Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2038: Jumping beam clown

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Chapter 2038 The Jumping Clown

However, the ghosts in the abyss of death clearly did not want to clear them.

When the five super-ghosts suspended their offensive, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Those ordinary ghosts, like locusts, rushed to Cheng Qingxue.

Cheng Qingxue's three women must be forcibly left by a huge amount.

"Delete me!"

Cheng Qingxue's three daughters are not powerless.

Seeing a large number of ordinary ghosts on the way, while defending the blowing of wind, while using martial arts.

Attacked those ghosts and splattered them!

However, the number of ordinary ghosts is too large to kill.

Even if the ten Cheng Qingxues were added together, it was far from enough.

Continue to develop in this situation, before the three women Cheng Qingxue killed the ghost, they will be dragged into the abyss of death.

However, when the three women Cheng Qingxue felt great pressure.


Suddenly, a black and white fire wave burned down the death pontoon.

The wave of fire was terrifying and the temperature was extremely high.

Even if the flame was hundreds of meters away from the death pontoon, it still burned.

As for the ghosts climbing on the pontoon and floating around the pontoon, they were burned into fly ash.


The black and white fire waves spread, and in a blink of an eye reached Cheng Qingxue and they approached.

All the ghosts along the way were cleared, and even expanded to the surroundings, burning to death many unknown ghosts.

This time Cheng Feng caused a huge blow to the ghosts in the abyss of death.

The restless ghosts were all silent at this moment and did not dare to rush to Cheng Qingxue's three daughters.

Even the five super-ghosts roared low and dreaded, without any movement.

The huge abyss of death was actually frightened by Cheng Feng's **** melanoma.

Let Cheng Qingxue's three daughters have no worries.

Xianting walked across the death pontoon and returned to the earth dome continent.

"Sisters of the Temple of the Moon, it's your turn to cross the bridge."

The three daughters Cheng Qingxue were sent away, and the last mountain pressed on Cheng Feng's heart was removed.

After waiting for a long breath, he looked up at the direction of the iconostasis, and let the disciples of Zongmen Moon God Temple where Cheng Qingxue was located go first.

"Thank you, Mr. Cheng Feng."

At this moment, the ghosts in the death abyss were just deterred by Cheng Feng with Hellfire.

It is the safest time to cross the death pontoon.

Cheng Feng asked them to cross the bridge at this moment, apparently to take care of them in Cheng Qingxue's face.

I was overjoyed and thanked Cheng Feng loudly.

Immediately flew towards the death pontoon.

There are two temporary strongholds of the iconostasis.

One of the men in the Temple of the Moon occupied one, and the other was occupied by the son of the icon.

Seeing Cheng Feng let the disciples of the Moon God's Temple cross the bridge, Di Che's face was ecstatic, and he actually followed.

"Di Che, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked with a frown.

"Brother Cheng Feng, let's cross the death pontoon."

Di Pao smiled, as if he had been a friend with Cheng Feng for many years: "You know, the Moon God Temple is the martial arts shrine of my iconic **** dynasty.

"An indivisible whole?"

Cheng Feng interrupted Di Pao's words and looked to a leading disciple of the Moon God's Temple: "Sister, what I heard may not match what Di Pao said."

"Can you explain it to me?"

"Mr. Cheng Feng, my lunar temple is the lunar temple, and the iconic dynasty is the iconic dynasty."

The disciple of the Luna Temple smiled sweetly, and then said, "There is no connection at all!"

"Ruan Qingyan, why are you ..."

After just observing, Di Che already knew the terrible nature of the ghosts in the abyss of death.

At this moment, I originally planned to take a ride on the moon goddess and leave the sky without taking any risk.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Qingyan of the Luna Temple actually pierced his lies directly.

While making him extremely embarrassed, he was a little embarrassed and angry, glaring at Ruan Qingyan.

"Di Che, what happened to me?"

However, Ruan Qingyan was not afraid of Di Pao, and insisted on the past: "Am I wrong?"

"Of course it's wrong. The Moon God Temple, as the martial arts shrine of my iconostasis, is part of the iconostasis."

Di Che made a fuss: "But you have separated the Moon God Temple from my iconic dynasty, what is your heart?"

"Do you want to split my iconic dynasty and become the eternal sinner of the iconic dynasty?"

"Eternal sinner?"

Ruan Qingyan said coldly: "If you say sinners of all ages, you are better than anyone!"

"You ... bitch!"

Dizha was furious and actually had a killing mood for Ruan Qingyan.

"Dipa, that's enough!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng's voice sounded: "I have no time to watch your performance. If you have to jump, please stay away from me."

"Otherwise, at your own risk!"

For Di Chen, Cheng Feng did not have any good impression.

If it wasn't behind him, there was a cattle man like the iconic emperor, Cheng Feng would have killed him long ago.

So his eyes glared and he yelled at the past.

If Dicha does not converge, even if it would offend the iconic emperor, Cheng Feng would not mind killing it!

"Cheng Feng, Ruan Qingyan!"

The continuous humiliation of Cheng Feng in front of everyone.

Di Che's face flushed, but he had to give in.

Because of Cheng Feng's strength, he is clear.

If he is annoyed, there is no good food for him.

In the end, the teeth clucked, and with several surviving iconic gods toward the disciples, he hurried back.

That looks like a horror!

"Jumping Clown!"

Cheng Feng glanced at Di Chen a little, then stopped paying attention to the other party.

Looking back, I looked at Ruan Qingyan and others: "Sister Soft, time is tight, start crossing the bridge."

"OK." Ruan Qingyan nodded.

Then, with other disciples in the temple for a few months, they set foot on the death pontoon.

Then, Cheng Feng specially ordered the magic gods and ethereal gods, and asked them to cross the bridge behind the lunar temple.

And when sending the disciples of Wan Mo Shen Chao and the disciples of Mi Miao Shen Chao, Cheng Feng also divided the fruits of Heihua Tiandi into six parts.

Take out two of them and give them to Pei Xuan, a black woman in Wanchao Dynasty, and the chief disciple of Ethereal Gods.

This black flower world fruit, Cheng Feng had previously entrusted the hand of Su Lin, gave a copy to Qianlong College.

Adding the two copies given at the moment, three remain.

Cheng Feng groaned a little and did not keep it. He gave the remaining three copies of Heihuatiandi to Su Shengtian and gave them to the Emperor Tiantian.

A copy is given to the hard-to-reach monk and given to the Ximo Buddha Lord.

The last copy was given to Niu Dingtian, and it was transferred to Emperor Butterfly and Nilong Aoqing.

Cheng Feng did this for two reasons.

First, resolving the grievances may allow the Emperor Huangtian to exist super-supervisedly and not to kill him.

Second, repay.

Emperor Butterfly and Ninglong Aoqing also considered Cheng Feng quite well.

Rewarding a piece of heaven and earth fruit is totally good value for money.

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