Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2006: Perverted defense

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Chapter 2006: Abnormal Defense

Not only that, Cheng Feng also took advantage of the barriers attacked by ten super giant monsters to perform his moves.

Adjusted his flight path to the position where Juhuatiandi fruit is located.

Cheng Feng, who was bombarded by this, 咻 ~~~

Go straight to Juhuatiandi Fruit.

"No, that human kid isn't dead!"

"Hurry up, stop him."

"Once he rushed to the front of the two-star sky, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

Seeing the joint attack of the ten giant monsters, it only knocked down the golden body Luohan behind Cheng Feng, which did not hurt Cheng Feng's roots.

The Xuanxuan Yaokui's look changed dramatically and he shouted.

We greeted everyone to intercept Cheng Feng, for fear that the other party would take the opportunity to pick up the fruits of Giant Flower World.

Hearing the voice of Xuan Xuan Yaokui, the demon immediately reacted and attacked again.

But it's late!

Cheng Feng has crossed the line of defense of the demons and is about to reach the fruit of Juhuatiandi.

But at this moment, wow ~~~

Juhuatiandi Fruit actually sensed the threat.

Like a man, he pulled his roots out of the ground.

Then the root and fur split into two 'long legs' and fled to the distance!

"Wipe, what is it?"

Seeing this, the corner of Cheng Feng's mouth twitched slightly: "This giant flower world fruit, how can you escape like this?"

There are some surprises, the plants rooted in the dirt can escape.

But thinking that the other party is the fruit of heaven and earth, everything is relieved.

Immediately, without saying a word, he displayed the hand of God and grabbed directly the fruit of the fleeing giant flower world.

"Protect me, hurry!"

The giant flower heaven and earth fruit is very clever.

Want the ten super monsters to quickly intercept Cheng Feng and protect it.

Unfortunately, the speed of the ten super monsters is not fast enough.

Before they intercepted Cheng Feng, the hands of God displayed by Cheng Feng were already condensed around the fruit of Juhuatiandi.

Turned into a huge hand, grabbed the escaped giant flower heaven and earth fruit in his hand.

The next moment, Mi Tian retreated.

Juhuatiandi fruit fell into Cheng Feng's hands!

"Not good, Cheng Feng has rushed into the core of the valley and stole the fruits of the world!"

"Damn, this guy got on board again!"

Outside the valley, everyone saw the scene where Cheng Feng grabbed the fruit of Juhuatiandi, and his face changed suddenly.

Endless sullenness in my heart!

In particular, Bai Zihua, Su Shengtian, Dizha, and the hard-to-reach young monk were all grim.

My heart gave birth to a feeling of being overwhelmed by Cheng Feng!

"This world fruit must belong to me!"

"Whoever wants to take it away will kill me!"

Suddenly, the peerless genius Ao Kui from the endless sea roared.

The next moment, a real water spit out from the mouth of the left head.

Frozen a large number of monsters in front of him into an ice sculpture, and immediately burst through the clouds and rushed to the core of the valley.

From the hands of Cheng Feng, the giant flower world must be taken away.

The Baizi painting, Su Shengtian, Di Chen and others flashed in their eyes, and then made the same decision.

Show off their strongest means, and kill the valley.

Not only Ao Kui and others, the ten super monsters at the core of the valley are Cheng Feng's biggest threat at present.

At the moment when Cheng Feng grabbed the fruit of Juhuatiandi, the four super giant monsters of Xuan Xuanguai rushed to him.

These four super monsters have very sharp attack power.

Even if the Emperor of the Chao Dynasty was hit by the attack of four super monsters, he would be hit hard immediately.

However, Cheng Feng was not afraid.

I saw that his thoughts were triggered, and the giant flower heaven and earth fruit was first packed into a soul ring.

At the next moment, the first floor of Rulai Jinshenju was cast, and the broken Luohan Fa phase was reunited.

Immediately, the demon sword was held up, and the sword of Emperor Cang was cast.

Turned into a bladeless light, it radiated out of the valley.

The bombardment of the four super monsters landed on Cheng Feng's body, only hitting a knife without cracks.

But in the end, he just carried it.

The human blade glanced across the ground for several kilometers, tearing a huge gap in the ground.

Then it flew up into the sky, blasting towards the sky.

"Damn man, leave me!"

At this moment, the gray giant tiger led the other six super giant monsters to kill.

The heavy attack hit Cheng Feng's body, which not only shattered the knife light, but also shattered the Luo Han method that defended Cheng Feng again.

The remaining power blasted on Cheng Feng's back, making Cheng Feng's face pale for an instant.

A stream of blood poured directly into the throat and then spouted from his mouth.

"The siege of ten super monsters is really no small matter."

Cheng Feng fell from the sky and smashed the ground into a deep pit.

But the look on his face didn't change much, and he whispered, "If you don't use your hole cards, you really can't get out."

"That being the case, I use the armor of war!"

"Just try the armor of war + Luohan Faxiang. How strong can the defense be!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng immediately put into action.

Divine thoughts erupted, taking the armor of war from the soul ring.

Kakaka ~~~

In the blink of an eye, the armor of the war **** wore on Cheng Feng's body, and Chiyanpao hunted in the wind.

At the same time, the Luo Han Fa phase was operated, and Cheng Feng's defensive power suddenly reached an unprecedented level.

At this time Cheng Feng was performing the Emperor's Cangshu technique, which was directly overwhelming.

Even if ten super monsters hanged together, he forcibly opened the line of defense and rushed out.

Let the ten super giant monsters get angry and burn, and let Ao Kui's peerless geniuses who are ready to take the fruits of Juhua Tiandi from Cheng Feng's hands are as dumb as chickens.

The sprinting action stopped and he dared not move.

Because of the strength that Cheng Feng just showed, they rushed to **** the fruits of many worlds, which is tantamount to finding their own way!

"The armor of war + Luohan Faxiang did not disappoint me."

The people and the monsters at the scene were in shock.

Cheng Feng stood in the air, with a smile on his face: "The combination of these two defense methods, the defense force increased dramatically, and ten super monsters joined forces to attack, and they could be forcibly blocked."

"Also, I have cultivated to the seventh grade now, if I have cultivated to the ninth grade."

"Or if you practice the bodhisattva, the defense will increase even more."

"When faced with the power of fortune, it will be a super hole card for my life!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng turned his head and looked out of the valley.

Get ready to get out of the way and get rid of the pursuit of ten super monsters such as Xuan Xuan Yaokui.

Although he is not afraid of the ten super monsters, it is very difficult to kill each other.

Cheng Feng didn't want to do such a troublesome thing.

However, at this time.

Om ~~ Om ~~ Om ~~

In the east, north, west ... at least a dozen locations in the core of the sky, suddenly a strong breath was raised.

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