Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2075: Julu Hall

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Chapter 2075 Julu Palace

Roar! !!

The small mountain peak giant stood on the way of Cheng Feng and made a roar.

It was as if he was deterring Cheng Feng, and Cheng Feng was required to stop attacking the two mountain giants.

"Cheng Feng, this mountain peak giant, should be the children of the two super mountain giants."

At this time, none of the book three thousand and the sword flew over: "Otherwise, with the strength you show, this big man is definitely afraid to be rude to you."

"Well, it's quite possible."

Cheng Feng nodded and stopped walking towards the two mountain giants: "I'm not here to trouble the mountain giant when I come to the ninth floor of the Qianji Tower."

"I just fought back, and I was forced to fight back."

"Now the results of the battle have come out, presumably these mountain giants are afraid to have more trouble."

"So, it is convenient for me to gain the second control of the ultimate defense of the Qianji Tower."

At this point, Cheng Feng looked up and looked around.

Soon he found a towering mountain peak in the middle of the rolling mountains.

On the top of the mountain is a large hall, built of splendor.

It can be seen clearly across thousands of miles.

"Cheng Feng, that's Julu Palace."

The sound of the three thousand books sounded: "In ancient times, there was a family who studied the art of organs very well, the julu family."

"This family is famous for its technology and people, and its owners for materials and money. It has built many famous institutions."

"In fact, the entire Qianji Tower is barely considered an institution."

"But this institution's creation combines forging, formation, starry sky, etc., which is far more complicated and powerful than ordinary institution creations."

"Divided by level, it is slightly better than many top holy objects."

"And the Julu Temple on Julu Peak was left by the Julu family."

"If nothing unexpected happens, the second ultimate defense switch of the Qianji Tower will be located in the Julu Hall."

"Julu family? It's a familiar name."

After listening to the book's three thousand words, Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuated.

Because of the four characters of the Julu family, Cheng Feng has long heard of it.

As early as the emergence of the dynasty, he repeatedly saw the creations of the organs from the hands of the Julu family.

Now hearing the news of the Julu family again, a sigh involuntarily occurred in my heart.

However, the sigh quickly dissipated.

In the end, only the desire for the second ultimate defense of Qianji Tower was left!

"Ancient demon's offensive is becoming more and more fierce, and Qianji Tower's first defense is already a bit unbearable."

Cheng Feng whispered: "I must open the second ultimate defense of Qianji Tower as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Stop, 唰 ~~~

As soon as Cheng Feng turned around, he flew to Julu Temple, thousands of miles away.

The Julu Hall is located above the Julu Peak and is named after the Julu family.

Cheng Feng flashed a few times, already standing near Ju Lufeng.

Julu Feng is as high as 10,000 Yuan, but it is nothing to Cheng Feng.

Taking a leap forward, the Julu Hall on the top of the mountain is already in sight.

"Are the beasts guarding the ninth floor of the Qianji Tower already awake?"

Standing in front of Julu Temple, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

Because in front of the gate of Julu Temple, a whole-body snow-white python was swallowing a snake letter and staring at him with a cold killing look.

It seems like the next moment, they will come over.

"Cheng Feng, in fact, this beast is still half awake."

The book three thousand said: "But give him a few more minutes, the situation is different."

"It's best to kill it immediately, lest it will cause trouble."

The snow-white big python in front of him was also regarded as a ruthless character in ancient times.

It would be a bit of a hassle if it were to wake up completely.

Then Cheng Feng nodded and grabbed the Devil Sword with his right hand.

bass! Pull it out and cut it towards the snow-white python.

Then he re-inserted the knife into the scabbard and strode toward Julu Hall.

The knife cut by Cheng Feng was too anxious and too fast. The knife light flashed on the snow-white python, as if there was no slight injury.

Seeing Cheng Feng approaching it, the snow-white python opened his blood basin and opened his mouth to swallow Cheng Feng.

But wait for it to swallow Cheng Feng.


A blood line suddenly appeared on it, and the blood shot out.

The next moment, the entire snake body split into two pieces.

Landed on the ground, actually dead!

Obviously, this snow-white python had just been killed by Cheng Feng.

However, due to the speed of Cheng Feng's knife, Xuebai python died and had not responded yet. He continued to kill Cheng Feng.

The result was naturally nothing, half a blood splattered three feet.

"The level of this python should reach the middle level of the eight ranks of the prefecture. The flesh and blood contains rich energy and cannot be wasted at will."

Cheng Feng came to the snow-white big python, looked at it casually, and whispered, "It's better to be in the empty pot and feed the dragon lice."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's thoughts evoked.

Put the white python of Heng corpse into the empty pot.

After doing this, Cheng Feng kept walking and walked to Julu Hall.

The Julu Hall is large and magnificent, and it is full of organ creations. Some people have beasts, fish, and birds ...

But these things have been around for too long, and many parts have decayed.

Cheng Feng pushed in the door, and a gust of wind blew over those institutions' creations.


A large number of machine-made objects are like sand piles, and they are turned into sand and dust to go with the wind.

There were only some metal objects left, which were also covered with rust.

Regarding this scene, Cheng Feng did not take his eyes off.

After entering the hall, directly open the eyes of the fortune, searching for the switch of the second ultimate defense of Qianji Tower.

Soon, Cheng Feng found out.

I saw that it was an elevated platform on the innermost level of the hall.

This high platform is small, with a seat on it and mechanical handles on all sides.

Should be a control platform, just do not know what to control.

"Cheng Feng, that is the switch of the second ultimate defense of Qianji Tower."

As Cheng Feng looked at the control platform, the book's three thousand voices sounded: "This control platform is the proud work of the Julu family."

"It is rumored to be able to temporarily connect people's deities with Qianji Tower."

"Pass the controller's thoughts directly to Qianji Tower and let it make the most accurate response."

"Can this still happen?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng frowned.

He also heard for the first time that mechanical creations can be manipulated in this way.

"Cheng Feng, you will know if you go up and try."

The book three thousand said: "You can just feel the mystery of the julu family organs."

At this time, the ancient demon's attack on the Qianji Tower became more and more terrifying.

The Qianji Tower became softer and softer under the incineration of the magic fire, and was then tightened by the black cord, which had deformed to the extreme.

If this situation continues to develop, the Qianji Tower will undoubtedly be destroyed!

Cheng Feng's thoughts shrouded the Qianji Tower and knew the situation outside.

Knowing that his time was pressing, he took a slight look at the control platform.

The next moment, he stepped into a seat in the center of the platform.

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