Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1900: Earth prison

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Chapter 1900: The Earth Prison

This time, Cheng Feng borrowed 460 stars.

Ten more than the last time, the power of the sword is better than before.

With one stroke, even if the apocalyptic evil emperor had sufficient defense, he was still chopped out.

The hair is emaciated and embarrassed!

Moreover, Cheng Feng's offensive is fierce.

One shot fell, and the next one immediately followed, giving no chance for the Emperor Tianqi to breathe.

Huh! The third time the Apocalypse was cut off.

The blood splattered on his body, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Damn little beast, you look for death!"

Chopped and fly three times, the Apocalypse of the Apocalypse became furious.

I saw his two claw-like legs slamming into the ground.

Om ~~~

A heavy and powerful force was introduced into his body from the ground.

Let him quickly become majestic and magnificent like thousands of mountains!

Cheng Feng's fourth sword was cut, and he was blocked by him.

However, he is also at the end of his crossbow.

In order to block Cheng Feng's knife, one of the six arms was cut off directly.

Fortunately, he has the means to regenerate his broken arm.

After the arm was cut off, there was a large amount of flesh-derived on the fracture, and a new one grew.

In this case, gave him a chance to fight back.

Six arms slammed and buzzed ~~~

He was uprooted by the mountains near him.

The next moment, Qi Qi blasted to Cheng Feng!

"This method also wants to deal with me?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng gave a cold cry.

Because the soldiers at this level of Cheng Feng, the bombardment of ordinary mountains, did nothing.

Even if hit by the front, it's as if it's scratching the boot, meaningless.

For example, at the moment, the Emperor Tianqi captured hundreds of mountain peaks and smashed them towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng just chopped a knife at will.

嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

The mountain peaks were blasted one by one by Dao Guang.

Even Cheng Feng's body was not close!

"The power of the land demon, the earth prison!"

However, at this moment, the voice of the Emperor Tianqi suddenly sounded.

Immediately, the large piece of land under Cheng Feng's feet actually flew off under the tear of an invisible force.

With Cheng Feng as the center, a huge fence was quickly formed, enclosing Cheng Feng inside.

"No, I'm afraid this is the real killing of the Apocalypse."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face changed: "The attacks he just made are laying the groundwork for this move."

"Although it is an earthen wall, it gives an indestructible taste!"

Apocalypse is very treacherous.

He just grabbed hundreds of mountain peaks and bombed Cheng Feng, just a deceitful trick.

The real killing trick is this trick ‘Earth Prison’.

Want to trap Cheng Feng, and then squeeze and torture to death!

"Break me!"

Cheng Feng felt the threat of the earth prison and cut it out on the spot.

This knife was amazingly powerful, but it was not able to be cut open on the earthen wall.

Exhibited the earth prison, incredible defense!

"what's the situation?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "How can this earth wall be so strong? It's totally unreasonable!"

"Cheng Feng, this is not an ordinary earth wall."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "This earth wall should be the magic wall that the Apocalypse Emperor poured out with the power of earth magic."

"Borrowing the power of the massive dome continent, it is as strong as his body!"

The land demon can borrow the power of the earth.

The Emperor Tianqi just took the opportunity to insert his legs into the ground, as if connected to the earth.

Borrowing the power of the massive dome continent, he made his strongest move!

"Little beasts, this type of earth prison, it is difficult for even the eighth-highest master to be trapped, to escape."

Emperor Tianqi laughed proudly: "Today you are trapped in it, you are destined to be trapped alive!"

The words stopped, and the six arms of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor grabbed them.


The earthen wall surrounding Cheng Feng began to shrink significantly.

Want to crush Cheng Feng!

"Huh, even the eighth strongest man in the sky cannot escape?"

Cheng Feng's face sank, but he didn't despair, he said coldly, "But Cheng Feng, it's not the eighth most important thing!"

Cheng Feng's remarks are somewhat contradictory, and even the eighth-strength unmatched existence of Dengtian cannot escape.

Others are sixth in the sky, can it not be stronger?

However, Cheng Feng feels like this.

Ascending to the sixth stage, we have to do things we can't do on the eighth stage.

And he is already doing it!

I saw him lift the sword, and the majestic power in his body spurted out.

Wait to merge with the power of the stars in the sky, hum ~~~

A violent blade of sword light was severely cut to the earth prison.

Cheng Feng borrowed the power of 480 stars.

The power reached the highest point in his history, and even the existence of the Emperor Huangtian had to change color.

However, when the sword was cut into the earth prison, he was not able to cut it open.

Only a score of tens of miles and a depth of 100 meters was cut out.

But the thickness of the earth prison is as large as 300 meters.

This means that Cheng Feng wants to cut it open, and the power of the sword must be tripled at least again!

"Can't cut it off?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Then come again until it is cut open!"

Zenith failed to cut the earth prison, Cheng Feng was not discouraged.

Lift the sword, and cut it out again!

This time, Cheng Feng's divine thought rushed to the sky first.

In a short period of time, nearly ten nine-day stars were lit.

The power of the stars borrowed by Cheng Feng reached 490.

At the same time, he also invoked three powers of divine power, divine mind, and divine body to make the power of slashing reach another peak.

Slammed, Bang ~~~

The earth prison was shaking violently, and the cuts made by it were 150 meters deep.

Only halfway away from the ground prison.

At this moment, the face of the evil Emperor Tianqi jumped wildly, and he couldn't help nervously.

"Mad, is this little beast going against the sky?"

Emperor Tianqi whispered in a low voice: "The power of the sword is actually rising again and again, as if the potential is endless!"

The Emperor Tianqi just thought that after he had trapped Cheng Feng in the earth prison, he would have the victory.

Next, just think of torture Cheng Feng.

Never thought that Cheng Feng was a freak, who wanted to escape from the mortal situation!

"No, I must act quickly."

Emperor Tianqi's eyes narrowed and he thought, "If this little animal is given time, I'm afraid there will be some moths!"

However, the thoughts of the Apocalypse Emperor have just fallen.

Bang ~~~

Cheng Feng cut it out again.

This knife combines the power of a full 500 stars.

Even the ground prison was cut through two hundred meters, and even large cracks appeared on the surface of the prison.

Even the contraction and crushing of the prison was forced to pause.

And this is not the end.

After Cheng Feng had this knife, the next knife has been brewed.

Immediately, hum ~~~

Follow the previous slashing trajectory of the knife and blast it down!

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