Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2053: Mechanical house

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Chapter 2053 Mechanical House

In the underground world, Cheng Feng looked at the remaining six kings, and his eyes flickered.

The next moment, his hands suddenly lifted and pushed forward.


The four-parcel burial flag was shot one by one, and then stabbed fiercely towards one of the six formations.

That array is an elementary array of kings, without any loopholes.

Four parcels of burial flags stabbed in the past, 嗤 ~~~

Arrived close to a matrix line, but was blocked by a mask formed by the force of the matrix.

The sky burial flag only pierced the mask more than half a foot, and it stopped involuntarily.

The thickness of the array method mask is nearly one meter.

But at this moment.

Huh! The second shot of the burial flag arrived.

Hit the first cemetery flag fiercely, smashing the cemetery flag and continued to stab forward.

The amplitude of the penetration mask reached one and a half feet.

Then, the third parcel flag came and hit the end of the second parcel flag.

Let the spike of the first burial flag of heaven be carried out again.

Pierce the array mask two and a half feet!

Finally, the fourth shot of the sky funeral flag arrived, the most violent hit.

When the collision was completed, the first shot of the sky burial flag was forced to break through the defense of the array mask.

嘭 ~~~

Burst a burst of bursts protected by the burst mask and stab the spot.

Thereby, a missing element appeared in that Wang Pin's primary formation.

Obviously, there are no omissions in the current six kingpin formations, so Cheng Feng created the omissions by himself.

At this moment, he was firing all-out, and was specifically attacking a kingpin formation, immediately leaving it vulnerable.

"The power of burial, open!"

After tearing a hole in the Wang Pin's primary formation, Cheng Feng did not stay.

With both hands held up, the four-pole burial flag was arranged and combined.

Suddenly, a mighty force rushed out of the four-parcel burial flag.

Wait to be bombarded into that Kingpin formation.


It was like a bamboo shoot, and it was quickly smashed.

It didn't take long for the whole array to collapse.

Let the super array of the underground world be left with only five kings arrays struggling to support.

Although the power of the formation law still covers the entire underground world, its power has weakened more than ten times!

With brute force, he opened a complete array of kingpins and gave Cheng Feng great confidence.

Immediately without delay, continue to use the burial flag to break the battle.

In a blink of an eye, the second complete Wang Pin array was broken by him.

Then came the third and fourth!

"It's now!"

When Cheng Feng broke through the fourth Wang Pin array, the defense of the entire Super array was already extremely weak.

So Cheng Feng stole the sky burial flag, grabbed the Devil Sword, and utterly used the Emperor Cangdao Wanxing Tonghui.

Bang ~~~

When this knife falls.

The force of the formation shrouded above the bottom of the Fistprint Lake was suddenly cut open a narrow gap.

After seeing Cheng Feng, 唰 ~~~

Step out and enter the bottom of the lake.

After crossing the force of the formation method, Cheng Feng finally touched the true bottom of the fistprint lake.

The soles of the feet lay on the soil and stamped slightly.

Kakaka ~~~

The solid ground cracked immediately, revealing a crack ten meters wide.

Cheng Feng flew down the crack, and a mechanical house inlaid thousands of meters below the ground came into view.

This mechanical house is not large, only a few meters square.

The whole body is forged from cyan-black material, giving an indestructible taste.

Even after millions of years have passed, it is heavy and thick!

"This mechanical house should be the treasure house left by Yue Qianji."

Seeing the mechanical house, Cheng Feng was a little emotional: "I hope that being in the house will help me get out of the dome continent."

"Don't blame me for spending so much time flattening the underground world!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng raised his hands.

Hum! A divine power emerged out of thin air and turned into a divine power.

Grabbed the mechanical house directly out of the underground dirt.

Then he didn't take a closer look. He stepped back and flew out of the ground of the Fistprint Lake.

Standing in a messy underground world, Cheng Feng looked closely at the mechanical house.

I saw that the mechanical house was tightly connected and there was no half gap.

It is like a whole piece of blue-black steel forged and cannot be opened at all.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

The hand holding the mechanical house exerted a little force, and wanted to smash the mechanical house.

However, the mechanical house was unexpectedly sturdy.

With Cheng Feng's terrorist power, he couldn't shake the slightest.


At this time, Cheng Feng was finally aroused interest: "This mechanical house is not simple. It has a taste that is inaccessible to guns and fires!"

"Cheng Feng, this mechanical house should be a combination of formation and mechanics."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It looks tight and tight, but it is not a whole."

"As long as you find the pattern, you can easily open it!"

"Looking for patterns? Let me try."

Cheng Feng's brow frowned slightly, then opened the eyes of the fortune, and began a detailed observation of the mechanical house.

The penetrating power of God's Eye is extremely strong, and it can magnify objects thousands or even thousands of times.

Under the observation of the God of Fortune, the seamless mechanical house suddenly appeared fine slits.

These slits are very small and have a specific pattern.

It seems like small blocks are arranged and combined, and each crack is cut into small paragraphs.

There is little chance of opening it by brute force.

Unless, Cheng Feng is powerful!

"This should be a means of organizing art, which contains deep mechanical principles."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Also, in the principles of mechanics, the method of formation is mixed."

"The power of the formation is assisted by the power of the formation, and the power of the formation is carried by the power of the formation."

"The two complement each other and form a weird balance!"

"Perhaps this is why Yue Qianji became the Chief Elder of Xingyue League!"

Seeing the principle contained in the mechanical house, Cheng Feng had a strong admiration for Yue Qianji.

But at the same time, my heart also has no hope for opening the mechanical house by conventional means!

Because Cheng Feng's understanding of organ mechanics and the method of formation methods cannot reach the level of opening mechanical houses.

"Since conventional methods cannot be opened, use unconventional methods."

Cheng Feng whispered: "I don't know how many years this mechanical house has been buried underground, it must have been corroded by years."

"It's definitely harder than in ancient times!"

"If I use the strongest means, I should be able to break it forcibly."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng raised the Devil Sword.

Waiting to be filled with divine power, and then severely cut off.

The mechanical house was chopped in a volley and sparks exploded.

But when the horrible sword strength calmed down, they found that the mechanical house was intact.

No trace of the knife was left on it, which made Cheng Feng's eyebrows wrinkle, revealing surprise.

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