Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1871: Cheng Feng's Inverse Scale

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Chapter 187: The Inverse Scale of Cheng Feng

"No, that seems to be Cheng Feng?"

"Damn, Cheng Feng has actually returned, and his strength has changed qualitatively, chasing the Emperor of Heaven."

"If we fall into the hands of this child, there will be no death!"

Suddenly, the two peerless powerhouses became cold.

As if dropped into an ice cave, the heart frosted.

After waking up to God, without any delay, to show his strongest means, he wanted to break free from the grasp of divine power.

However, the divine power is too horrible, and the gripping force has reached a state of abnormality!

The two peerless powerhouses tried their best to suckle, but they couldn't break free.

Let the hearts of both of them cool down, the feeling of death is approaching like never before.

Later, without waiting for the two of them to come up with other ways to escape, the whole man was caught by the divine hand and approached the young man in black.

"Cheng ... Cheng Feng!"

"What do you want to do?"

Facing Cheng Feng up close, the two peerless powerhouses were frightened.

As if facing a **** of death, his voice was trembling, completely without the style of a peerless powerhouse.

After all, everyone is afraid of death, the peerless powerhouse is even more afraid!

They struggled all their lives, and finally managed to climb to today's level, but don't want to die easily!

"What do I want to do? What do you think?"

Cheng Feng mentioned the two peerless strong men, sneering: "You chased me a million miles before, now you are in my hands, what do you think of me?"

"Cheng Feng, we didn't want to be against you."

Hearing the cold voice of Cheng Feng, the two peerless strong men trembled: "The emperor's life is hard to break, and we have no choice!"

"Again, I haven't done any harm to you, please let me wait once!"

"Did not hurt me?"

Cheng Feng felt a little anger in his heart: "According to you, isn't it guilty to kill people without killing them?"

"Then I'll hit you half dead and throw it into the monster pile?"

"Don't stop!"

The two peerless strong men shook their heads again and again, begging for mercy: "Mr. Cheng Feng, please also look at us as human beings. Don't do this."

"If you can let me go, we will definitely change the past, and we will never be disrespectful to you again!"

"It doesn't mean that I want to let you go."

Cheng Feng groaned a little, and said coldly, "The culprit is the emperor of the nine gods."

"So, after I left, tell me exactly what happened in the Million Mountains."

"And point out where the nine emperors are currently, I might still be able to kill you!"

After Xiu's sixth ascent to the sky, Cheng Feng's combat power was sky-high.

After the two peerless powerhouses were caught by divine power, such as the caught chickens, they couldn't break the slightest.

Knowing that he wants to live, only Cheng Feng can open himself.

At this moment, it seems like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So he did not dare to neglect, telling Feng Feng everything he knew.

Let Cheng Feng know what happened in the millions of mountains in an instant.

"It turned out that after I left, God of War used Jin Chan's shelling method to get rid of the imperial pursuit of the Emperor."

Cheng Feng groaned: "However, Emperor Huang apparently remembers hating the God of War, and then chased it up. The danger of the God of War has not been lifted."

"As for the Holy Elephant Emperor and others, they stopped shortly after I left."

"The six emperors returned to their respective dynasties, while Nianlong Aoqing and Emperor Butterfly returned to Wanzang Valley and Zunwang Mountain."

"A dispute over me has subsided!"

In fact, this battle was mainly to kill and defend Cheng Feng.

Now that Cheng Feng has got rid of the predicament, the supreme existence of the emperor gods and the millions of mountains deep, naturally there is no reason to continue to kill.

Of course, they went back to each house to carry out new plans.

Only the evil Emperor Tianqi hated Cheng Feng to the extreme, mobilizing all his energies, looking for Cheng Feng all over the world.

Can't wait for Cheng Feng to be utterly frustrated.

He even had a wry mind and wanted to break into Yuhua's dynasty and arrested Cheng Feng's family as a threat.

Fortunately, the feathered emperor trapped by the iconic emperor rushed back in time to block the crazy apocalyptic evil emperor.

Otherwise, the consequences are disastrous!

"Apocalypse, you are looking for death!"

After knowing this, Cheng Feng's face was gloomy and cold, "I originally planned to turn over the previous page."

"It now seems necessary to go to Apocalypse in person."

"Teach Apocalypse Evil Emperor, and learn the lesson from the bone marrow!"

The family is the inverse scale of Cheng Feng.

In order to force Cheng Feng to appear, Tian Qi Xie Emperor actually intended to capture Cheng Feng's family as a threat. It was the most inaccessible place in Cheng Feng's heart.

When even furious, there was a decision in my heart, to lift the sword to kill the Apocalypse.

Let the Apocalypse Evil Emperor pay a heavy price!

"Mr. Cheng Feng, according to the latest news from our alliance, the Emperor Tian Qi is currently in the misty dynasty, and he is slaying the head of the God of War with the Emperor Huang."

At this time, a peerless powerhouse said: "Stop the head of God of War and unseal his suppressed leg bones!"

"Apocalypse is in the misty dynasty?"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows froze, and the murderous light flickered in his eyes: "This is just the right way to help the God of War get out of the predicament, and it will also give Qi Qi Emperor an unforgettable lesson that day!"

"So, go to the ethereal **** next!"

Soon, Cheng Feng had a decision.

That is to go to the fierce land of the misty **** dynasty to bury Shenhai and assist the **** of war to unseal his right leg.

At the same time, the Emperor Apocalypse taught him a hard meal.

Let him never dare to think of his family again!

"Mr. Cheng Feng, you are going to the misty dynasty, you can just take us."

The two peerless powerhouses saw stitches and said, "We are very familiar with the ethereal dynasty and can show you the way!"

"Sorry, I already have a guide."

However, Cheng Feng refused directly.

Because in the misty **** dynasty, Cheng Feng really has an old acquaintance, that is, he went to Gu Qingcheng, the martial art shrine in the misty **** dynasty.

Gu Qingcheng awakened the eyes of the fate of Jiupin Wuhun, and could see the fate of people.

After Cheng Feng went, he could just let him explore his fate again.

You can be prepared for a crisis.

Therefore, Cheng Feng swept over the two peerless strong men, and said lightly, "I think it would be better for you to stay here."

The words came to an end, and Cheng Feng's magical powers flicked.

咻咻 ~~~

Like the two scarecrows, the two peerless powerhouses were thrown to the ground by Cheng Feng.

Smashing a mountain, two deep pits appeared.

Although the two peerless strong men were very strong, they were not able to climb out of the pit for a long time.

And around the week, after seeing the giant monsters who besieged the two peerless powerhouses before, they knew that Cheng Feng was not here to help the peerless powerhouses.

So he re-encircled and attacked the two peerless powerhouses again!

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