Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2042: Ghost Beast

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Chapter 2042: The Ghost Beast

"Ghost Beast?"

Cheng Feng was puzzled and looked towards Su Lin.

"The Ghost Beast is an evil monster that lives in the sea of ​​void."

Surin explained: "This beast has a huge body and cruel nature, and lives on devouring all living beings."

"The planes and continents that are usually stared at by this beast will be swallowed up by all beings and vitality, and become a dead ruin!"

"A monster that can devour the continent into ruins?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng was moved: "Brother Su, if this is the case, isn't the earth and the continent dangerous?"

"Once swallowed by this beast, it will definitely become a continent of death!"

"No, things are different in the dome continent."

Surin shook his head and said, "Furthermore, this ghost animal in front of you is just a ghost animal cub, and has been 'treated' by people.

"If you want to be a real ghost, you have to fix your problems."

"Otherwise, you can only stay in your youth for life."

"I see. The reason why this ghostly beast swallows Baizi to paint them should be to repair their own deficiencies."

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly: "Unfortunately, it was trapped in the abyss of death and couldn't get out, and missed the opportunity!"

"Get out of sleep at this moment, it is estimated that the anger in my heart will be vented on you and me."

Whispering when talking ~~~

In the death abyss covered by clouds and mist, the thick mist suddenly rolled up.

The next moment, a burst of tearing force suddenly appeared, attached to Cheng Feng and Su Lin.

The two of them should be pulled directly into a large cave filled with dense fog.

The big cave was very large. Due to the effect of suction, a huge whirlwind actually formed.

I engulfed everything around the death abyss, and even the death pontoon that ran over the death abyss was pulled and bent.

As if to break from the middle and follow the whirlwind into that big cave.

"So strong!"

In the tears of numerous suctions, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

Through the eyes of the God of Creation, he clearly saw the big cave formed a whirlwind, but the mouth of the behemoth, the ghostly beast.

Apparently, the Ghost Beast attacked him and wanted to put him to death!

However, despite the strength of the Ghost Beast's devouring power, Cheng Feng cannot be shaken.

I saw Cheng Feng standing in the air, and the whole person was like a man of all sorts. He could not stand still by the force of tearing!

As for Surin, the same is true.

Holding a long sword, he stood in the hurricane.

A pair of eyes stared at the Nether Beast, defending the opponent's next wave of attacks.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Ghost Beast did not let Surin wait too long.

I saw the thick fog boiling in the abyss of death, suddenly split by a few mighty forces.

The next moment, four long thick beards broke through the clouds and reached Su Lin.

Like four giant soft swords, Su Lin was to be strangled on the spot.

However, it seemed that Surin had already known the attack route of the four beards.

Just before the flesh hits you, take a few steps back.

As a result, all four flesh beard attacks were avoided.

Then, the long sword in Surin's hand reached out, 嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

On top of the four meat whiskers, four swords were quickly connected.

When the four pieces of meat had to be changed to attack Surin, they were cut into four pieces.

The second wave of Ghost Beasts will not break out!

At the same time, Cheng Feng was also attacked by the Ghost Beast.

However, Cheng Feng's response is quite different from that of Surin.

Seeing that Cheng Feng did not flinch, he lifted the Devil Sword in his hand and the sword of Emperor Cang broke out.

Stayed with the four huge meats that had been killed.


The flesh flew everywhere, and the four meats had to be cut directly by Cheng Feng!

However, such attacks are only tentative attacks from the Ghost Beast.

When the four meats had to be chopped and exploded, the Nether Beast had a clear understanding of Cheng Feng's strength.

There was a roar in his mouth and the thought of bombarding Cheng Feng.

At the same time, dozens of meats must be dispatched to attack Cheng Feng from a very tricky angle.

Huh! The spirit of the ghostly beast was so strong that it bombarded Cheng Feng's head.

Cheng Feng hit his head back, as if smashed by a hammer.

The devotion of the non-process peak is far stronger than the martial arts in the same realm, and the magic seal of the martial arts spirit is displayed.

Ghost Beast hit Cheng Feng, except the scene looks a bit scary.

Other injuries are not much at all.

In fact, the Ghost Beast did not pin its hopes on the attack of God's mind.

Its main attack method is still dozens of thick mustaches.

When Cheng Feng was bombarded by the gods, his body leaned back.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Those dozens of thick mustaches have already arrived.

Dozens of fissures were blown into the void, and the attack was appalling.

If you hit Cheng Feng, the consequences would be disastrous!

"Di Cang sword, cut!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng shook his head and shook off the discomfort caused by the bombardment of Divine Thought.

The next moment, the sword was cut in anger.

Stabbing ~~~

Leng Chan's sword exploded and chopped on the thick meat whiskers.

Cut dozens of thick meat whiskers and cut off Jiucheng instantly.

The remaining fish that missed the net hit Cheng Feng. Even if Cheng Feng was running the Luohan Fa phase, he couldn't help but be stingy.

But Cheng Feng mentioned with a long knife in his hand and stroked the remaining thick meat.

Those thick meat beards were cut off instantly.

The second wave of Ghost Beasts was easily resolved by Cheng Feng.

Not only that, Cheng Feng also lifted the Devil Sword over his head, and launched the Emperor Cangdao Wanxing Tonghui to launch a counterattack against the Ghost Beast!

Not only Cheng Feng, but also Su Lin began to counterattack the Nether Beast at this moment.

I saw him holding a sword in his hand, and the whole man walked peacefully towards the abyss of death and walked towards the ghostly beast.

The Ghost Beast sees this, and the dense meat on his body must be moved.

Like a giant whip, he threw away at Surin.

However, Surin seemed to know in advance the attack route of those fleshy.

When the thick meat whisker hit, Surin just stepped forward and perfectly avoided the attack of the thick meat whisker.

Then the sword was stabbed in Surin's hand.

Cut the thick meat.

This cycle repeats dozens of times, and the flesh of dozens of ghostly beasts is cut off.

If this continues, the ghostly beast is bound to be killed by Surin!

Roar! !!

Just then, the ghost beast was angry.

There was a low growl in his mouth, and the next moment, the huge body protruded directly from the abyss of death.

The flesh must dance, entangled with each other.

Turned into a super giant whip, shattered the vast void, and headed for Su Lin and Cheng Feng.

That power was terrifying, and the power that escaped shattered the abyss of death.

Cracks appeared on the solid rock wall!

If Cheng Feng is hit hard by such attacks, even if Cheng Feng casts his golden body tactics, I am afraid he will not escape!

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