Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2016: Genius is here

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Chapter 2016 The Geniuses Come

Cheng Feng's attack power is too strong, which directly defeated the giant tortoise's fruit and lost his ability to act.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled lightly, and was about to put away the giant turtle world fruit.

However, at this moment, several arrogant martial arts spirits from the sky came.

When they arrived at Bailikai, they turned into several young people.

The young men, who were so inscrutable, looked at the fruits of the giant tortoises with their eyes, and the light was burning like a flame.

"It's so strong, and it's a bright source of light!"

"I'm afraid this is the true fruit of the heavens and the earth, the treasure of the great power of dreams."

"I have to get this thing!"

During the conversation, several young men's divine power was triggered.

Turned into several palms of divine power, they grabbed the fruit of the giant tortoise world.

Ignore Cheng Feng's existence and regard him as air.

"Oh, don't even look at the owner, and grab the opponent's things."

Cheng Feng's face sank: "It seems that these guys are definitely not good."

"That being the case, just give them a little deep memory!"

After the words fell, Cheng Feng threw the magic sword in his hand.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

More than a dozen swords shot out.

Instantly chopped down the powerful hands of the young men, and then the sword's choppy strokes continued.

Penetrating through the void, heading straight for the young men.

"Not good, that young man in black is very good."

"The cut sword is terrifying. The seventh strongest person in the sky can kill in one shot!"

"Retreat, retreat, or you will die."

Only when Cheng Feng's attack arrived did the young people notice the existence of Cheng Feng.

Shocked, he hurriedly displayed his magic skills and retreated.

However, it is impossible to escape.

The speed of the blade light cut off by Cheng Feng is too fast, just like the bones of a cheekbones.

Flashed quickly over the young people.

Immediately after, a few screams screamed in the air.

Cheng Feng looked in the direction of the scream, and suddenly saw that the young people's ears were all cut off.

His arms were broken, draped over his shoulders, his face full of panic.

Obviously the effect of Cheng Feng just hit.

"In my presence, rob me."

Cheng Feng's eyes glanced at the young men, and he said coldly, "This act, I can't kill you all too much."

"But for our sake of being human, I will spare you once!"

"Get out, if you have another time, leave your head behind!"

Cheng Feng's approach is indeed benevolent.

If they change to other people, these young people will also be disabled if they do not die.

Those young people also realized at this moment that they had hit the iron plate.

Look at each other, and hurriedly perform their magic and martial arts.

I dare not even look at the giant tortoise fruit!

After all, the fruits of heaven and earth are so precious. Compared with their own lives, they are ten thousand miles away.

"It's time to leave."

After the young men fled, Cheng Feng's gaze turned to look at the giant turtle world.

Take out a soul ring and put it into it.

After doing this, Cheng Feng was about to leave.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

But several martial spirits arrived.

Cheng Feng looked up, his eyes could not help shrinking.

Because the masters of these martial arts spirits are Su Lin, Bai Zihua, Ao Kui, Su Shengtian, and Diligent.

"Cheng Feng, hand over that true heavenly and heavenly fruit!"

Before reaching Feng Feng, the peerless genius Ao Kui, who came from the endless sea, burst into tears.

Obviously realized that the Tianmai-level heaven and earth fruit that he had previously captured was only a pseudo-tianmai.

Cheng Feng, the giant tortoise in the soul ring just now, is the true fruit of heaven and earth.

Deep greed and jealousy were created in my heart, and the fruits of the giant tortoise must be snatched away!

In fact, it's not just Ao Kui.

That Su Shengtian, Divorce, Dizha, and even Su Lin and Bai Zi painted with an expression of interest in his eyes.

"Give up the fruits of heaven and earth?"

Cheng Feng slowly put away the soul ring, gave Ao Kui a slight glance, and sneered: "Are you mentally disabled? Or are you eating too much to block your brain?"

Everyone wants the fruits of heaven and earth.

Cheng Feng paid a huge price, so he couldn't handle it. How could he easily hand it over?

Ao Kui was urging Cheng Feng to hand over the fruit of the giant tortoise world, it was indeed a bit stupid!

"Cheng Feng, it's you who has a brain damage."

Ao Kui said strongly: "If you do not hand over the fruits of the heavens and the earth, we all will besiege you."

"At that time, not only will you lose the fruits of the heavens and earth, but you will also have to take your life."

"How to decide, weigh it yourself!"

Ao Kui was tying himself up and binding himself to others.

The intention is to join forces against Cheng Feng, and then divide the fruits of heaven and earth.

Others want the fruits of heaven and earth at the same time.

But if the fruits of heaven and earth are in Cheng Feng's hands, then they have no hope of getting them.

Maybe first work together to grab the fruits of Tianmai level from Cheng Feng's hands.

Then they competed for their own abilities, which was the best choice.

Therefore, with Ao Kui's voice, all the people present turned their eyes to Cheng Feng.

Even Bai Zi's paintings are no exception.

Only Su Lin thoughtfully and stood by with folded arms.

"Want to join me?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow froze: "Do you think that all of you can beat me together?"

"It might be too naive!"

"Cheng Feng, Xiu should be arrogant!"

Ao Kui scolded: "Although your strength is strong, it is only the sixth most important thing."

"But a few of us have all reached the seventh top of the sky."

"Plus the hole cards and kill tricks, kill you like a dog!"

While talking, Ao Kui took the lead.

I saw three of his heads, one of which opened his mouth.


A spit of ice-cold water instantly caused the temperature of the entire sky to drop suddenly.

The moisture in the air quickly condenses, turning into snowflakes, which float down from the sky.

Cheng Feng was taken care of by the cold ice water, and the cold air invaded his pores like needles.

As soon as he shook the Red Flame Robe, the power of Hell Black Flame radiated from the robe, and he swam all over his body to drive away the cold air of ice and water.

However, Ao Kui has more than one true water.

He saw his second head freeze, his mouth widening.


A fiery stream of real water spewed out of his mouth.

Staying in harmony with the ice and real water, it turned out to be a horrible force.

Overwhelming, shrouded to Cheng Feng.

As Ao Kui took the lead, others attacked.

Seeing the inseparable monk with his hands folded, he flatly pushed out a hand to Cheng Feng.

The next moment, a big Buddha appeared in the sky, the huge palm fell from the sky, and he suppressed it to Cheng Feng.

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