Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1879: The birth of the dragon

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Chapter 1789 The Evil Dragon Is Born

"The old husband is King Hao Ran, the suzerain of Zongzong!"

The old man in the robe didn't sell off, and introduced himself directly: "In order to curb the evil dragon, the old man has been guarded here for nearly a thousand years."

"Unexpectedly, within a thousand years, a peerless wizard like you was born outside. It's really incredible!"

The identity of the old man in the robe was not ordinary.

Xi Zong is rumored to be a super power from the Wuhun Great World, and his ruler must have won the power of creation.

Its refining avatar entered the earth dome continent, it should be for the fruits of heaven and earth.

However, this person has the world in mind, in order to suppress the evil dragon as a curse, he actually put down the ‘normal business’ and did not stay here.

It is a respectable senior man!

"It turned out to be Senior Wang."

After listening to Wang Haoran's words, Cheng Feng paid homage to him: "The predecessors had the world in their hearts and guarded the place for thousands of years, leaving the younger generations ashamed."

"Young man, don't be arrogant."

Wang Haoran smiled and said, "I have heard about your past."

"For your own country and the people, you have given up your life with the blood gods. This kind of perseverance, I am afraid that few of the younger generation can do it."

"The juniors are far worse than their predecessors and require more effort."

Cheng Feng didn't have any pride, and said solemnly: "The first step is to help the predecessors to solve this evil dragon that has been a disaster for more than 100,000 years!"

"Help me kill the eight-armed dragon?"

Wang Haoran glanced over, glanced at Cheng Feng and God of War, and nodded: "Well, you have this ability!"

The picture of Cheng Feng beheading the evil Emperor Tian Qi was clearly seen by Wang Haoran.

At this moment, I felt a little bit of Cheng Feng's strength, and immediately knew that with the help of Cheng Feng, the eight-armed dragon must die.

Because of the eight-armed dragon level, although it has reached more than half a day.

But with the years of grinding, now it is just a seven-level limit giant monster.

Even if the combat power is strong, at most it is one level with the Emperor of the Dynasty.

Cheng Feng, however, was able to slay the existence of the God Emperor!

Coupled with the war **** comparable to the Emperor of Heaven, and Wang Haoran himself.

Kill eight-armed dragons and get ten!

Roar! !!

It seems that they heard Cheng Feng's conversation.

Not long after their words fell, under the volcano Wang Haoran sat cross-legged, a dragon roar suddenly came.

The roar was cruel and violent, and fierce.

Even if Wang Haoran was sitting in the town, fiery magma still spewed out of the crater.

Let the funeral Shenhai set off a heavy wave, destroying the beautiful scenery everywhere in an instant!

"This **** dragon!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face sank.

Looking to Wang Haoran: "Senior Wang, it seems that the eight-armed dragon has sensed our killing intention and wants to make waves."

"Let ’s not cause more trouble, let's do it directly."

"Kill this puppet and bury a peace in Shenhai!"

"Well, that's fine!"

Wang Haoran nodded: "It's also time to clean up the evil of the eight-armed dragon."

The words stopped, and Wang Haoran stood up.

Followed by, wow ~~~

It was as if an invisible mountain suppressed on the crater had been removed.

The huge crater suddenly glowed fiercely.

The next moment, like a galaxy flooding, massive magma spewed out from the crater.

The blazing heat wave and the impact swelled, instantly destroying the numerous mountains and islands around the island.

If you look down from the funeral sea, you can see the huge funeral sea center suddenly produces a huge beam of light.

It wasn't until the beam of light broke through the sea and rushed into the clouds that it was found to be fiery magma.

The magma was terrifying, and some of the warriors hovering in the air could not avoid it and were rubbed by the magma.

Without holding it for half a second, the whole person was burned into gas.

Even the masters of heaven, there is no exception.

Showed magma, almost perverted power!

However, the three Cheng Feng who stood next to the volcano at the bottom of the burial gods sea did not have any influence.

I saw the three standing upright, and at the moment when the magma spewed, they each evoked a divine shield to cover them.

Immediately like a giant sky giant Yue, despite the raging waves, but failed to shake the slightest!

"Two, the eight-armed dragon is dormant in the belly of this volcano."

Looking at the volcano venting wildly, Wang Haoran said, "Before, my husband used a large array of mountains and rivers to suppress it, so it was relatively peaceful.

"At this moment, the old man got up, and the miles of mountains and rivers were gone, and his power diminished."

"The dragon is agitated and wants to burst out of the volcano!"

"Oh? Let it come out!"

Cheng Feng took a step forward and held the Devil Sword in his hand: "I happened to kill it on the spot!"

"Small human, how dare you speak out?"

As soon as Cheng Feng's voice fell, a thunderous voice roared in his ear: "After Ben Long comes out, he will eat you little thing!"

With the sound, booming ~~~

The huge volcano was suddenly shattered by a powerful force.

The next moment, a black behemoth rushed out of the broken volcano.

The huge waves of the sea of ​​funeral gods even caused a vision of the heavens and the earth, the dark clouds rolling in the deep sky, and a super hurricane occurred.

A large amount of seawater was rolled up, and then poured down in the form of a heavy rain.

The entire funeral sea was trapped in the sky, and the scene was terrible.

Many warriors originally wanted to see Cheng Feng's next move, and now they fled in horror.

Even the warriors who had ascended the heaven did not dare to stay, and all evacuated the burial Shenhai.

At the same time, buried under the sea.

Wow ~~~

The behemoth had completely burst out of the volcano.

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune to see, and saw the behemoth, with a wall-sized scale armor around him.

It's dark and heavy, it's inaccessible!

Especially under the belly of that behemoth, there are actually eight giant claws.

The sharp light flickered, and gently swept over the peak of the seabed, and the peak was just like water, and instantly broke into powder!

"Eight-armed dragon!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's expression was frozen, and his body transpired: "This beast is finally born!"

While talking, Cheng Feng lifted the demon sword in his hands, humming ~~~

Divine power urges, so that the blade of light on the blade shines like a starlight!

Then without a word, the Devil Sword slashed down.

Stabbing ~~~

The horrible sword light followed the demon sword and slashed at that behemoth!

"Small human, look for death!"

After the eight-armed dragon was out of sleep, two huge dragons swept around.

When he saw Cheng Feng's sword kill, he was furious.

Extending a huge giant claw, he grabbed his head toward Cheng Feng and grabbed it!

Want to grab Cheng Feng into a meat pie and swallow it alive!

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