Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1905: One Sword Soul

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Chapter 1905 A Soul With A Sword

At the same time, on the west side of Cheng Feng, a stream of Jianguang emerged out of thin air.

Fast as lightning, storming the heart of Cheng Feng.

On the north side of Cheng Feng, a sword light also appeared, piercing Cheng Feng's throat.

In the south of Cheng Feng, there is also a sword light that pierces Cheng Feng's brows.

There is also a sword-less qi pierced by the six swordsmen's joint force, which instantly penetrates the void and cuts back to Cheng Feng!

It was actually ten peerless powers, divided into five azimuth attacks.

Obviously, you have to work hard to kill Cheng Feng!

"Three swords, our three strongest swords are all here."

"With the help of these three swords, perhaps His Majesty the Sword Emperor can reverse the situation and win Cheng Feng!"

Seeing the abruptly changing situation, the desperate people in Jiandu suddenly saw hope.

Because at this moment cooperate with the sword emperor to besiege Cheng Feng's strong man, three of them are very powerful.

It is the sword dynasty, the three strongest except the sword emperor.

Kendo's supernatural powers reached its seventh ascent to the sky long ago.

It is the fact that the sword dynasty can rank among the top nine dynasties.

Even after the sword emperor was known to be destroyed by Cheng Feng, the sword emperor was able to maintain a calm spirit!

"Three Swords?"

Suddenly encountered a siege, Cheng Feng seemed quite calm: "These three swords are called Soul Soul Sword, Xingyun Sword, and Xuanyun Sword!"

"Three swords with three different attack stunts."

"The Soul Sword focuses on the spirit, the Nebula sword focuses on the **** body, and the broken sword focuses on the divine power!"

"If the three swords hit the target together, even if the emperor is a clone, I am afraid they will fall to the scene."

"Just, would I let you hit?"

Cheng Feng already knew about the Three Swords.

So when attacking Wan Jian Gui Yuan, he was always on guard.

Sure enough, the moment the sword broke open, the sword emperor broke out.

Ordered the three must-have swords that had already arrived, with the intention of killing him.

Therefore, Cheng Feng played a marvelous step and directly avoided the attack and kill of the Three Swords.

At the same time, the Devil Sword was waved in his hand, and the attack of the sword emperor was forcibly resolved.

At this time, the attack of the six sword slaves arrived, and Cheng Feng was ready to stop, but one of the three absolute swords, the Soul Sword, had followed his dodge trail.

So he frowned, and slammed the sword sword into the Spirit Sword.

During the reminder, the **** of war took the armor from the soul ring.

Kakaka ~~~

Spontaneously put on the body, and then carried the attack of the six swordsmen with his body.

Huh! Six swordsmen joined forces to attack, the power is very horrible.

But the defensive power of the War God armor is equally amazing, plus the defensive power of the six-star **** body.

Cheng Feng actually carried the sword of the Six Swordsmen down.

However, the body was severely hit, but he could not help moving laterally for thousands of kilometers.

Huh! The soles of the foot stepped out of the void into a huge footprint before they stabilized.

Although not injured, the blood violently tossed.

The part hit by the six sword slaves was even more faint and burned.

However, these are not much.

The key is the threat from San Jue Jian!

"Three swords, it really deserves its name."

Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed: "I fought against the Soul Soul Sword, and the sword Qi entered the body along the Devil Sword."

"It's like a fire, burning my **** thoughts to ashes!"

When Cheng Feng and the Soul Soul swordsed against each other, they almost lost.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng's devotion is far more powerful than ordinary people, and the soul-stamping seal is no small matter.

When Jianqi invaded, it quickly condensed into a big seal before blocking the killing of Jianqi.

If it is a general sixth assassin who ascends to the sky, it is estimated that the **** will be destroyed in an instant, and he will die on the spot!

咻咻 咻 ~~~

San Juejian is ruthless.

Cheng Feng just stabilized his body, and the three of them combined sword and sword.

From three directions, directly hit Cheng Feng's physical vitality, and chase with victory to kill Cheng Feng.

In addition, the sword emperor and the six sword slaves also opened fire with full force and launched a mad attack on Cheng Feng.

For a while, Cheng Feng was in a dangerous situation, and the situation was at stake!

"Haha, there are three absolute swords to help, Cheng Feng instantly fell into the downwind."

"This time, Cheng Feng, the stinky kid, will never come back!"

Seeing the battle picture in the sky, everyone was emotional and saw the hope of life.

However, the look of the old-fashioned man remained dignified.

Because the three must swords are strong, but they need to hit Cheng Feng firmly.

But Cheng Feng's strength is strong, and he has an alert in his heart, and he certainly won't let Sanjue Sword succeed.

Not to mention, Cheng Feng also put on a defensive armor at this moment.

San Juejian wants to hit Cheng Feng, the difficulty has increased dramatically!

However, the three must-have swords of the sword dynasty are indeed very unique.

Actually in this case, it just created an opportunity for attack and kill.

He used Liu Jian as a bait to attract Cheng Feng to kill, and then the three of them attacked Cheng Feng.

He actually hit Cheng Feng's body with three swords in succession.

At that moment, Cheng Feng was struck by lightning.

First of all, there was a tingling in his body, and the six-star **** body came with a feeling of being broken.

That was obviously the damage caused by the Nebula Sword.

Then Cheng Feng's divine power broke up, and even spread to the sea of ​​divine power, repairing Cheng Feng's divine power to destroy.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng responded in time, forcing the divine power out of the body.

Otherwise, the consequences are disastrous!

The second was divine thought, which was also severely hit.

The divine thoughts of the non-process peak are different from ordinary people and are very arrogant.

In addition, there is a soul-stabilizing seal to help, so the damage is not great.

Only his head was stuffy, and the sword emperor seized the opportunity to come and sword, and flew out dozens of miles.

At the same time, it just happened to escape the continuous attack and kill of the three slayers!

"Three must-have swords are indeed well-deserved!"

Standing in the void, a trace of blood leaked from the corner of Cheng Feng's mouth: "But you want to kill me, but you are still a bit behind!"

"As long as I resist your attack and specifically attack and kill one person, I see how you guys can jump!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng was very upset.

A pair of eyes swept in three directions from the southeast to the west, locking a middle-aged man to the west.

The middle-aged man, with a broad-edged sword, was white in body.

It seems to be cast from snow, born with a icy coldness.

But when this sword hits the human body, it will produce a hot heat, dedicated to burning the god's thoughts.

It is the Soul of One of the Three Swords of the Sword Dynasty.

"Dead soul sword, exterminate soul!"

Cheng Feng whispered coldly: "This sword is the most dangerous, so I will get rid of you first!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng's demon sword was lifted.

The fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword was exhibited, and he smashed away at this person!

"Spirit Sword, watch out!"

The sword emperor's thoughts shrouded the Quartet, and the moment Cheng Feng started to kill the Soul Sword, he became aware of it.

While warning loudly, a sword stabbed at Cheng Feng, forcing Cheng Feng to give up killing the Soul Sword.

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