Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1943: Jianming Lake

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Chapter 194th Jianming Lake

In the observation of Gu Qingcheng's Fate Eyes, Cheng Feng will soon be attacked by eighteen creatures.

These superexistences come from north to south, and the purpose is very clear.

That is to kill Cheng Feng, and pick up the heaven and earth fruits Cheng Feng has collected.

As for who these existences are, Cheng Feng only vaguely guessed a few.

At this moment, he encountered a rare opportunity, and Cheng Feng hurriedly created the **** eyes.

I am going to observe through the black holes the existence of these creatures.

In this way, my heart can be prepared.

When the opponent is sniped, there is more hope for survival.

However, in the course of Cheng Feng's eyes, he intends to take a closer look at the existence of those creatures.


A few sharp eyes suddenly burst out of those five luminous bodies.

Like a sharp sword, burst into Cheng Feng.

Let Cheng Feng be struck by lightning, his mind instantly fell into a blank.

Fortunately, at this time, the God of War suddenly stood in front of the black hole, and at the same time the heavens also exerted strength.

Quickly repair the black hole opened by God of War as always.

Separation of the opponent's horrible eyes only made Cheng Feng feel a lot better.

"Awful, it's awful!"

For a long time, Cheng Feng gradually recovered from the impact of the other's eyes.

His head was buzzing, and his heart was trembling with waves: "Is this the power to create existence, it is simply terrible."

"Just staring at me, it actually made me feel dead."

"Even if there was no God of War just now, I would have been staring at the existence of those creatures."

"In the end, it is really possible that I will be stared alive!"

The altered realm, the dominance of the heavens and the earth, is arrogant beyond imagination.

Since there is no such level existence in the dome continent, many news about the creation of the realm are rumors of the older generation.

At this moment Cheng Feng really met, and finally knew how terrible this existence was.

"It seems my strength is still far away!"

Cheng Feng couldn't calm down: "Next, I must work harder."

"Otherwise, once the harvest of the heaven and earth fruit is finished, it will become a pig and a sheep slaughtered by people!"

These fortunes exist, and they stay outside the dome continent.

It's not that they can't get in, but they are afraid that their entry will affect the maturity of the world.

Once the heaven and earth fruit has been picked, they have no psychological scruples.

When he enters the dome continent, Cheng Feng is like fish on a cutting board, and there is nowhere to escape!

Therefore, Cheng Feng must seize the last chance.

Before the existence of the good fortune comes, kill the cultivation as much as possible.

At the same time, pick a sufficient amount of heaven and earth fruit and hold it in your hand as a life-saving chip.

Under such circumstances, there is only a glimmer of hope to escape from birth under the sniper of countless creatures.

"Time is tight. I will leave here first and head to Jianming Lake in Tianjian County."

Cheng Feng calmed his emotions and whispered, "In the Jianming Lake, there is a treasure left by the mother."

"I'll go there first and dig out the treasures, I hope it will help me!"

A few months ago, when the plague of the blood **** was not over.

Cheng Xue's mother Jiang Xue once gave Cheng Feng a map.

That map was made of a special material and required special treatment to make the map depicted above visible.

Cheng Feng cracked the map not long ago and found that the place marked on the map was Tianjian County, one of the seven counties of the Emperor Shen Dynasty.

Later detailed analysis revealed that the place where the treasure was buried was an ancient ruin Jianming Lake in Tianjian County.

"Jianming Lake, it is said that it is not a lake, but a rolling mountain."

Cheng Feng flew to Tianjian County, thinking at the same time: "In ancient times, the Kendo sect was a melee."

"There is a strong force that uses taboos to directly provoke a rolling mountain range in Tianjian County."

"Let there be a huge abyss in that place."

"It was subsequently flooded by several large rivers and eventually filled up to form a lake."

"And due to the fierce battle of the Kendo strong, countless masters of Kendo died, the broken sword fell into the lake, and the sound of Jianming was made all year round."

"A man named Tianjian County, called Jianming Lake, is listed as a forbidden area."

"My mother hid the treasure there. It was a good choice."

For Jianming Lake, Cheng Feng has already made a detailed understanding.

He knows where it comes from and where it is located.

This time when I went to Jianming Lake, as long as there was no accident, the baby left by his mother Jiang Xue would be included in the bag.

Displaying thousands of miles, Cheng Feng soon reached Tianjian County.

Across the distance, you can see a blue lake shining in the sun.

At the same time, more Jian Jianming came from the lake.

"Is this Jianming Lake?"

Looking at Jianming Lake, Cheng Feng identified the position slightly.

Alas, it flew directly over Jianming Lake.

Then he took an unknown piece of leather and threw it into the air.

The next moment, the leather turned out to be a strange change under the reflection of the lake and the sun.

Hum! A three-dimensional view appeared out of thin air.

This picture shows Jianming Lake.

I saw that going down 800 miles east of the lake and entering the bottom of the lake, there would be a burrow.

Dig into a burrow and into an underground cave to reach the treasure site.

"Mother's treasure is hidden some 800 miles east of Jianming Lake?"

After seeing these, Cheng Feng didn't delay.

Collapse the map, 唰 ~~~

Casting a shadow trick, silently flew to the east of Jianming Lake.

Soon, Cheng Feng was eight hundred miles east of Jianming Lake.

Condensed a divine shield to protect himself, sinking to the bottom of the lake.

When we reached the bottom of the lake, a burrow covered by water plants appeared.

Cheng Feng urged his divine power to pull out the water plants around the burrow.

Immediately, a black hole came into view.

Cheng Feng made a few observations and found that there were several monsters dormant in the cave.

But he didn't care, and the shadow kill of the Seven Kills was performed, and the whole person turned into a shadow.

Passed by the monsters and entered the black hole.

Did not go far, there was no way ahead.

"Well? Why is there no way out?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng was a little puzzled: "According to the map's markings, this hole is clearly leading to an underground cave!"

"Is the map wrong?"

Confused, Cheng Feng took out the map and looked at it again, and found that there was no problem.

Then opened the eyes of the **** of good fortune, and turned to the stone wall which looked to the extreme.

The God of Fortune is transformed into an eyeball of Nalan Changsheng. With the improvement of Cheng Feng, his power has been continuously improved.

Nowadays, the God of Fortune can not only see through any camouflage and stealth martial arts, but also see through.

When Cheng Feng looked at the rock wall ahead, his gaze penetrated directly.

When I had to penetrate more than 3,000 meters, a brand new road suddenly caught sight of Cheng Feng.

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