small and too small for him. The heavens and the world are the stage on which he shines!"

"Heavenly Burial Emperor, is he really not dead?"

Hearing that Cheng Feng had a layer of goosebumps on his body and whispered: "So it is not accidental that I got the Zijin banner?"

"Among them, are there the hands and feet of the Emperor of Heaven?"

"It's hard to say."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This man cannot be judged by common sense and has a long-term vision."

"Maybe I saw something a long time ago, and maybe I made some layouts in advance."

"And you, it may be an important **** in the burial layout!"

"Chess pieces? Chess pieces again!"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "It seems that so many powerful creatures like to make me a chess piece."

"Is it Cheng Feng, does it look like a chess piece?"

Cheng Feng held up with both hands, and an uproar in his chest rose.

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