Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2051: Super array

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Chapter 2051 Super Big Array

"Human, I hope you are a believer!"

Being caught in Cheng Feng's hands, extremely cold flames had no choice.

After a little groaning, I chose to give in.

"It's extremely cold, you made the smartest choice."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled slightly.

Then he reached out to take over the Chiyan Robe, and communicated slightly with the Hell Heiyan, letting him give up a small part of the place, and used it as a temporary residence for the extremely cold flames.

"go in."

Cheng Feng looked towards the extremely cold flames: "When I need you, I will call you out!"

Living in the same room as the enemy who had just fought a battle, extremely cold and reluctant.

But under the orders of Cheng Feng, he was afraid to disobey.

He stared at Heiyanyan fiercely and got into Chiyanpao.

Let the black and white Chi Yanpao create a transparent area out of thin air.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction: "I will try to keep your true flame spirit as I practice the Arhats."

"As long as the true spirit is immortal, you can return to the top!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng put away the empty pot.

Gaze turned to look at the dome of the underground world.

I saw a flash of light above the dome.

Cheng Feng looked with the eyes of the God of Fortune, and he could clearly see those rays, but it was a series of meandering lines.

It is densely packed and distributed all over the dome.

And it also extends to the square rock walls of the underground world and the underground.

"It's a super big array, and the dense array of formations is the only thing I've seen in my life!"

Looking at the dense array of formations, Cheng Feng was deeply shocked.

The complexity of matrix formations is rare in the world.

It is absolutely difficult to break through such arrays.

The worst rank, also reached the high rank of Wang Pin.

"This array method is estimated to be an ordinary array method developed by the Xingyue League."

Cheng Feng guessed: "The real advanced formation method must have been destroyed by the ancient masters, and it is impossible to stay until now."

"Cheng Feng, you guessed it."

Nalan Changsheng said: "As far as I know, the Xingyue League has already researched the imperial formation."

"Once the big formation takes shape, the power of nature will retreat!"

"Unfortunately, the repairs dominated by ancient times are far beyond ordinary creation."

"Only by one's strength, the entire Xingyue Alliance was leveled, and all the formations were destroyed."

"The array in front of me is estimated to be a second hand left by Yue Qianji."

"After the dominion of ancient times left, it quietly inspired to take shape to protect his secrets."

"Uncle Naland, if you say so, there may be some unexpected gains in this underground world."

Cheng Feng's eyes were bright and full of expectations for the next search.

Immediately without delay, run the creation of God's Eyes, starting from the line of formation on the dome of the underground world, to start a comprehensive search of the underground world.

A few minutes later, Cheng Feng raised a brow.

"Fistprint Lake."

Cheng Feng's eyes stopped on the Fangyin Lake: "The formations on the dome are densely packed, but in the end they all converged in the Fangyin Lake."

"This shows that the focus of the entire formation defense is the lake of boxing marks."

"If Yue Qianji really left something in the underground world, it must be in the fistprint lake."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng flew into the Fistprint Lake in the vein of the formation.

Boxing Lake covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles, and it was originally filled with water.

But with the battle between Cheng Feng and the dragon-shaped python, all the water in the lake was evaporated.

Under the lake, the boxing marks that sink deeply.

"On the surface of this lake, there is nothing at all."

Cheng Feng's gaze swept around the lake, and he groaned, "Yes, it's just the ancient building debris that was blown away by a **** by the ancient masters."

"I want to find what Yue Qianji left behind, and I have to go to the next floor of Fangyin Lake."

Cheng Feng said to do it, stepped on the bottom of the boxing lake, and wanted to shake the bottom of the lake.

But I didn't expect that at the moment when Cheng Feng's footprints fell.

Om ~~~

A strong light appeared and turned into a thick mask, protecting the bottom of the lake.

Cheng Feng's footsteps are super strong, but when he falls on the mask, he cannot shake the mask at all!

"A formation shield?"

Cheng Feng looked towards the soles of his feet, with a thoughtful expression on his face: "It seems that I want to search for the bottom of the fistprint lake, and I have to break through this super array."

The photomask suddenly formed under Cheng Feng's feet was obviously a shield formed by the force of formation.

This shroud is very strong, drawing the power of formation into an underground world.

No wonder Cheng Feng's lameness can easily trample down and kill a seventh-top peerless powerhouse, and he can't shake the bottom of the fistprint lake.

"Cheng Feng, this formation is very strong, and it is still a serial formation."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "In my observation, at least three kingpin mid-level arrays, plus six kingpin first-level arrays formed."

"The nine large formations are linked together to form a super formation. The ninth strongest comes to the sky, and it is estimated that there is nothing to do!"

"Three kingpin mid-level big formations, and six kingpin middle-level big formations?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

There are some concerns about breaking up the super array.

Because an early battle of Wang Pin requires his full strength to break open.

In these big battles, even if his firepower is full, he cannot shake the slightest!

"Cheng Feng, don't worry."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Although this serial array method is strong, it has been eroded by the years for many years. The power today is far less than it used to be."

"And in all likelihood, some kind of loophole has been created."

"You and I are watching carefully, maybe we can find the loopholes, and then it will be a hundred times easier to break the battle!"

"Well, it's quite possible."

Cheng Feng nodded, thinking deeply.

After all, the span has been too long since ancient times.

Except for some special formations, all other formations are getting weaker and weaker.

Although Yue Qianji is a ghost in the field of law formation, he cannot resist the power of time!

After the decision was made, Cheng Feng immediately operated the God of Fortune, and began to observe the veins of the formation method at the bottom of the boxing lake.

After ten minutes, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

On the north side of Fangyin Lake, he found a vein of matrix formation broken in a sinking trench.

This fragmented area is small and does not affect the operation of the entire array.

However, if bombed with this broken area, it will be able to instantly destroy the array of formations where the broken area is located.

"Uncle Naland, I have found a missing formation."

After discovering the incident, Cheng Feng sent a voice to Nalan Changsheng.

Nalan Long Life observed slightly and nodded, "Yes, this loophole is available."

"You pierced this loophole of the formation with the sky burial flag, which is enough to break this elementary Wangpin formation."

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