Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1946: Soul Kill

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Chapter 194th Soul Kill

After making a decision, Cheng Feng put away the sealed fire bottle.

Then he glanced at Chiyan Robe, seeing that Heiyanyan was still asleep, so he didn't bother.

Put a robe on your body, and then take out the Soul Ring containing the four-pole burial flag.

These four parcels of burial flags belong to fire, water, wood and earth.

The four are mutually dependent and mutually dependent.

Combining them together can bring out the true power.

When Cheng Feng took out the four-pole flag, it was awkward ~~~

Some dilapidated flags screamed and produced four distinct forces.

The huge cave was quickly filled.

"Tian Funeral Banner, a set of natural magic weapon."

Looking at the four-stroke flag, Cheng Feng's face showed a smile: "Combining these four-stroke flags can form not only a large defensive formation but also a killing battle formation."

"It's a combination of offense and defense.

"Furthermore, it is said that this flag can also consolidate a clone of the Heavenly Burial Emperor to assist the battle."

"If this is not the case, it is a super hole card."

"Even if there is chase and kill in the created world, you can escape from it!"

The combination of the four parcels of heavenly burial flags can condense the cemetery of the burial emperor, which was told by the God of War to Cheng Feng.

The God of War fought side by side with the Emperor of Heavenly Burial for hundreds of years.

So this statement is very authentic!

"I'll try it first."

Looking at the four-parcel burial flag, Cheng Feng groaned: "If it can, I will have a super hole card."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng has already decided.

I saw his divine urging, and arranged the four-parcel burial flags to form a square.

Om ~~ Om ~~

Immediately, the four par flags changed, each spurting a powerful force.

When these four forces burst out of the banner, they merged with each other.

Suddenly, a breath of terror began to be born.

This breath is very tyrannical, as if it can crush eternity.

Even as powerful as Cheng Feng, at this moment it actually produced a feeling of suffocation.

It seems that the strong breath will shape his heart, and the whole person will be crushed to death!

"It's a terrible breath, and it's far better than me."

Cheng Feng raised a stormy sea in his heart: "I feel that even when fighting when leaving the dome continent, it may not be so strong."

The strength formed by the integration of the four parcels of celestial burial flags was so terrifying.

It gave Cheng Feng tremendous pressure, stronger than the old antiques.

In just a few seconds, Jianming Lake was dead.

If all the monsters were struck by lightning, they would hide in their lairs and dare not come out.

Above the sky, the situation is changing, and a huge eyeball quickly condenses.

Xun shot a beam of light, submerged directly into Jianming Lake, and shot into the cave where Cheng Feng was.

Obviously, the strength of the sky burial flag shocked the heavens, thinking that the terrestrial dome continent had a terrible existence!

However, when he saw Cheng Feng in the cave.

The anxiety in my heart was greatly reduced, and then I was very unhappy: "Cheng Feng, you are doing things again!"

Heaven is really angry.

Since the beginning of a month ago, almost all the troubles on the dome continent have been related to Cheng Feng.

It is simply a troublemaker who makes Tiandao hate his teeth.

"Cough ~~~"

Hearing Tiandao's voice, Cheng Feng woke up from shock.

Then he coughed a few words: "This incident is purely accidental, purely accidental!"

"Please also leave at a speed, and I will put away the burial flag."

The appearance of heaven will cause huge fluctuations.

And Cheng Feng's position now does not want others to notice.

So quickly soothe the heavenly path, dismantle the four-parcel burial flag, and get into the soul.

Let that horror breath disappear.

"Cheng Feng, you are the son of‘ her ’, which is also the son of the earth dome.”

Tiandao preached: "I and‘ she ’do n’t want you to be okay.”

"Be prepared, outside the dome continent, there have been eleven creations."

"If you're not prepared enough, you're probably going to be fierce after harvesting the fruits of heaven and earth!"

The words fell away and the heavens dissipated.

However, Cheng Feng couldn't calm down.

"The Eleven Fortunes exist?"

Cheng Feng was shocked: "It seems my calamity is already approaching quickly."

"My time is getting shorter and shorter."

According to Gu Qingcheng's observation, after the harvest of the heaven and earth fruit is completed, there will be eighteen creatures, and Cheng Feng will be launched.

Only eleven were here, and at least five were on their way.

Moreover, this is a conservative number.

Because the future is in the midst of change, maybe there will be far more than eighteen statues of good fortune to eventually come to attack Cheng Feng.

By then, Cheng Feng will be dead!

"Leave them alone."

Shaking his head, Cheng Feng pressed the complicated thoughts in his heart to the bottom of his heart: "My current priority is to improve my cultivation."

"As for these situations, knowing no more is useless."

"It only adds psychological stress, but it is harmful!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng took several deep breaths in a row.

The thoughts in his heart were calmed down, and then he took out the seven-slaying technique and the practice secrets of Rulai Jinshenjue and began to read it carefully.

The technique of the Seven Kills is a martial art combining stealth and assassination.

This martial arts level is not very high, barely reaching the sky level, but the power is good.

Cheng Feng only practiced the first kill, but helped him through several killings.

Now, the first killing of Shadow Kill has been practiced to the limit by him, and there is no further improvement possible.

So, it's time to practice the second kill.

"The second kill of the Seven Kills is called Soul Killing."

Cheng Feng observes the stone monument of Seven Kills, and has a clear understanding of the second kill of Seven Kills: "This kill is a sacred spirit against people, and it is a magical martial art."

"Once you reach the extreme, hundreds of thousands of miles apart, you can destroy people's spirits and let them die silently!"

The technique of the Seven Killings is a soul and martial art of killing nature.

There are four levels of this martial art.

Followed by hundreds of miles to capture the soul, thousands of miles to capture the soul, thousands of miles to capture the soul, and 100,000 miles to capture the soul.

In other words, practicing the first layer of the soul can kill people every hundred miles.

Trained to the second floor, you can kill people thousands of miles away.

The next two levels, and so on.

It is a strange and powerful killing martial art.

Especially in the fourth layer, it ’s 100,000 miles away to take human lives. It ’s a bit scary to think about it!

"The spirit of this seven-kill technique should be similar to that of the town soul seal."

Cheng Feng groaned: "I want to quickly practice this martial arts technique, and maybe I can learn from the memory of practicing the soul seal."

Just like the spirit kill, the soul seal is also a magic skill.

And its level, I am afraid that it is even higher than the level of killing.

Using the town soul seal as a template, maybe it can really help Cheng Feng to become a soul killer, which is of great help!

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