Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2032: Billions of incarnations

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Chapter 2032 Thousands of Incarnations

Cheng Feng casually watched the Blood God Beast, then fell on the back of the Blood God Beast, and ordered the Blood God Beast to go north.

As for himself, he took out the soul ring containing the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, and took out the heaven and earth fruit.

I saw the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit, which was stronger than before and looked very energetic.

The four star rings in his body flickered and were completely stable.

This shows that the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit has already fully entered the four-star heavenly vein level.

"Four-star sky vein, very good."

Cheng Feng looked at the dragon-shaped world and nodded with satisfaction.

But the heart of the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit became hairy, and the body could not help but shrink into a ball.

"Master, what do you want to do?" Asked Dragon Fruit.

"I've raised you for so long and it's time to collect some compensation."

"Receive payment? What payment?"

The appearance of the dragon-shaped world is not so good.

"Simple, give me some of your fruit essence."

Cheng Feng said: "I think this, you shouldn't refuse?"

"I ..." The dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit turned black.

Cheng Feng has already spoken, how can it refuse?

It is estimated that once it is rejected, Cheng Feng will directly kill it and drink it.

Therefore, after a little groaning, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit said bitterly.

"Master, can I take out one-tenth of the essence?"

"One-tenth is too little, just half!"

Cheng Feng glanced at the dragon-shaped world and set the tone.

After hearing that, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit opened its mouth, but eventually did not spit out a word.

Because although it hasn't been with Cheng Feng for a long time, it deeply knows that once Cheng Feng makes a decision, it will not easily change.

Since you can't change it, you might as well waste your tongue.

So as not to annoy Cheng Feng, but even more unlucky!

"Do you do it yourself? Or do I help you?"

After talking to the dragon-shaped world, Cheng Feng asked lightly.

"Master, let me do it myself."

Hearing the words of Cheng Feng, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit rushed to ask for it.

I'm afraid that when Cheng Feng extracts the essence of life, what kind of moths will come out.

Cheng Feng didn't care about it, and threw a jade bowl to Dragon Fruit and left it to the other side to toss.

A few minutes later, the dragon-shaped heaven and earth fruit handed most of the bowl of liquid with bright source of light to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng caught it, and a smile appeared on his face.

Then, without any delay, he sent the source light liquid to his mouth and swallowed with a big mouth.

This bowl of light source liquid is not easy.

Not only is the fragrance delicious, but the special energy contained in it is almost ten times stronger.

When Cheng Feng drank the liquid in the jade bowl, his body immediately changed dramatically.

The flesh and blood, the internal organs, the limbs and the bones ... all have been greatly nourished, and the physical potential has been greatly enhanced.

In particular, Cheng Feng's nine great acupoints, as well as divine thought, divine power, and divine body, have been pushed to a new level.

Divine spirit has reached the top of the six-star level, and is still on its way to the top of the six-star level.

The **** body directly reached the top of the six stars, and then sprinted towards the limits of the six stars.

As for the divine power, it is compressed at the six-star limit and then compressed.

Once you have passed the seventh-strength calamity and entered the seventh-strength ascent to heaven, the divine power will produce a big explosion.

Deng Tian's existence is probably not an opponent!

However, this is not the biggest change in Cheng Feng drinking the source light liquid.

Cheng Feng's greatest benefit was to elevate his perception to a level of horror.

It seemed as if he had become a clone of the earth dome continent, and all the conditions on the earth dome had a vague sense.

For example, at this moment, as Cheng Feng radiates his perception.

He could sense how many ants were fighting within ten miles.

He could sense how many monsters were dormant within a hundred miles.

He can sense how dangerous it is within a thousand miles.

He could sense how many outsiders were walking within a thousand miles.

He even saw a half-and-a-half hill-horse maggot, 30,000 miles north, spitting magic.

The puppet object was terrifying, with three eyes on its spiked head.

Now both eyes are open.

The moment he saw the other side in Cheng Feng, the other side felt it immediately.

Not only did two open eyes look back, but even the third closed eye suddenly opened a gap.

The enchantment of the puppet object suddenly skyrocketed several times.

There is a magic cloud cover that eats the taste of the world!

"Ancient demon!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's heart jumped.

Immediately in my heart, the demon who devoured magic was the ancient demon awakened by the fruit of the giant tortoise.

The ancient demon of Yuanzun Yuan was very strong. Cheng Feng was separated by tens of thousands of miles and looked at each other from afar.

As if being pulled into a **** killing field, the body and blood were everywhere.

Even more enemies and enemies look around, rushing to tear him to pieces!

"Hum, all hallucinations!"

At the beginning of Cheng Feng, his mind was not too stable, and he almost lost his mind.

But soon realized that these things are hallucinations.

Wait to run the soul mark, booming ~~~

The big India bombarded, the illusion in front of it disappeared in an instant!

However, although soon out of the illusion, Cheng Feng's heart was not calm.

"That ancient demon is strong, very strong."

Cheng Feng whispered: "If I let him out of the trap, I have no strength to fight, and I will be killed instantly!"

Cheng Feng's speculation was not targeted.

You know, Cheng Feng just glanced at the other side just now, and he almost woke up in a vast illusion.

This is still the ancient demons in a dormant state, and their strength has not been exerted at all.

Otherwise, even if Cheng Feng has a soul seal, I am afraid that he will die in a fantasy state!

"The third eye of the ancient demon has opened a slit."

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and secretly said, "From this, the other party is closer to awakening!"

"My time is running out and I have to speed it up!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng bypassed the perception of ancient demons, and then continued to expand.

Soon, Cheng Feng discovered the breath of many acquaintances.

They are all warriors from Qianlong Academy and Feathering Dynasty.

And he also found that several masters are moving closer to where these warriors are.

Ten out of ten is a rescue team organized by Surin and others.

"Brother Surin, they should just be searching casually, without knowing the exact location."

Cheng Feng whispered: "I'd better hurry up and tell them the exact location of the crowd."

"This will increase the evacuation progress."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng immediately acted.

Put the blood **** beast into the royal beast bag, and then cast the shadow of the magic method thousands of miles, and meet with Su Lin and them.

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