Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2064: Knife shape

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Chapter 2064 Sword Shape Formation

Cheng Feng's knife intention reached the limit.

However, the growth of swordsmanship has not stopped and continues to grow.

After such a few minutes, the knife intention was so scary.

On the top of Cheng Feng's head, a dark cloud of swords formed, and the sharp edge of Wan Jiantu was suppressed faintly!

Immediately afterwards, the meaning of the sword began to change.

A large number of knife intentions converged and mixed with each other.

Cheng Feng looked up and looked at it, it was a thumb-sized 'knife'.

This knife is small but not weak.

Even more horrible than the massive limit knife, Cheng Feng runs Rulai Jinshenjue, and the pores in the whole body can not be tightened.

It seems that being infiltrated by the power of that knife will cut people into pieces!

"what's the situation?"

"What happened to Cheng Feng, how suddenly became so dangerous?"

Ji Wushuang and others saw this scene, their heads buzzed, it was difficult to understand.

Fortunately, Jian Wu's eyes were sharp, and he saw the clue.

"It's Wanjian."

Jian Wuyi narrowed his eyes: "Cheng Feng actually got the recognition of Wan Jiantu without obtaining the master's inheritance."

"Automatically sent Wan Jiantu's control center 'Qianji Sword' to Cheng Feng's hands."

"Thousands of swords contain 10,000 kinds of kendo wills, which are the ultimate treasures for swordsmen. They can promote the swordsman's kendo to a very high level."

"Cheng Feng is a swordsman, but the swords are interlinked, so he is also inspired by Qianji Sword."

"At this point, the sword surged, giving birth to the sword!"

"To Cheng Feng, it's an adventure!"

It turned out that the white jade sword that Cheng Feng had just grabbed was actually the core hub of Wan Jiantu.

Controlling Baiyu's long sword is equivalent to controlling Wanjian's map, and controlling the first switch of the ultimate defense of Qianji Tower.

But this white jade sword is not simple. It contains the life insights of thousands of swordsmen.

At the moment when Cheng Feng grasped the white jade sword, these insights were then infused into Cheng Feng's body, allowing Cheng Feng to follow the white jade sword and go through the lives of these swordsmen.

Suddenly, the soul was inspired, and the sword that had not been moving for a long time began to blow out.

In the blink of an eye, it reached the limit of the sword, and gave birth to the sword.

The horrible knife just now is the prototype of the sword!

"Cheng Feng, was it so easy to get Wan Jiantu's approval?"

After listening to Jian Wuyi's words, both Ji Wushuang were more shocked.

He knows very well that Wan Jiantu is very special. He only recognized Yue Qianji in his life.

Unless it is a descendant of Yue Qianji, it is difficult for others to get approval.

However, Cheng Feng did not have the least inheritance of Yue Qianji, but made Wan Jiantu surrender automatically, it was incredible.

In fact, even Cheng Feng himself did not understand.

However, at this moment, he was at a critical moment of gestation, so although he was puzzled, he did not think about it.

It is to converge and continue to grow your stance.

Time passed, and a few minutes passed.

Outside the Qianji Tower, the bombardment of ancient demons became increasingly fierce, making the shaking of the Qianji Tower more and more serious.

The sharp claws caught on the tower, making a harsh sound of friction.

Even the devil's claw became smaller and reached in directly along the gate of the first floor.

However, in front of the tower gate on the first floor of the Qianji Tower, there was a beast trapped trapped.

When the demon claws of the ancient demons reached in, the burial flag of the trapped beastly urn immediately withdrew.

So that the two-headed beast gnawed and woke up.

When he saw the gripped claw, he roared in his mouth.

Immediately, two cold and hot forces spurted from his mouth, and he rushed towards the ancient demons.

However, ancient demons are too strong.

This double-headed dog was a powerful monster even in ancient times.

But under the claws of ancient demons, there was no power to fight back.

Three times five divided by two, they were shot and flew out.

Smashed into the tower door of Qianji Tower and pushed the closed door open.

By the time he fell to the ground, his bones had shattered, his veins were broken, and he died instantly.

The two-headed dog beast was solved, and the claws penetrated into the first floor of the Qianji Tower.

In this level, there are three leftover organ creations.

There are two organ beasts and one organ man.

These three organ creations are quite not weak, and they can fully compete with the seventh strongest player in the sky.

But as the Devil Claw came in, he just patted it casually.


The three organ creations, like the ones made of rotten wood, fell apart on the spot!

Then the magic claw continued to go deeper, along the passage, towards the second floor of the Qianji Tower.

at the same time.

The third floor of Qianji Tower, pictured in Wanjian.

"No, the intruders have invaded the Qianji Tower."

Ji Wushuang's face changed greatly: "The guardian beast on the first floor of the Thousand Machine Tower, and the only three organ creatures remaining in our family, have been slaughtered by the invaders!"

Not only is the machine unparalleled, the three thousand books also have a sense.

Because when Ji Wushuang spoke, the claws of the ancient demon had already reached the second floor of the Qianji Tower.

Start cleaning the beasts on the second floor of Qianji Tower!

While gestating the sword, Cheng Feng also felt a cold threat threatening.

Stimulated by this threat, Cheng Feng's sword potential originally took a dozen minutes.

But suddenly condensed at this moment, hum ~~~

It turned into a one-meter-long transparent blade with threads on it.

This knife is invisible and invisible, it is invisible to the naked eye, but it really exists.

Can appear anywhere with Cheng Feng's will.

Once Cheng Feng triggers it, it is absolutely killing invisible!

"My sword ... has finally taken shape!"

Sword is the symbol of advanced swordsmen.

Only those who really like knives, love knives, and understand knives can practice the sword.

The accumulation of Cheng Feng was not enough to condense the sword.

But with the help of Qianji Sword, I realized the life of tens of thousands of swordsmen, and the accumulation soared.

This time not only gave birth to the sword, but also directly reached the second order.

Even if you use the sword to face the enemy, you can easily defeat the seventh heavy martial artist!

"Second-order swordsmanship, this is still a bit weak for me."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Perhaps the sword will reach the third or fourth order before it can be of much use!"

The power of the second-order sword power is equivalent to the seventh heavy martial artist.

The third-order sword is comparable to the eighth strongest in the sky.

The fourth-order sword is comparable to the ninth strongest in the sky.

With Cheng Feng's current strength, if Jian Shi wants to be helpful, he really needs to reach the third or fourth level.

However, the advancement of the sword is not easy. At half-time, you will want to advance to the fourth level, and the possibility is very small.

Moreover, Cheng Feng has no time to pay attention to this matter, so he shakes his head and starts to sort out the current situation.

Soon, Cheng Feng understood the current situation.

It was learned that Qianji Jianzhu had taken the initiative to fly to himself. It turned out that Qianji Tower also sensed the threat from ancient demons.

In order to block the threat, he took the initiative to find Cheng Feng.

Prepare to use Cheng Feng's hand to resolve the current crisis!

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