Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1999: Abrupt rise

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Chapter 199 The Abrupt Change Soars

The moment the white beast appeared, everyone became aware.

While yelling, many people gave up their opponents and stormed towards the sky.

Cheng Feng, Bai Zihua, and Surin were no exception, and even responded faster by three points.

Performed a trick to temporarily retreat their opponents.

The next moment, they all rushed into the sky and headed straight for the white beast.

However, although Cheng Feng's response was quick, it wasn't faster than the python blue and white.

I saw Boa Blue and White standing by it early, and the moment the white beast rushed out of Tianchi, she turned around.

call out! Chased behind the little beast.

Immediately stretched out a pair of slim hands, grabbed at the white beast.

Roar! !!

However, white beasts are not without their hands.

When the python blue flower reached out and grabbed, the four pairs of wings on the spine opened at once, turning into eight sharp blades.

Cut to the jade hand of python blue and white.

If this is cut, you must spill blood on the spot!

But at this moment.

The pair of jade hands of the python blue and white actually made a huge change.

The fingers deformed violently, resulting in a jade-colored cuticle, which turned into a white jade dragon claw.

Strongly attack the white beast.

铿铿 铿铿 ~~~

Bai Yulong's claws hit those blade wings on the back of the little white beast, and made a sound of iron and stone clashes.

The next moment, Bai Yulong's claws held the blade of the blade's wings to stabbed him, grabbed the white beast and held it in his hand.

"Asshole, let me go, let me go!"

White beasts are not ordinary and can speak right after birth.

After being caught by Boa Blue and White, she immediately made an angry voice, asking Boa Blue and White to let her go.

But since it was caught, would Boa Blue and White let go?

The white jade dragon's claws evoked stronger power, grasping the entire white beast in his hands.

Afterwards, Cheng Feng and others who were chasing after him quickly hurried away.

"Abominable, that heaven and earth fruit was taken away by the cold and proud woman from the feathered gods!"

"Catch, hurry up."

"Zhi Feng's fruit has not been captured by Cheng Feng, so grab it quickly."

"Then this trip to Cangqiang Island will bring merit to you!"

Seeing the python blue and white capture of the white beast, all the young geniuses gritted their teeth.

Divine power evoked in the body, chasing after the python blue and white!

Cheng Feng, Bai Zihua and others are no exception.

In addition, Cheng Feng did not forget to engage in the pursuit.

I saw that Cheng Feng ordered the blood beast to entangle several young talents in a row and let him escape.

At the same time, he also performed the technique of seven kills, so that some warriors with good speed suddenly lost their heads during the flight.

The next moment, he fell directly from the void.

Moreover, more than one person is engaged in the matter.

So soon, the team chasing Boa Blue and White shrank by more than half.

Only a handful of strong masters hung behind Boa Blue and White.

Cheng Feng and others are fast, but the python blue and white is faster.

Chasing all the way, but always unable to catch the python blue and white.

And the python blue and white seems to have a natural sense of danger, and the unknown prophet to the dangerous land on the sky.

On the way to escape, they deliberately led Cheng Feng to the dangerous place.

As soon as it was introduced, even if they could not cause life threats to Cheng Feng, it was a simple matter to delay for a long time.

After so many hours, there were only six people behind him still chasing.

In turn are Cheng Feng, Su Lin, Bai Zihua, Peerless Child, Son of the Wild, and Three-Headed Hai Nationality Youth.

"Boa blue and white, stop, you can't escape."

After chasing for a long time, Bai Zihua's face was slightly heavy, and he shouted, "If you don't stop, I will use some means to stop you."

"At that time, don't blame me for not giving Cheng Feng face!"

Bai Zihua seems confident about catching up with the python blue and white.

But because of Cheng Feng's feelings, he has not made any effort to intercept.

Now the chase did not catch up for a long time, and finally could not bear to prepare for the shot.

However, the words of Bai Zihua seem to have not heard.

I even stunned my body, wow ~~~

Actually turned into a half-python body, colorful body shaking, and flew and shot out hundreds of miles.

The distance between her and Cheng Feng was extended a little bit again.

"Okay, since you're obsessed, I'll do it for you!"

Seeing this, Bai Zi's face faded, and then he had to fight against Boa Blue and White.

But at this moment.

Stabbing ~~~

Cheng Feng suddenly stood in front of Bai Zihua and four other peerless geniuses.

The Devil Sword in his hand waved and intercepted everyone!

"Cheng Feng, what do you mean?"

"Do you want to help that cold and proud woman to swallow the fruits of the heavenly world?"

Seeing this scene, all five of them were grim.

In particular, the sons of the wild and Bai Zi painted with anger on their faces.

"Two, I think it would be better for that heaven and earth fruit to fall into the hands of the blue and white girl!"

In the face of the glaring glances of five people, Cheng Feng looked pale and light-hearted: "This way, we will not kill each other!"

"It's nonsense!"

The three-headed Haizu youth said, "I see that you are just treacherous with that woman and want to swallow the fruits of the world."

"Huh, what is it?"

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and swept the three youths, lengheng whispered, "I'm Cheng Feng doing things, can't I report to you?"

"Jack, this temple sees you want to die."

The eyes of the three-headed youth flashed a thick flame and greeted, "You guys, we'd better work together now and kill this guy first."

"Then pursue the python blue and white, how about each one to seize the fruits of heaven and earth?"

The three-headed young man was very cunning and wanted to encourage everyone to siege Cheng Feng.

And Cheng Feng put too much pressure on everyone. With the proposal of the three heads of youth, the peerless spirit boy and the child of the wasteland were all in great thought.

Even Bai Zi's paintings moved slightly, and the light flashed in his eyes.

Only Su Lin remained indifferent, standing indifferently to Cheng Feng's side.

Support Cheng Feng with practical actions!

"Hehe ~~"

Bai Zihua's eyes glanced at Cheng Feng and Su Lin, and he slightly evaluated his strength, and then smiled lightly: "The matter of besieging Cheng Feng, please take care of you.

"As for me, it's better to chase python blue flowers and get the fruits of heaven and earth!"

Stop, 唰 ~~~

Bai Zi's paintings disappeared out of thin air, apparently in the process of performing some deep space martial arts.

"Baizi painting, you still stay!"

However, at the moment Bai Zi's painting disappeared, Cheng Feng suddenly came out.

That cold and bright sword spreads over the sky, severely chopping a space node in the void.

Click ~~~

An empty channel was immediately chopped.

At the next moment, a young man in white wins from the sky, falling out of the void, his face is not so good.

Amazingly Baizi painting!

"Cheng Feng, do you have to force me to do nothing to you?"

Forced by Cheng Feng from the void channel, Bai Zihua asked in a cold voice.

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