Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1912: Lose heart

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Chapter 1912 Lost in Heart

In the pavilion.

Seeing Yuan Feng, Cheng Qingxue was bored, but a little helpless.

As if she couldn't afford to offend this person, she could only endure the disgust and injustice.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng knew already.

He stood up and looked at each other, and said lightly, "This friend, since you admire so much about" the one. "

"That's right, you can marry him!"

"With your enchanting posture, presumably that person will be very satisfied!"

"Uh? Let Brother Yuan Feng marry 'that'?"

Hearing Cheng Feng, Cheng Qingxue first froze, then couldn't help but flutter and laugh.

"Xiao Feng, don't tell me blindly, Brother Yuan Feng is a man. How can he marry another man?"

"This is not necessarily the case."

Cheng Feng shook his fingers and said, "Perhaps that guy likes men, otherwise, why would he give Yuan Feng the gift every time?"

"It's Yuanfeng who clearly likes it!"


Cheng Qingxue covered his mouth and laughed, all bending over with a smile.

As for that sissy Yuan Feng, she turned pale and almost blew up her lungs.

Because although he is a mother, he does not like men, and his type orientation is normal.

Even because she is born very damn, she hates others to talk about it.

At this moment Cheng Feng poked straight at the point, letting the anger in his heart burst out quickly.

Finger Cheng Feng, angrily said: "Where are you from the small beast? You dare to laugh at me Yuanfeng!"

"Are you tired and crooked? I don't want to die!"

"Uh ... you don't know who I am?"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng was one of them.

He can now be described as the sky, especially the killing of the iconostasis this time, forcing the iconostasis to submit to public submission.

Then came to the Temple of the Moon, almost all disciples of the Temple of the Moon secretly watched.

This Yuan Feng, as a disciple of the Temple of the Moon God, did not know him, it was quite strange.

"Huh, you are something, need me Yuanfeng to know?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's astonishment, Yuan Feng's face was grotesque.

A small unknown puppet, he also needs him to know?

It's the other party. I don't know his Yuanfeng's name, it's the real short-sightedness!

"I don't know? Okay ..."

Seeing Yuan Feng's ignorant expression, Cheng Feng determined that the other party really didn't know who he was.

This is a little embarrassing. Cheng Feng touched his nose and said, "Since you don't know, I'll introduce it a bit."

The words fall, hum ~~~

Cheng Feng opened the blocked body points.

At that moment, a violent martial spirit spurted out from him.

Wait until it condenses into a cloud and rush to the sky.

Bang ~~~

Yunxia, ​​which persists all year round above the Temple of the Moon, was penetrated instantly by the force of tyrannical martial arts.

A huge black hole appeared, causing the whole temple of the moon to stir up.

Many strong men were shocked and opened their eyes one by one, looking at the direction where Qing Xuefeng was.

"Not good, this should be the martial spirit of the crazy monster Cheng Feng."

"This martial arts spirit is violent like the sea of ​​anger. Could someone have provoked Cheng Feng?"

"Damn, it's that stupid man who actually provoke Cheng Feng at such a critical moment? Isn't this causing trouble to our temple of the moon?"

At this moment, all the people in the Temple of the Moon were scolding their mothers in their hearts.

Many people acted quickly, inquiring who had just gone to Qingxuefeng just now.

After learning that it was the mother gun, Yuan Feng, she gritted her teeth and wished to tear Yuan Feng alive!

In fact, without their hands, Yuan Feng is dying, and he will be scared to death!

"This ... what's the situation?"

At this moment, in the snow peak.

Na Yuanfeng looked at Cheng Feng who was full of martial arts spirit, like Cheng Yue who was standing in front of him, shaking all over.

He never thought that Cheng Feng, who looked like an ordinary young man just now, would become so scary the next moment.

The martial arts spirit is stronger than the three temple masters of the Moon God Temple.

Could it be that this person is stronger than the three temple masters?

Where is he sacred? Why is it here?

For a time, Yuan Feng's heart was tumultuous, and he dug out to search for memories about Cheng Feng.

But after searching for a long time, there was no gain.

Because in his memory, there is no super existence at all, exactly like Cheng Feng.

Until ... his mind flashed.

Linking Cheng Qingxue with Cheng Feng, he faintly found that they looked a bit like each other.

Then reminiscent of recent rumors, a startling guess came to his mind.

Frightened, finger Cheng Feng said: "You ... Are you Cheng Feng?"

"Well, finally remember."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng sneered: "You said just now that I'm tired of being a" small beast "and you should want to kill me."

"Now, you can do it!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! How dare I!"

Yuan Feng at this time was really bitter.

Not long ago he went to a place to retreat, just passing by with Cheng Feng.

After the retreat came out, he kept running to Qingxuefeng to find something, and just kicked on the iron plate.

At this moment, he had a dead heart, and his regret was extreme.

If you know that Cheng Qingxue's brother Cheng Feng is so powerful, even if he is killed by ‘that’, he ’s afraid to provoke Cheng Qingxue.

It's a pity that everything is too late. At this time, we can only pray for the forgiveness of Cheng Feng.

Thus, save your life!

"Oh, misunderstanding?"

Cheng Feng's face sank, and the martial spirit of his body rushed forward.

Damn! Yuan Feng was pushed down from the sky on the spot, and the whole person fell to the ground, her face stuck directly to the ground.

Cheng Feng turned a blind eye and said coldly, "You weren't misunderstood just now, you just want to blast!"

"Misunderstanding, what a misunderstanding!"

Yuan Feng lay on the ground, her mouth stuck to the dirt.

Speaking with a mouth, a lot of sand got into the mouth.

But he couldn't take care of it, and quickly explained: "Please adults please don't remember the villains, bypass me this time."

"After all, I'm just entrusted!"


Hearing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

Raising his hand, he lifted Yuan Feng from the ground and said coldly, "Tell me clearly, who are you entrusted to?"

"What is that" who "you said before?"

Cheng Feng was killing the so-called 'that one'.

Actually harassed her sister Cheng Qingxue hundreds of times, she just didn't want to live.

After clearing the identity of the other party, you must kill him!

"Mr. Cheng Feng, that distinguished person, I dare not say."

However, Yuan Feng was secretive and looked very afraid.


Cheng Feng's voice was cold: "I just rebuked the iconic emperor a while ago."

"Is the person you talked about more bully than the iconic emperor?"

"What? Rebukes the iconostasis?"

Hearing that, Yuan Feng only felt that his head was sullen, and the sky turned round and round.

It took me a while to say: "Of course, the identity of that person cannot be compared with the emperor."

"But it also has a deep relationship with the emperor."

"Because that is the emperor's son and daughter, His Royal Highness Di Che!"

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