Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1921: Eagle King Descendants

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Chapter 1921 The Eagle King Descendants

"Furthermore, the Emperor of Feathers will have plans."

Mr. Shu said: "If something goes wrong, it will even affect your loved ones and friends."

Mr. Shu knew the plot of Emperor Yuhua.

Cheng Feng was more transparent in his heart and said, "I will take care of Her Majesty."

"Soon, I will go to Yujing to meet him personally."

At this point, Cheng Feng suddenly remembered one thing.

"Yes, sir, would you please select more outstanding disciples from our college."

Cheng Feng said: "I killed the Emperor Tianqi, and destroyed the three highest gates of the God of Apocalypse."

"The astral passage that belongs to the Apocalypse God's dynasty is idle, just for waste utilization."

"Send our Qianlong Academy and several of my friends to Cangqiang Island."

"By then, there is no need to fight desperately for the fruits of the heavens and the earth, but to collect only the other heaven and earth spirits in the sky, it is also a great harvest.

"After coming out of the sky, Xiu Wei will definitely fly into the sky!"

"It belongs to the sky passage of the Apocalypse?"

Upon hearing that, the eyes of Mr. Shu and others were bright.

But then hesitated a little bit: "Cheng Feng, the sky passage of Qishen Dynasty that day, I am afraid that other gods have already paid attention to it?"

"Let's go get some drinks, I'm afraid it won't be easy!"

"Other gods? They dare!"

Cheng Feng chuckled coldly: "I am the God of Apocalypse, and that sky passage belongs to me."

"If anyone dares to forget, I don't mind killing another god!"

Hearing the words of Cheng Feng, Mr. Shu and others were shocked.

Immediately, a burst of blood rushed over his head.

Indeed, things are different now.

With Cheng Feng's arrogance, no one dared to mess up.

Even the Emperor of Heaven, we must weigh in our hearts!

Located in the sky passageway of the God of Apocalypse, from the moment the evil Emperor of Apocalypse was killed, it belongs to one person.

That person can only be Cheng Feng!

"Hahaha ~~~"

Mr. Shu laughed wildly: "Cheng Feng, you are really a lucky star of Qianlong College."

"Before I feathered the dynasty, and fought the blood **** religion for more than a year, just to fight for a sky passage."

"You're good, you just got one!"

"If you let the Emperor Yuhua and the leader of the Blood God Religion know, I'm probably going to spit blood!"

"Blood God?"

Cheng Feng said coldly: "The day they vomited blood has not arrived yet!"

Next, Mr. Shu chated with Cheng Feng for a moment and immediately got up and said.

"Cheng Feng, the fruits of heaven and earth are about to mature. Your time is very urgent, so I will not delay."

"I hope you are well prepared to survive the catastrophe."

"Thank you Mr. Shu, I will!"

Cheng Feng nodded, and then gave a fist to Mr. Shu and others. They left the skyroom with the sword and flew towards Dota Peak.

"Cheng Feng, you are more stable than before."

During the flight, the knife sighed only.

"Maybe I have experienced more! But no matter how I change, it is your apprentice."

Cheng Feng also felt a little emotional, said in a calm tone.

"I'm already far behind you, this apprentice."

"However, the teacher likes this feeling!"

The only voice of the knife was a bit complicated, but without a little jealousy, it was a touch of pride.

It is the pride of every master to be able to teach apprentices who are better than blue.

"Master, in fact your practice is not much different from mine."

Cheng Feng felt the only emotion of the sword, and smiled: "I'm only sixth ascendant now, and you are fifth ascendant."

"You just need to work harder to catch up with me."

"Ahem ... you stinky boy!"

After hearing that, a smile appeared on the only face of the knife.

A twist in my heart disappeared with it ...

Shushan is very close to Dota Peak. Cheng Feng and his two flew for a short time. The familiar mountain peak came into view.

"Dock Tower Peak, I'm finally back here again."

Although he had only left for a few months, Cheng Feng felt as if he had left for several years.

Looking at the familiar landscape, I was quite moved.

However, wait for him to sigh too long.


The wind screamed, and a huge golden eagle flew fiercely.

However, the golden eagle's eyes were not ruthless, but an ecstasy.

Amazingly, Cheng Feng, a black bird that was snatched from the ironwood family long ago.

This little black has the bloodline of the ironwood family eagle king, and the feathers are cast like steel, which is very powerful.

In less than two years, he actually evolved from a yellow monster to a mysterious top.

Maybe it won't be long before they can be promoted again and become a giant monster.

Hum! Xiao Hei flew in, and his huge head fell into Cheng Feng's arms.

But I don't know, it has grown too much.

Cheng Feng directly flew out.

"Wow, you guy want to hit me!"

Of course, Cheng Feng will not be killed by Xiao Hei. Even if Xiao Hei's power is increased a hundred times, Cheng Feng will not hurt half of his hair.

When Cheng Feng was hit by a few hundred meters, he stood firmly in the void.

Instead, Xiao Hei was startled, thinking that he really hurt Cheng Feng, flew his wings toward Cheng Feng, and gave Cheng Feng a camel.

At the same time, a tender voice was said, "Cheng Feng, where did you hurt? I didn't mean it!"

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine. I just made you play."

Cheng Feng smiled and patted Xiao Hei's head, and then asked, "Yes, when did you learn to speak?"

"Well, you're all right, it scared me just now."

Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief, and said immediately: "As for talking about pediatrics, I learned it in minutes."

"Haha, so great."

Cheng Feng laughed a little, knowing that Xiao Hei is still young, about the same as a human child aged five or six.

So he took out a lot of elixir and threw it.

When he saw the elixir, his little black eyes were bright and he immediately swallowed his mouth.

Cheng Feng shook his head with a smile and threw some of the elixir that he could not use on it.

Just after greeting Xiaohei, a large number of acquaintances flew from the Dota Peak.

He shouted to him across the distance, and it looked like he could eat him alive.

It is Wang Wanben, Jiang Tao, Qi Ming, etc. and some old friends, as well as some teachers and brothers of Dota Peak.

They had already heard of Cheng Feng's prestige and could not attach to Cheng Feng's worship.

When hearing the news of Cheng Feng's return, they swarmed immediately.

"Master, look ..."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's scalp was numb.

Originally I wanted to invite the sword to be the only one to spread the less-familiar teachers and brothers.

However, the only thing the knife did was not move.

Just told Cheng Feng not to play too hard, and then stepped out and flew to the main hall of Dota Peak.

"Wipe, Master is so unkind."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled bitterly.

Then he can only bite his head and greet the enthusiastic Dota Peak Master brothers.

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