Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 191: Startled chin

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Chapter 191 Shocked

Shortly afterwards, Cheng Feng took Xiaohei to the place where Tiemu Thirteen discarded Zijin's big bow.

Huh! Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, with sharp eyes and a clear look at Qiuhao, soon found the abandoned purple gold bow.

"This ... is really the purple of Uncle Thirteen?"

Xiao Hei landed. When Tiemu Fenghuang saw the big purple bow hanging from the treetop, his face changed, shocked and sorrowful: "Mr. Fei ... Mr. Thirteen was killed?"

Compared with the grief of Tiemu Fenghuang, Cheng Feng couldn't hold back the joy.

He jumped off the eagle's back, took the one-person tall purple gold bow in his hand, and instantly fell in love.

It should be noted that Cheng Feng has loved bows since he was a child. The feeling of having a bow in his hand and shooting everything is really wonderful.

Moreover, since Cheng Feng has incorporated the eyes of God, his vision has been reborn, far beyond ordinary people. If he uses bows and arrows, he will do more with less.

The most coincident is that in Cheng Feng's super martial spirit, there is a bow martial spirit.

Once Gongwu soul awakens, and then cooperate with Zijin's big bow, the power is bound to be good. Maybe it can become another attacking weapon for Cheng Feng!

"Good stuff, really good stuff. The grade is definitely at the top of God's rank."

Cheng Feng stroked Zi, and he felt a sense of infatuation. At the same time, Cheng Feng even found a three-foot-long arrow with a thick thumb and blue body.

"This seems to be Tiemu Thirteen's Frost Soul Chasing Arrow." Cheng Feng picked up his arrow and his eyes were all bright.

You must know that the reason why Tiemu XIII's archery is sharp and silent is killing. In addition to its own strength, it has a lot to do with this ice-chasing arrow.

This soul-chasing arrow is forged from deep-sea stern iron, and each one is exquisitely crafted and takes time and effort.

Although Tiemu Shizhuang is a half-step broken master, there are only a few dozen in his pocket, and they are usually placed in the soul ring and stored carefully.

The one picked by Cheng Feng was probably intended by Tiemu Shisan for the final attack. However, due to the sudden change, Tiemu Shih was over-stunned and frightened, so he was thrown here with Zi.

"The last time Tiemu XIII exploded, six arrows fired together, so at least six Ice Soul Chasing Arrows were discarded here."

Cheng Feng thought of this, and his heart moved: "So, there is more than one ice-chasing arrow here, keep looking."

After some searching, Cheng Feng found six more.

Together with the previous one, there are a total of seven ice-chasing arrows.

"Seven soul-chasing arrows ... there should be so many."

Cheng Feng stopped searching: "I have been here for a long time, presumably the masters of martial arts from all sides have already arrived, and it is time for me to leave."

Regarding Qianlong Academy ’s "sage" just now, there must be many martial artists who are curious and come to check the news.

If met by these people, Cheng Feng will inevitably be in trouble.

Therefore, Cheng Feng was very decisive, and took the purple and the seven ice-chasing arrows into the soul ring, then jumped back to the eagle back and flew towards Longcheng.

Wild Stone City is about 2,600 miles away from Longcheng.

In order to avoid trouble, Cheng Feng couldn't even treat the broken right arm. He just ate some elixir and he flew all the way.

In this way, it took the whole day more than a day, exhausted and injured Cheng Feng and Giant Eagle Xiaohei, and finally arrived at Longcheng.

"Huh, finally I can take a good rest."

Cheng Feng landed at the gate of Longcheng City, then walked into the city with two men and one eagle.

Cheng Feng's three are a bit strange in shape. Tiemu Phoenix has a slender figure and long legs, but he pulls his head, his face is sloppy, and his hair is messy. He follows behind Cheng Feng, like a girl ring.

Cheng Feng couldn't get better there. Many days of fighting furiously and surviving, so his clothes were broken, his fractured right arm was tied to his chest, and a disabled person was alive.

As for the giant eagle Xiao Hei, it is even worse.

This guy, the whole body of his back was hazy, and a piece of hair was gone. It looked terrible.

And because of eating a lot of potent elixir, coupled with physical overdraft, walking up and down, swinging to the ground almost at any time.

Therefore, as soon as Cheng Feng entered the city, they were surrounded by many people and gave pointers.

But Cheng Feng ignored it and went directly to the largest restaurant in Longcheng, Tianxuan Restaurant.

Seeing Cheng Feng's three walking towards Tian Xuan Restaurant, the onlookers suddenly started to play, one by one with their hands on their shoulders, waiting to see a good show.

Because of Cheng Feng's appearance, it is impossible to consume at Tianxuan Restaurant.

The consumption of Tianxuan Restaurant starts at least one thousand yuan.

"This friend ..." At the door of Tianxuan Restaurant, a waiter stood in front of Cheng Feng with an expressionless smile.

Obviously, this person also felt that Cheng Feng's three were unsightly and prepared to decline Cheng Feng's entry.

However, Cheng Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense, throwing out a purple card directly.

"This is a Tianxuan purple card with more than one million yuan of stone in it."

After throwing the Tianxuan Purple Card, Cheng Feng didn't stop. While entering Tianxuan Restaurant, he said, "Go and find me a doctor who is good at treating trauma and bone injuries. Both my friend and I have suffered some injuries and need treatment. a bit."

After all, Cheng Feng and the two eagles have already entered the restaurant.

And those who watched it lively fry the pan.

"Well, it's gone. The man is a big money."

"This man is dressed in black, with a high knife-like tower embroidered on his clothes, I am probably a student from Qianlong Academy's Knife Tower Peak."

"It turned out to be a turret student, no wonder it was hidden."

In the voice of the crowd, the waiter who caught Cheng Fengtian's Xuanzi Card was embarrassed, and then rushed into the restaurant eagerly to arrange a seat for Cheng Feng.

Tianxuan Restaurant is the industry of the famous Tianxuan Business League.

Tianxuan Restaurant is mainly for accommodation and catering. The first to third floors of the restaurant are full of seats every day.

But Cheng Feng entered the first floor of the restaurant, but was vacated by the waiter with an empty table.

"Who is this guy, he looks very upset."

"This person seems to be from Qianlong Academy. His name is Cheng Feng. He is a young talent who has recently emerged from the knife tower of the Academy. Not long ago, Su Feiyang was the first day of the 371st session of the knife tower of the Academy. Yielded and confessed. "

"It turned out to be him, but I heard that the other day I took a dangerous task from Qianlong College and went to Jizhou Dahu."

"Also, this son is very difficult to deal with the Tiemu family. After this son went to the Great Lakes of Jizhou, the Tiemu family seemed to have issued a reward order to chase and kill the son. Even the masters of the Tiemu family have some hands to do ... how is this son Alive back? "

Well-informed warriors whispered when they saw Cheng Feng.

They were all shocked that Cheng Feng actually came back alive, which was a little incredible.

"I can't believe that someone actually came back alive under the chase of the Tiemu family."

"You know, the Ironwood family, as the first family of our Qianlong County, is not vegetarian!"

"But looking at Cheng Feng's appearance, although he came back alive, he was uncomfortable. He tied his hand to his chest, and he must have cracked the bone."

"As for his mount ..."

Some people commented on Cheng Feng's reputation, but when they looked at the giant eagle Xiaohei, they immediately stuttered.

"This giant eagle seems to be peculiar to the Tiemu family. Why follow Cheng Feng?"

"Did this giant eagle grab Cheng Feng from a master of the Tiemu family?"

Someone guessed the answer, but was shocked.

It is hard to believe that Cheng Feng not only came back alive under the pursuit of the Tiemu family, but even snatched the other bird's mount.

However, these shocks were just appetizers.

As everyone set their sights on the ironwood phoenix sitting silently beside Cheng Feng, all of a sudden the audience was boiling!


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