Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2019: Two winners

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Cheng Feng's analysis is reasonable.

In order to reach the level of Su Shengtian and Bai Zi painting, Xiu is not only a combination of Xiu Wei, but also the experience of fighting, the will to fight, the geographical factors ...

Often a mistake will cause failure and even death!

Therefore, masters are usually over-focused.

It is the fear of missing a detail and a certain omission.

Of course, if you have to say who has a better chance of winning, it should be Baizi painting.

Because Baizi painting is both the reincarnation of the **** of blood and yin and yang, and a powerful reincarnation of Qianlong College.

With two super-existing martial arts experiences and fighting memory, the ability to respond is definitely superior.

Although Su Shengtian is the son of Emperor Huangtian, it is probably inferior!

In guessing, Cheng Feng focused on the battlefield.

I saw six people on the battlefield who had passed the tentative stage and started to fight.

First, Niu Dingtian was indifferent to each other.

The sound of the fight was like thunder, and it hurt everyone's ears.

As for Su Lin's battle with the woman of Qingsha, it is another picture.

Two people seemed to be walking, they did not directly confront the bomber, but engaged in another kind of fighting, attacking God.

The scene looked very dull, but it was more dangerous.

Slightly inadvertently, being attacked to the divine mind, it is difficult to die!

The battle between Bai Zihua and Su Shengtian is much more exciting.

Both men are peerless and arrogant, and their attack methods are numerous, and the battle has almost become an art.

Two people come to me, the battle fluctuations are not too big, but the destructive power generated is called terror.

The law of heaven and earth on the sky of the sky is nearly ten times stronger than that of the earth, and the barriers to space have also become ten times stronger.

However, under the attack of Bai Zihua and Su Shengtian, it was broken and collapsed every inch.

There even appeared a penetrating void black hole that reached the void sea, making people shudder.

Cheng Feng watched the battle, all could not help but shrink his pores.

There was a lot of fear in Bai Zihua and others.

Cheng Feng is all that way, and the people watching from a distance are even more nervous.

Especially when Ao Kui, Di Chen, Pei Xuan, and others were just expelled by Bai Zihua and others, they were still very upset.

I feel like I have been pitted, otherwise, I must be able to overpower the heroes and win the final victory of the bet.

But now, their confidence was shaken.

With the strength shown by Bai Zihua and others, even if they are not eliminated, it is estimated that they will lose more than lose.

Boom boom boom ~~~

Time flies fast in battle.

In an instant, an hour had passed.

After this hour, six people on the battlefield started to fire.

Moreover, the outcome has also been skewed.

I saw Niu Dingtian and the difficult monk, both were masters of hard work.

Niu Dingtian was born of a cow demon. He was born strong and physically strong. Coupled with the practice of the day after tomorrow, the whole person is simply a sacred weapon, which is indestructible.

Facing any enemy, it is a wild attack and destroys it.

As for the hard-to-leave monk, he practiced Buddhism's supreme practice of martial arts, such as Jinlaijue.

Now, he has trained the eighth grade of the first layer of Luohan Fa, which is stronger than Cheng Feng.

At this time, a golden body Lohan blended into his body.

Although the difficult to leave monk is thin, but powerful, as strong as steel.

Furious with Niu Dingtian, not only did it not fall, but also gradually took advantage.

Coupled with some of Buddhism's attack and killing martial arts, there is actually a feeling of fighting against Niutingtian!

If this situation continues, the inseparable monk will be doomed to victory!

Secondly, Su Lin's battle with the Qingsha woman was the clearest.

Originally, the woman of light gauze thought that she was a disciple of the heavenly **** Emperor Tianhuan Emperor, and she practiced the gods to the extreme.

You can even invade others' dreams and kill them invisible.

Against Shanglin, the hope of winning is at least 90%.

Unexpectedly, when I really met, I realized that there was a huge gap between myself and Surin.

No matter what method she uses, falling on Su Lin's body are all mud cows entering the sea, without any waves.

By a young age, all the gauzes women's means had been used up.

But it did not pose a little threat to Surin.

A deep frustration erupted in my heart, knowing that in the short term, he would never be Su Lin's opponent.

So angrily glanced at Su Lin, he chose to give up.

So that Su Lin became the first winner!

In the end, Bai Zihua and Su Shengtian were bloody.

The two are extremely powerful, and they are equally matched, and they are both extremely resilient.

However, Bai Zihua possessed two powerful combat experiences of altering the realm. With these experiences, he gradually occupied the advantage and gradually suppressed the body shaping sky.

At this point in the battle, several openings have been made in Su Shengtian's body.

If Su Shengtian's defense is good, plus the defense baby is close to him.

It is estimated to have died several times now.

"Baizi painting, defeat me!"

Up to now, Su Shengtian knows that regular fighting, he simply cannot win.

So his eyes flashed fiercely, and he no longer competed with Bai Zihua's delicate attack.

Fitted directly and rushed up for injury.

By himself being attacked by Bai Zihua two or three times, you also have to hit Bai Zihua.

Whoever wins or loses depends on who can fight and who has more defense cards.

Gives a flamboyant taste!

Time flies fast in battle.

In an instant, another hour passed.

At this time, Niu Dingtian won the battle with the difficult monk.

I saw Niu Dingtian at this moment, which directly manifested the prototype and became a **** cow with a strong body.

A pair of horns in Toushan are curved like two black scimitars!

With Niuting rushing on the ground with four hoofs, he was trembling with a steel beast!

However, when Niu Dingtan was facing the hard-to-reach monk, he was caught by the other side with both hands and blocked.

Not only that, the hard-to-reach monk suddenly became bigger and turned into a Buddhist monk, his strength soared several times.

The next moment, he tightened Niutingtian and turned it over.

Then fit and sat on Niutingtian's back, as if a giant Yue bombarded, pressing Niutingtian to the ground.

Bang ~~~

A huge deep pit was pressed into the ground.

Then Niu Dingtian wanted to get up from the ground.

But the hard-to-reach monk clasped his hands and made a submission.

Suddenly, the strength of the monk's whole body was poured into Niutingtian's back, pressing it directly into the ground.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

In the end, he could only scream in despair and surrender.

Under this situation, the second winner appeared, that is, the peerless spirit child from the West Desert Buddha country is inseparable.

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