Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 208: Aquila aspect, Dacheng!

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Chapter 208 The Sky Eagle Squadron, Dacheng!

"I see, but where do you start?"

"Start with your legs, then your ribs, then your arms, and finally your spine keel!"

Nalan Changsheng said: "Tianpeng's real blood energy is violent. When it is incorporated into the body, it will be stinging. You must be mentally prepared."

Cheng Feng nodded, took a deep breath, and then wrapped Yuan Yu's blood like Tianhui Peng with Yuanli from the jade bowl with Yuanli, and then dripped to his left leg.

呲 呲 ~~~

Tian Peng's real blood touched Cheng Feng's left leg, and it seemed like a red-hot iron ball fell on his leg, making a burst of burning sound.

At the same time, a severe pain that almost reached the soul of a person exploded in Cheng Feng's mind.

At that moment, even if Cheng Feng's endurance was extraordinary and he was psychologically prepared, he couldn't help uttering a moan.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng's entire face became red, his eyes widened, and perspiration dripped from his forehead like a raindrop, dropping down with a click.

It hurts, it hurts!

This absorption of Tianpeng's real blood can be ten times more painful than cutting one's own flesh with a knife.

However, in order to practice the third layer of Sky Eagle Squadron, even if the pain makes people almost crazy, Cheng Feng did not give up, his teeth were rattling and stiffened.


At this time, the drop of Tianpeng's real blood had penetrated into the skin from the surface of Cheng Feng's left leg.

It turned into a thin thread of blood, spreading to Cheng Feng's entire left leg, and it looked like a fire was burning.

At this moment, the pain in his mind surged wildly, and Cheng Feng felt a sense of passing out.

But Cheng Feng knew that he must not be fainted at this time, he must hold on.

If only the first drop of Tianpeng's true blood makes him feel dizzy, how can the next 48 drops be absorbed?

Forbearance, even if you are tortured, you have to bear it!

In this way, Cheng Feng lived like a year, with patience one minute and one second.

Finally, after the half-column incense, the first drop of Tianpeng's real blood was completely incorporated into Cheng Feng's left leg, and he was completely integrated with his flesh.

"Hoo ~~~"

Cheng Feng took a breath and cursed with a trembling voice: "It's over, it's over."

"Cheng Feng, this is the first drop of Tianpeng true blood, and there are 48 drops next." Nalan Changsheng's voice shook the corner of Cheng Feng's mouth.

But then, Cheng Feng's fierce strength came up: "Continue, this pain is nothing."

Although saying so on his mouth, as the second drop of Tianpeng's real blood dripped onto his left leg, Cheng Feng's entire face was immediately screwed together.

It hurts so much!

If it wasn't Cheng Feng who was doing it at this moment, but someone else, I'd be crazy!

Drop by drop!

Time passes in minutes and seconds.

When Cheng Feng dropped the seventh drop of Tianpeng True Blood into his left leg, and after it was completely absorbed, all of a sudden, Cheng Feng felt that his left leg was a little different.

It seems as though it has become light, but its strength has soared several times.

It's as if a ferocious animal lies dormant in the left leg, and once activated, the power of terror will erupt.

"Mad, this sin is finally unpaid."

Feeling the change in his left leg, Cheng Feng's sweat-stained face showed a bright smile: "Go ahead, anyway, it's better to finish it sooner or later."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng's second wave of sins began!


I don't know how long it has passed.

It is estimated that it is half-column incense, one incense, maybe longer.

Cheng Feng finally put the second Tianpeng blood into his right leg.

As both the left and right legs drew in a piece of Tianpeng true blood, the change came out immediately.

Even without using any physical skills, Cheng Feng's speed is very fast, at least 50% to 60% higher than usual.

"It seems that the more Tianpeng's blood that is trained in my body, the greater my change will be."

Cheng Feng groaned: "I'd like to see what happens when I train all seven Tianpeng blood into my body."

"And then, two ribs!"

The two ribs of a person are very important to protect the internal organs.

But at the same time, the two ribs are much weaker than other places.

However, as two copies of Tianpeng's real blood were drilled into the two ribs, Cheng Feng's two ribs seemed to have accumulated two strong forces, greatly increasing the protection of the two ribs. Will be unscathed.

"Hoo ~~"

"Quickly, four Tianpeng real blood has been refined, then the arms are next."

Cheng Feng relaxed a little, and then fell into painful torture again.

After about an hour.

Cheng Feng practiced the fifth Tianpeng blood into his left arm, and then began to pour the sixth blood into his right arm.

However, Cheng Feng's right arm was a bit special. The bone injury had just passed the first round of treatment, and the injury remained unhealed.

So with the training of Tianpeng's real blood, the pain became more intense.

However, greater pain often leads to greater gains.

As Cheng Feng drilled the sixth Tianpeng blood into his right arm, his bone injury was healed.

Not only that, Cheng Feng also felt that his right arm was much stronger than before, and the broken bones seemed to be harder than before.

At this time, if he was shot once again by Tiemu XIII's Frost Soul Chasing Arrow, Cheng Feng felt that his arm bones could be completely carried down without any damage!

"Oh, this is a pleasant surprise."

Finding that his right arm had completely recovered, Cheng Feng grinned: "Seven copies of Tianpeng True Blood, now refined six, then go ahead and start the infiltration of spine keel."

As Tianpeng's blood was practiced in the limbs and ribs, Cheng Feng was vaguely different.

It's as if these six Tianpeng real bloods are generating an invisible force with each other, making Cheng Feng's body lighter and longer.

However, this change is not complete, as if the most important link is missing.

Once this last link is made up, Cheng Feng will have a sea change!

嗤 ~~~

A drop of Tianpeng blood dripped into Cheng Feng's spine, and immediately infiltrated into it, spreading into blood-colored silk threads and spreading.

When seven drops of Tianpeng blood dripped in, Cheng Feng's spine was completely linked by blood-colored silk threads.

And when it extended, Cheng Feng's legs, arms, and ribs were connected.

Suddenly, a pattern drawn entirely by blood-colored thin lines emerged.

This pattern is the outline of an ancient beast Tianpeng.

When this outline appeared, Cheng Feng's breath was suddenly round and long, as if there was a Tianpeng beast in his body, static was as stable as the earth, and moving soared into the sky!

"Uncle Nalan, I succeeded. Seven Tianpeng real blood, I have all been trained into the body."

At this moment, Cheng Feng was also excited: "I feel like I have no weight in my body. I can reach where I want to go in one step!"


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