Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2034: Thunder's Horror

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Chapter 2034 Lei Di's Fright

This cold and bright lightning knife is very strong, as if it can chop the sky.

However, when this knife was about to rush out of the stone forest.


The stone peaks suddenly burst into light, condensing into a huge mask in the sky.

The thunder knife was cut on the mask. Although it was cut out to highlight it, it was not broken.

The sword light's slash, intercepted stiffly.


Seeing this, Cheng Feng's mind instantly produced an idea: "This person trapped in the natural formation method should be the Lei Emperor from the Shendaoge."

Shendaoge Leidi, rumored to be a peerless genius with two martial spirits.

Not only does it cut out the sword, it also cultivates a Bapin Leiwu soul to a very high level.

With one stroke of lightning, the power soared nearly doubled.

It is a feathered dynasty, a long-established peerless genius!

"According to the power of this knife, it is speculated that Lei Di's repair has reached at least the seventh highest level."

Cheng Feng speculated: "In addition to the aid of the town hall sacred weapon of the Shendaoge, the eighth-strength dominance of Dengtian can also compete against one or two.

"But now I'm stuck in the stone forest, so we can see that this natural formation is not ordinary!"

After identifying the trapped person, Cheng Feng no longer rushed into Shilin.

Rather, standing in the sky, watching the movement of the gods.

Ready to find out the formation of the natural stone forest formation, and then touch the vine to break the natural formation.

Fortune God + super strong sense, Cheng Feng has become a weapon.

Within a few minutes, a photoelectric hidden under a stone forest suddenly caught sight of Cheng Feng.

Let Cheng Feng's eyes light up and found the trick to break the array.

"It turns out that this natural formation method is based on an underground vein."

Cheng Feng laughed: "This Shamai vein is very dense and spews out a lot of Shaqi gas, which provides endless energy for the natural array method."

"So although this natural formation is not high-level, it is very powerful."

"No wonder it can't be broken with the strength of Nalei!"

Underground evil veins are evil rivers that spit out from the bottom of the sky.

The natural formation method uses it as the source power, and it is difficult to crack.

But this is not a problem for Cheng Feng at all.

I saw Cheng Feng's divine thoughts erupted, and the Seven Kills technique was used to kill the spirits, and the divine thoughts turned into a large spear.

puff! One pierced into the peak of the natural array.

The bottom vein that is hidden at the bottom of the stone peak is blocked, so that the Qiqi River cannot flow out.

In this way, the operation of the natural array was immediately hindered, and the power of the formation was reduced.

In the natural formation, Nai Lei was trapped for seven or eight days, and his emotions were extremely irritable.

Feeling trapped this time, I didn't want to get out of sleep for a year and a half.

After half a month, the sky would sink.

Until then, he could only sink into the depths of the dome continent along with the sky island.

It wasn't until tens of thousands of years later that the earth-dome continent gave birth to a second round of heaven and earth fruit, and then it could be seen again.


Lei Emperor fluttered with long hair, and gave a low roar: "Think of me, Lei Emperor Tianzhuang Wizards, but I am here to die!"

"Cangtian, you are so unfair to me!"

However, Leidi's roar has just fallen.

Wow ~~~

Suddenly the power of the natural array suddenly diminished, which made Lei Dizheng on the spot.

After a long time, Lei Di yelled, "What's the matter? How can the power of the natural array be inexplicably weakened?"

"Did someone help me out?"

Just thinking about this, hum ~~~

A dazzling dazzling light suddenly fell from the sky.

Severely cut on the mask formed by the natural array, and cut the mask into a huge gap.

The next moment, a young man in black appeared in the natural formation with a long black-cyan knife.

"What? Such a domineering blade of light?"

Seeing this scene, Leidi's directness was stunned.

He cultivated the knives from a young age, and the power of the knives was very clear.

At this moment, the sword light that fell from the sky, even the eighth-highest unbeatable one on the sky, is far from being cut.

Could it be said that the owner of Daoguang is a super-existence cultivated to surpass the eighth weight of ascending the sky?

In shock, Lei looked up at the young man in black.

When the other person's face was clearly seen, the shock in his face became stronger.

Also mixed with an incredible look!

"Cheng Feng? Actually Cheng Feng?"

Lei Di exclaimed: "Not only did Cheng Feng enter the sky, but his strength has risen to such a level?"

When he entered the sky, Leidi could see clearly.

Cheng Feng was led to the Heavenly Desolation Dynasty, and the master behind it was definitely the Emperor of Heavenly Desolation.

Although the Emperor of Heaven on the continent is just a clone, it is also very scary.

However, it failed to trap Cheng Feng at all.

"Are you the Thunder Emperor of the Sword Pavilion?"

When Lei Di was shocked, Cheng Feng cut a knife again and shattered the entire natural array.

Then he flew to Lei Di and smiled. "I am Cheng Feng. Due to the abnormal changes in the sky, we must evacuate within half a day."

"I feel you are here, so come and take you away."

"What happened to the sky? What changed?"

Waves of unrest, waves of waves again, made Lei Di's head clouded.

"Time is tight, let's talk on the road."

Cheng Feng glanced to the north of Cangqiang Island, seeing that the magic of the sky was getting stronger.

There was a sense of urgency in my heart, and it seemed that the ancient demon was rapidly recovering.


Lei Di was trapped here for seven or eight days, and he had long wanted to leave.

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, he nodded in approval.

With the decision, Cheng Feng and the two immediately set off.

During the flight, Cheng Feng told Lei Di about the recent situation in Cangqiang Island.

After listening, Leidi sighed: "I still want to pick a heavenly and heavenly fruit for God. Now it seems that there is no hope at all!"

The fruits of heaven and earth on the sky of the sky have all fallen into Cheng Feng's hands.

Not to mention the threat of ancient demons now, even without ancient demons, Thunder Emperor can no longer pick the fruits of heaven and earth.

"Lei, God of War has helped me a lot. It's a big brother."

At this time, Cheng Feng suddenly said: "The God of War mentioned that he wanted a fruit of heaven and earth to restore his lost cultivation."

"Just right, I have a few extra heavenly-level heaven and earth fruits in my hand."

"I'll give you one, and you will give it to God of War!"

For the God of War, Cheng Feng was very grateful.

Since the other person needs a fruit of heaven and earth, he will give him one.

Cheng Feng said that he would do it, and when he saw it, he took a rush and took out the white jade box obtained from Niu Dingtian.

When I opened it, I saw two entangled plants in the world.

These two heaven and earth fruits have the rank of one star and heavenly veins.

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