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Chapter 189th Sea Race


Cheng Feng froze a bit: "How can a human's lower limbs be fishtails?"

"Is that woman doing some special martial arts?"

Cheng Feng has never seen anyone except a monster with a long tail.

"No transformed monster?"

An accidental thought made Cheng Feng thoughtfully: "Someone is not a woman, but a monster?"

The people who entered the sky to fight for the fruits of heaven and earth this time are not only humans, but also the demons of millions of mountains and the sea of ​​endless seas.

In front of this woman with a tail, if it is not human, then nine out of ten is the sea tribe.

"If it were the Hai people, everything would make sense."

Cheng Feng nodded sternly: "Next, I can just see and see."

After speaking, Cheng Feng burst out in a stride.

In the blink of an eye, they chased within ten miles of the Hai ethnic woman.

Then, without delay, the hand of the God cast out, and grabbed the Hai ethnic woman overwhelmingly!

However, at this time.

The fleeing Haizu woman suddenly fluttered her tail and woke up ~~~

I took the vast void as sea water and dived in.

Like a teleportation in the void, you can immediately escape without a trace.

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng directly turned his palm into a fist, 嘭 ~~~

He punched hard in the void.

The force of terror surged and stunned the Hai women from the void on the spot.

However, the Hai ethnic woman did not give up.

Actually took an ice-blue water polo from the exclusive storage space and threw it towards Cheng Feng.

"No, this water polo seems to be a real water, very unstable."

"Once it explodes, the seventh strongest man on the sky will be hit hard!"

Seeing the dropped water polo, Cheng Feng's face changed slightly.

While raising his hand, he punched a punch and hit the thrown ice blue water polo.

While performing the first floor of Rulai's golden body, a Buddhist monk and apotheosis condensed behind him.

In this way, bang ~~~

When the ice-blue water ball burst, it was several tens of miles away from Cheng Feng.

When the impact force arrived, he was easily blocked by Luo Hanfa, and he could not hurt Cheng Feng's half hair!

However, the blue real water exploded, but blocked Cheng Feng's pursuit of the Hai women.

I saw that the Hai ethnic woman stared fiercely at Cheng Feng, then plunged into the void, and flew away instantly.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng originally wanted to catch up.

But after a little groaning, he chose to give up.

Because the sea women's methods are not weak, it should be the most outstanding person among all sea monsters.

It takes a lot of effort to capture it completely.

Moreover, the other party did not take any advantage.

That living fruit of heaven and earth was already held by Cheng Feng, and there was no need to pursue it.

"People of the sea tribe, this time I will let you go."

Cheng Feng looked at the fleeing Hai ethnic woman and whispered: "If you run into it next time, you dare to misbehave with me. You must look good."

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng used the shadow method to instantly return to his previous position.

"Master, you're back."

This is the first time that the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit has experienced such a scene, and it is scared.

Seeing Cheng Feng return, he quickly rushed to Cheng Feng's shoulder.

It's like a frightened kitten without the slightest 'dragon'!

Cheng Feng glanced at the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, relieved a few words, and then looked at the hand of God in the sky.

Huh! With Cheng Feng's gaze looking past, the hand of God broke open.

The water net that was caught in the hand of God followed the broken, revealing the white butterfly in the net.

That white butterfly obviously has wisdom.

Knowing that Cheng Feng and the Hai ethnic woman caught it, they were all uncomfortable.

So as soon as the hand of God broke the water net, the white butterfly flew out immediately.

I want to escape from Cheng Feng's "Magic Claw".

Unfortunately, this is bound to be a futility.

Before waiting for the white butterfly to fly too far, Cheng Feng made a move, and a forceful suction suddenly appeared.

Pulling the white butterfly, he pulled it forward.

"Simply nine sources of light?"

Cheng Feng raised his hand and grabbed the white butterfly in his hand. After looking at it, he frowned.

He originally thought that this time he might be able to capture a heavenly and heavenly fruit.

But reality and ideals were so far apart that he was quite sorry.

"Cheng Feng, this is already very good."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Tianmai level heaven and earth fruit is rare in the world, it is estimated that the entire sky island is only one or two, generally in the core area of ​​sky island.

"In this inner area, you can catch the fruits of the living world with nine sources of light, which is already a big luck."

"So, I'll rush to the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island as soon as possible."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Only by capturing the fruits of the heavens and the earth at the level of the heavens and veins can we make the creatures dare not move wildly."

"Become my powerful chip through the catastrophe!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng dropped the white butterfly into the soul ring that contained the fruits of heaven and earth.

"Leave and head east."

After collecting the white butterflies, Cheng Feng greeted the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit and instructed: "On the road, if we can encounter the heaven and earth fruit at a close distance, we will pick it.

"If it's too far away, leave it to others."

"In the end, all the fruits of heaven and earth will fall into my hands ..."

After speaking, Cheng Feng headed directly to the east of Cangqiang Island.

Seeing the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, sitting on Cheng Feng's shoulder, sensed the heaven and earth fruit that might exist around.

The dragon-shaped world is a treasure hunting weapon.

Even if Cheng Feng focused his attention on the road, on his way to the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island, he still found seven or eight fruits.

One of them, still a living heaven and earth fruit, is a cruel wild boar.

The force was very powerful, and he was struggling fiercely in the hands of Cheng Feng.

Unfortunately, compared with Cheng Feng's strength, it is destined to hit the stone with eggs.

With Cheng Feng exerting a little strength, the wild boar heaven and earth fruit suddenly had difficulty breathing.

Lying on the ground can't move!

After subduing the wild boar heaven and earth fruit, Cheng Feng took out the soul ring containing the heaven and earth fruit and prepared to put it into the soul ring.

However, when he incidentally glanced at the Soul Ring, his eyes widened.

"What? What?"

Cheng Feng stared, as if he had seen a ghost: "Why all the fruits of heaven and earth in the Soul Ring disappeared?"

In that soul ring, there were originally dozens of heaven and earth fruits.

But now, only that white butterfly is left.

As for the other fruits of the world, they all disappeared inexplicably.

"This soul ring has been kept close to my body. No one can adjust the bag."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Since it is not a bag, where has the heaven and earth fruit in the soul ring gone?"

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