Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1868: Destroy a large array

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Chapter 186 Destroy the Big Array

Bang ~~~

Cheng Feng acted straightforwardly, and his voice had just fallen.

The fire was fully opened, and a crazy attack was launched towards the large area of ​​the weak area detected by the Zijin banner.

Shake the sky and sky in a violent burst, the shape is unstable.

Moreover, Emperor Huangtian was entangled in the God of War.

Without the Great Seal to isolate the sky, Cheng Feng's thoughts can rush into the sky at will.

While bombarding the Fengtiansuodi array, while communicating the nine-day stars, the power of the fifth style of the Emperor Cangshu continued to increase.

As a result, the pace of destroying the sky-locked array is greatly accelerated!

After about ten minutes, 嘭 ~~~

A line of formation was chopped by Cheng Feng.

Directly letting the trap of Cheng Feng's divine power open a narrow gap.

Cheng Feng drilled down the gap and launched a bombardment of Fengtiansuoquan in a close range.

In particular, the position of the array eyes was continuously bombarded by Cheng Feng for thousands of knives.

Bang ~~~

The eyes finally shattered.

Subsequently, it seemed like a chain effect, allowing a large array of arrays to burst along.

As a result, the entire array collapsed completely, exposing the broken sky.

call out! Cheng Feng rose into the sky.

Rushing out of Fengtiansuo array along the breach, stood under the sky.

"Huh, finally rushed out of the lockup."

Breathing fresh air, Cheng Feng felt a little excited.

After all, it ’s a huge battlefield, but it is a very difficult formation that can seal the ninth invincible power.

Cheng Feng's ability to break it open and emerge from the trap is a miracle.

Of course, the reason why Cheng Feng can succeed is due to the Zijin banner.

There are also God of War.

If there is no God of War dragging Emperor Huangtian, even if there is a Zijin banner, it will be difficult for Cheng Feng to break the battle.

"God of War and Emperor Huangtian, I don't know what happened."

After calming down the excitement in his heart, Cheng Feng moved to transform the eyes of the gods, overlooking the battle deep in the sky.

I saw two lightnings colliding constantly in the depths of the sky.

The force of the collision was very fierce, and each collision let the clouds on the sky dissipate a large area.

The void opened a gap, narrow and terrifying.

Even with so many breaches in the sky, the sky was full of scars.

It is the stunned picture produced by the battle of God and the Emperor Huangtian.

"The Emperor of the Heavens and the God of War have all reached the peak of the earth dome."

Cheng Feng looked at the two fiercely colliding humanoid lightnings and whispered, "But after all, the God of War has just broken off from the seal, and it is only a broken head, and the combat power is less than one ten thousandth of the height.

"Here against Emperor Huangtian at this moment, and there is little hope of winning!"

Cheng Feng's words are true, God of War is in a disadvantaged state.

Although the Emperor Huangtian is not the body, but an avatar, he has surpassed him in strength.

Under the fighting between the two, the God of War quickly fell into the downwind and was hit by several silver knives in the hands of the Emperor Tiantian.

Cut the body of the **** of war with vitality and cut open a knife mark.

Especially when Emperor Huangtian discovered that Cheng Feng was out of trouble, he used the killer to seal the Emperor Tiandi, making the situation of the God of War even more difficult.

"God of War, I'll help you!"

Behind the scenes, Cheng Feng frowned.

When you raise the Devil Sword, you have to rise to the sky and kill the Emperor of the Wasteland.

But God of War shouted, "Cheng Feng, you go first!"

"A lonely Emperor's clone, why can't he be a god!"

"God of War, now is not the time to do it."

Cheng Feng frowned: "If you are repressed, my previous hard work will be wasted!"

"You kid, underestimate God?"

Seeing Cheng Feng didn't leave, he was still flying to the battlefield. God of War could not help raising the tone: "Hurry me off, without you dragging your feet, God can get out of sleep in minutes!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng was still hesitant.

If it is for his own sake that the God of War be suppressed by the Emperor Huangtian again, he will surely leave a puppet in his heart.

"Cheng Feng, God of War should have a way out of difficulties."

At this moment, Nalan's voice sounded: "Perhaps you leave, it may not be a good thing."

"You can let the God of War have no worries and be free from the Emperor of Heaven."

"This ... okay!"

Cheng Feng groaned: "I have been in a fierce battle since the beginning of the robbery and now, my divine power has been severely depleted, my mental state is sluggish, and my combat power has declined severely.

"Rush to help at this time, it is estimated that the effect will not be great."

"It's better to leave first and wait for the state to be adjusted and stabilized until reaching the sixth weight of the sky before returning."

"By then, Emperor Huangtian will definitely bow his head!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran had a decision.

I saw him take a deep look at God of War and shouted, "God of War, I will be back soon!"

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng exhibited the shadow puppet method and disappeared suddenly.

"God of War, all good things you do!"

When Emperor Cheng Feng fled, the Emperor Huangtian burst into anger.

The Emperor's Seal evoked to the extreme, as if the heavens were sinking, and suppressed to the God of War.

At the same time, the silver and white sword in his hand was angry, and he shot a 10,000-meter cold sword with a sword, bursting the head of the God of War.

"Heaven Emperor, God's mercy is over, I won't accompany you!"

Facing the wild onslaught of Emperor Huangtian, the God of War used a means to get rid of the shell.

When he saw his body flicker, his head was detached from his body.

Immediately, the headless body greeted the attack from Emperor Huangtian. As for the skull, it turned into a lightning bolt.

Huh! Digging into a broken void channel, he rushed to a fierce land with his limbs sealed.

"God of War, you don't want to go!"

Seeing this, Emperor Huangtian opened his fire and blasted the headless body.

Immediately screamed, tore the void, and chased the God of War.


At the same time, Shanxi, a million-dollars, stretched to more than 100,000 miles.

A wave of void appeared, and then a man wearing gold armor emerged from the void.

It is truly Cheng Feng.

"Finally escaped from the siege of the great emperors."

Cheng Feng casts a shadow kill and the whole person hides in the air.

As he looked around, he murmured: "Next, I need to find a hidden place and adjust my condition as soon as possible."

"And fix it to be the sixth most important thing to ascend to heaven."

"By then, even if you are overtaken by Emperor Huangtian, you can be fearless!"

Cheng Feng has survived the Sixth Heavenly Tribulation, but due to the insufficient strength of the absorbed Spring Thunder, he was unable to advance Xiuwei to the sixth.

Therefore, he is still a fifth heavy martial artist.

This kind of repair is against the ordinary seventh ascendant ascended to the sky, and can be easily defeated.

However, it is too stretched for the existence of such superb Emperor Tianhuang.

Only when the repair is stabilized to the sixth point of ascent to the sky can the gap in strength be filled.

Facing the Emperor Huangtian and standing invincible.

By that time, Cheng Feng will be the entire earth dome continent, the true first master!

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