Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2022: Gaya Leaf

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Chapter 2022 The God's Palm

"Well? Difficult monk isn't dead?"

Everyone was surprised when they saw the inseparable monk flying from the collapsed mountain.

But Cheng Feng remained unmoved and seemed to have anticipated this scene.

I saw him holding the Devil Sword, walking towards the difficult monk.

He said lightly, "The Luo Han Fa practiced to the eighth grade, and he was so powerful."

"Looks like, it's time for me to look for opportunities to raise Luo Hanfa to the eighth and even the ninth."

"In this way, you can have a better grasp of the sniper's existence in Shanghua Realm."

When speaking, Cheng Feng had come to the difficult monk.

I saw the hard-to-reach monk at this time, and he had a knife mark from head to toe.

The knife edge was two or three inches deep, almost cutting the difficult monk in half.

However, as the hard-to-reach monk moves his body, the golden body tactics run like Lailai.

The wound healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

By the time Cheng Feng approached him, his injuries had recovered.

Immediately, without saying a word, he poked out his two hands, and uttered his expert skills.

Gaya, rumored to be a superpower of the Buddhist monk, proficient in Dharma, and superior in combat power.

He created his own palms, although the grades are a bit worse.

But it is a lot easier to cultivate, and now it has been cultivated by the inseparable monk to the level of Dacheng.

At this moment, the power is a bit scary.

Each giant palm of power gathered in the sky, and then overwhelmed the sky, and blasted towards Cheng Feng.

At that moment, there seemed to be hundreds of big Buddhas attacking Cheng Feng together.

All the retreats of Cheng Feng have been sealed to death.

"Di Cang Sword, open me!"

In the face of this horrific attack, Cheng Feng's face calmed.

Immediately holding up the sword, the force of 600 stars was drawn down from the sky.

Wait to be incorporated into the Devil Sword, bursting out.

Stabbing ~~~

The giant palms that besieged from all sides cut out a big crack.

All the giant palms of power standing in front of Daoguang were cut apart.

Then Cheng Feng rose into the sky, walking in the idle court, escaped from the siege of the palm of God.

Then the long knife was thrown, and the whole person merged with the long knife.

Huh! Smash the void and crit hardly leave the monk.

The difficult monk at this time is in the state of operating the palm of the **** of leaves.

There is no precaution for the arrival of Cheng Feng.

It wasn't until Cheng Feng arrived in front of him that he reacted to defense.

But it's late!

Cheng Feng started off with his sword, 唰 ~~~

A fierce sword fell on the insurmountable body.

Cut the difficult monk into the air, and add another scar on his body.

But Cheng Feng didn't stop, hey!

Daoguang cut out continuously, almost covering the whole body of the difficult monk.

Forced to leave, he had to stop the display of the leaves of the God of the Leaves of God, and fully operated the golden body tactics, such as Cheng Lai, to defend Cheng Feng's attack.

However, even so, it can't be carried.

After about a minute.

When Cheng Feng slashed more than forty knives in one breath, the monk's Luohan Faxiang was difficult to leave, and he was cut out of a gap.

The perseverance of the sword penetrated into the body and instantly shattered the hard-to-reach monk's five internal organs.

A spit of blood spewed out, mixed with black visceral debris.

Obviously, it has been hit hard and there is no fighting power.

Then Cheng Feng's divine power was collected, and the Devil Sword stopped at the side of the inseparable monk.

"Khekeke ~~~"

The difficult monk coughed, looked up at Cheng Feng, and said bitterly, "I'm defeated!"

The hard-to-reach monk is the reincarnation of a Buddhist monk.

But at this moment, it is still difficult to hide the loss!

In his opinion, he may not be Cheng Feng's opponent, but as long as he does his best, he may not have the opportunity to come back.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was stronger than he thought.

Even if he fired at full power, he failed to shake Cheng Feng at all.

Not even pushed Cheng Feng's strongest hole card!

"It's hard to leave the master, let it go!"

Regarding the loss of the difficult monk, Cheng Feng could do nothing.

Put away the Devil Sword and give him a fist.

"There's no such thing as a transferee. Your strength exceeds me a lot."

Difficult monk shook his head and said, "I lost to you, convinced!"

When speaking, it is difficult to take out the white jade box containing the fruits of heaven and earth.

A slight glance and threw it to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng took a look and found that there were two one-star heaven and earth-level fruits.

These two heaven and earth fruits are plant fruits.

Entwined with each other, slowly engulfing.

Maybe it won't be too long, it will become a two-star heaven and earth-level fruit.

After seeing Cheng Feng, he smiled slightly and put it away.

At the same time, the crowds watching in the distance were already stunned.

Because the battle just went too fast.

They haven't responded yet, and the battle is over.

Demonstrated Cheng Feng's unpredictable strength, many people who intended to misbehave against Cheng Feng were disheartened.

For example, Na Di Ba, originally intended to start with Cheng Feng's sister Cheng Qingxue.

With Cheng Qingxue as the bargaining chip, he forced Cheng Feng to surrender the fruits of the world.

But at this moment the heart tightened suddenly and gave up this worries.

Because if he misses, he will be hit by Cheng Feng's thunder, and even death will become a problem.

At the same time, both Bai Zi's painting and Su Lin's eyes narrowed.

Feeling that I was about to face a freak, my self-confidence was cut a lot.

However, the fighting spirit of Bai Zihua's two men actually skyrocketed.

Being able to fight against a peerless geek is something that makes people happy.

Even if you lose, you will be very happy!

"Su Lin, it's getting late, let's go to war."

Cheng Feng's battle ignited the fighting spirit painted by Bai Zi.

I saw him rising up, wearing his blood-stained shirt, striding towards Surin.

"Your injury, have you recovered?"

Su Lin stood with his hands on his shoulders, and saw Bai Zihua approaching, asking lightly.

"My injury is 90% better, but this does not affect my combat effectiveness."

Bai Zi painted: "Come on, let me defeat your first person, Qianlong Academy."

"Then take the invincible potential to battle Cheng Feng and cut it off!"

"Bai Zihua, you are overconfident."

Su Lin said indifferently: "With me, you have no chance to face Brother Cheng Feng."

While speaking, Surin stepped forward and walked towards Bai Zihua's front.

After walking to a certain distance, the palm of my hand was raised, humming ~~~

Photographed with a flat palm, he drew it to Baizi.

As soon as the connoisseur took the shot, he knew if it was there.

This casual blow from Surin seemed to be without threat.

But when the palm fell, he just hit Bai Zi's heart part when he was walking.

From a distance, it seems that Bai Zihua approached Surin voluntarily, letting Surin attack him.

That scene was almost weird.

Let the eyes of people watching the battle shrink.

It made Cheng Feng's heart feel a creepy feeling!

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