Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1902: Goal, sword dynasty!

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Chapter 1902 Target, Sword Dynasty!

At this moment, they felt the signal of the fall of the Apocalypse.

But with a look of unbelief, even if the blood rains and screams in the sky, he is unwilling to believe it all.

Until the four looked at each other and saw the shock and panic in each other's eyes.

Bang ~~~

The last trace of luck in his heart collapsed, and he shuddered, accepting this almost horrible fact.

In fact, not only the four of them are unbelievable.

The suzerainty lord who was fighting with them, and Qiyun, the general of the ethereal god, were also incredible.

After a long time, Wang Haoran said with a complex expression: "Apocalypse of the Apocalypse ... fallen down!"

"Apocalypse ... fall down?"

The general Qi Yun said dryly: "It is said that the Emperor Apocalypse sent two clones into the earth dome continent, one of which died in the hands of Cheng Feng.

"If this avatar also falls, wouldn't he plan for tens of thousands of years ..."


Wang Haoran said: "The plan of the Emperor Apocalypse will become a mirror and flower moon from now on."

"And all of this is thanks to Cheng Feng!"

"Cheng Feng?"

Qi Yun was puzzled and asked: "Mr. Wang, was the second clone of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor also destroyed by Cheng Feng !?"

"Except for Cheng Feng, I can never think of a second person."

Wang Haoran replied, and said immediately: "Okay, let's not think about this first."

"Since the Apocalypse of the Apocalypse has already been out, let's help him and put the four people who are too virtual together and put them to death!"

After all, Wang Haoran didn't keep his hand in the slightest.

Exercising the method of powerful avatars, killing the four people who were too frightened and horrified.

Qi Yun's thoughts were closed, and it was also full of firepower.

Just when Wang Haoran was waiting to be killed together.

The entire dome continent has been fried.

"The breath of Apocalypse is gone!"

Tianhuang Shenchao, Emperor Palace, Emperor Huangtian's eyes opened sharply: "It seems that the little fellow Cheng Feng has stepped on the top of the earth dome."

"Began to swallow the mountains and rivers and step on the world!"

"Apocalypse has become a stepping stone under his feet!"

"Maybe, it's time to prepare."

"You must not let this happen. It broke my plan for tens of thousands of years!"


"Apocalypse of the Apocalypse ... fall?"

The iconostasis, the iconostasis shuddered: "The second clone of the Apocalypse is said to have been made by a land demon, and its combat power is directly after the Eighth Heavy Armor."

"How did he die? Is it ... Cheng Feng?"

Thinking of this, the eyes of the iconostasis shrank to the extreme.

Because if that's the case, his troubles would be great.

Not long ago, it was him and the evil Emperor Tianqi who chased and killed Cheng Feng into the sky, and there was no door to the ground.

Now Cheng Feng has killed the Apocalypse, the next goal may be him!

At this moment, it is not only the iconic emperor who is shocked.

The sword emperor of the sword dynasty, the ximo buddha of the ximo buddhist kingdom ... even the several **** kings of the feathered gods and the blood gods all throbbed for a while.

Feeling that a calamity is imminent, and a tens of thousands of years plan may be empty!

At the same time, however, the Emperor of God, Emperor of All Demon Gods, Empress of Ethereal ... and so on, all smiled.

Because they made the right bet, they have always stood by Cheng Feng.

Now Cheng Feng has risen strongly, and when he reaches the top, they can follow suit.

Especially the Emperor of the Emperor, at this moment Cheng Feng could not wait to return to the Emperor of the Emperor to discuss with him the plan of harvesting the fruits of the world.

However, Cheng Feng had no idea of ​​returning immediately.

At this moment, he was standing near the broken Apocalypse Dynasty.

Looking at the Apocalypse Evil Emperor who had blown up into fly ash, it took a long time for the emotions to calm down!

"Fighting with the Emperor Apocalypse has given me a lot."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Not only under tremendous pressure, my cultivation has been pushed to the sixth highest point."

"It also promotes the power of the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu to a very high level."

"Now, although I'm sixth in the sky, I'm already at the top of the earth dome!"

"But it's not worth being complacent."

Cheng Feng warned himself: "Compared to the real strong, my strength is far from that."

"Especially when the fruits of heaven and earth mature soon, it is also when my greatest calamity comes."

"If you don't cope well, everything will disappear now!"

"So, I must prepare in advance."

"Riding on the momentum of killing the Emperor Tianqi, he walked in the sword dynasty, the iconic dynasty, the western desert Buddha country, and even the heavenly deities.

"Kill everything hidden in the cradle as much as possible!"

The sword dynasty, iconic dynasty, and so on have all torn their faces with Cheng Feng, and will definitely start with Cheng Feng at the moment when the fruits of heaven and earth mature.

Go ahead and greet the emperors of the major gods, no doubt it will be much better.

Anyway, the two sides are already enemies, so don't be afraid to offend each other.

"The Sword Dynasty is closest to this place."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Moreover, the sword dynasty's hatred against me is second only to the Emperor Qiqi."

"So, I'll get you down next!"

"If you don't talk, I will kill another emperor!"

Stop, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng strode forward and flew towards the sword dynasty.


With the death of the Apocalypse, the news of the fall of the Apocalypse Emperor spread.

There was a hurricane all over the world, and almost everyone was talking about Cheng Feng.

The look of shock is incredible!

Because the news is too scary and too scary!

A magnificent immortal dynasty, passed down for nearly 100,000 years, was destroyed by one person.

If this message is not multi-party verified, no one will believe it at all.

After the shock, many were in panic.

In particular, the sword dynasty, the West Desert Buddha country, the iconic dynasty ... Several gods that are evil with Cheng Feng are even more disturbing.

A large number of warriors were in fear with the people, and their thoughts of moving their families had arisen.

For example, the sword dynasty, many families began to plan at this moment.

Once the news of Cheng Feng's killing was received, he would move immediately.

They don't want to take their lives for the sword emperor!

Even the sword capital of the sword dynasty was depressed at the moment.

Jiandu several big families, secretly began to select the most outstanding disciples and sent them out of Jiandu.

If Cheng Feng kills them, the swords will definitely bear the brunt.

In the event of a war with the sword dynasty and the collapse of the sword capital, their family may be directly destroyed, and even the inheritance will be destroyed!

"Zheng Feng, who scared him like this?"

At the time when the whole sword was in disorder, the sword emperor's palace was in a large hall.

A young man was somber and angrily reprimanded: "These cowardly rats should be executed by Ling Chi!"

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