Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1975: Unmatched

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Chapter 179 Unrivaled

With the Emperor Huangtian's hands, Xingyue Tianshen bit his lips.

Take a white jade ruler from your arms and point it towards the sky.

This white jade ruler is unusual, as if it can attract the power of the stars in the sky.

The moment Xingyue Tianshen pointed the white jade ruler to the sky, Om ~~ Om ~~

Starlight after beam fell from the sky and merged together to form a kilometer-thick beam of light.

Towards Cheng Feng, he critically left.

In addition to Emperor Huangtian and Xingyue Tianshen, Taishi Wang and Taifu Li also broke out at this moment.

I saw Wang Taishi stretch out a dry hand and slap three times on his forehead.

Immediately, hum ~~~

It seemed that a sea full of water had been opened, and a force of near terror suddenly burst out of Wang Taishi's body.

Let the old Wang Taishi change instantly.

The wrinkles on the face disappear quickly, and the skin becomes smooth and round.

In a blink of an eye, it turned out to be a strong man in his thirties.

Then grab the stylus and point out to Cheng Feng in one stroke.

At that moment, it seemed that the sky had turned into a blank piece of paper, and Cheng Feng became a black spot on the paper, unable to move at all, and was to be poked to death by a stylus.

Secondly, Li Taifu also produced the same changes as Wang Taishi.

The whole person turned into a thirty-year-old scholar, picking a sword in his hands, producing a shadow of the sky, covering the main points of Cheng Feng.

"Heaven Emperor, you can't hurt me!"

However, facing the all-out attack of the four Emperor Huangtian, Cheng Feng looked pale and light.

He even stopped in the air and allowed the Emperor Tiantian to attack himself.

"Cheng Feng, you are too conceited."

Seeing this scene, Emperor Huangtian's eyes were condensed: "Even the high-level holy weapon, I can't prevent the four people and me from besieging!"

As a matter of fact, the Tiandi Seal produced by the Emperor Huangtian blasted on Cheng Feng like Ju Yue.

Bringing Cheng Feng directly from the sky like a meteor fell.

Huh! Smashed on the ground.

Smashed the ground into a deep pit with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The force of terror spread, and large cracks appeared around the deep pit, which caused the huge Pantheon to sink a lot.

However, when the billowing sand fell.

A golden figure suddenly flew out of the pit.

Look at it, there is no harm.

Amazingly Cheng Feng!

"Actually ... unscathed?"

Xingyue Tianshen's eyes contracted, revealing an incredible color.

Because she knew deeply how terrible the power of Emperor Tiantian was.

The demigods are afraid to stop.

But banged on Cheng Feng's body, but not even scratched the skin.

Shows the armor of war god, almost perverted defense!

"I don't believe you are indestructible!"

Although the heart was tumbling, Xingyue Tianshen's attack didn't stop.

Guiding that stout starlight, Cheng Feng once again fell from the sky into the ground.

But when the starlight slowly dissipated.

咻 ~~~

A golden light emerged from the pit.

Cheng Feng, wearing the armor of war, stood in the air again.

Slightly twisted his neck, just like nothing else!

This time, Xingyue Tianshen had nothing to say.

Looking at Cheng Feng, a mile away, there was only shock in his eyes.

"Boy Cheng Feng, kill the old man!"

At this moment, Tai Shi and Li Fu, who opened the seal, killed Qi Feng together.

Both of them are demigods.

At this moment, the seal was opened, and the repair reached the eighth ascent of the ascent directly, which was simply terror.

However, facing this attack, Cheng Feng still did not fight back.

Standing in the sky, let the stylus and sword in the hands of the two men stab themselves.

At that moment, the Emperor of War broke out into a brilliant light.

At the same time, Luo Han's Faxiang was also shaped behind Cheng Feng, holding Cheng Feng in his arms.

In this case, it was actually the attack by Taishi Wang and Taifu Li that blocked them!

"This this……"

The attack came to an end, when Cheng Feng stood in the air unscathed.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Li directly chatted.

Two people, look at me, I look at you, thinking you are dreaming.

Then he did not believe in evil and was ready to take another shot at Cheng Feng.

But Cheng Feng wasn't standing still, he turned around and flew a hundred miles away.

Immediately a pair of eyes passed through the two transparent wafers and swept over the four people of the Emperor Tiantian.

He said, "Emperor Heaven, your attack has no effect on me!"

"So it's time to end this farce."

"Cheng Feng, your strength is really unexpected."

After a long time in the heart of the waves, Emperor Huangtian said: "However, if you want to leave from the four of me, you need to pay some price."

"At least, I can hold you for three or five days!"

"Divine Emperor, you are forcing me."

Cheng Feng's face sank: "If you have to die with me, then I won't leave anything at all."

"At that time, it's just endless!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng took the Devil Sword in front of him.

I'm going to infuse a divine power into it, hum ~~~

A horrible sharp edge suddenly shot out of the sword.

It can cause skin pain, such as being cut by a knife.

Even the Emperor Huangtian is no exception, his eyes shrink sharply.

"Hate the sky, the knife in Cheng Feng's hand is unusual."

Feeling the sharpness emitted from the Devil Slayer, Xingyue Tianshen's brows frowned: "It seems to be a magic soldier, the level is only afraid to reach the fourth level."

"Ordinary holy weapon against this knife, it is estimated that it will be easily cut off!"

"Well, this knife is indeed unusual."

Emperor Huangtian felt deeper and said in a low voice: "And Cheng Feng is good at swordsmanship. Once the power of this knife is exerted to the extreme, it is simply terrifying!"

"If one of the four of us is locked in the attack, the chances of falling are high!"

Huang Tiandi said nothing, without exaggerating.

You know, Cheng Feng, wearing the armor of war, can be described as inaccessible.

You can completely ignore Emperor Huang Tian's offense and attack a person exclusively.

The strength of Cheng Feng, plus the sharp edge of the sword.

The Emperor Huangtian is estimated to be unstoppable, and will be killed on the spot!

"Abandoned Emperor, see that you haven't moved lightly, I won't kill you today!"

Cheng Feng stood up with a knife, and Shen said, "If you don't cherish it, you have to die with me, then you will be at your own risk!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng stepped out of the Pantheon.

The whole person is like a stringed offense, once someone dares to do something to him.

They will fight back fiercely and will die!

The four Emperor Huangtian saw the killing intention in Cheng Feng's heart, their faces changed.

But in the end, no action was taken.

But watched Cheng Feng step away!

"Your Majesty, are we really going to let Cheng Feng leave?"

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but said, "Subordinates feel that Cheng Feng may not be invincible."

"He may have been badly hit. He was just bluffing."

"As long as we attack and kill together, we can definitely keep him here forever!"

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