Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2087: Back to the top

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Chapter 2087 Returning To The Top

嗤 ~~~

Cheng Feng slightly moved his power.

The Yuanling Stone grasped in his hands, a pure aura was immediately pulled out and merged into Cheng Feng's body.

Cheng Feng's dry meridians were nourished and his face improved a lot.

"Yes, it's really good."

Cheng Feng couldn't help praising: "Although it is far worse than the water of life."

"But it was hundreds of times faster to recover and repair the free energy between heaven and earth."

At this point, Cheng Fengwang looked to Yang Huan: "I heard you mention that the Yuan Yuanzong charged Yuanling Mine once a year."

"Your Yuanling Mine this year shouldn't have been turned in yet?"

"not yet."

Yang Huan answered, but he had a bad hunch in his heart.

And soon, this hunch came true.

Just listen to Cheng Feng: "Yang Huan, give me all the Yuanling Stones you got this year."

"What? You want all the Primal Stones on me?"

Yang Huan's face turned green, and he flatly refused: "No, this is absolutely not possible."

"If I gave Yuanling Stone to you, Ming Yuanzong would definitely not let me!"

"Well, maybe."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "But at least, it's a few months later."

"But if you don't surrender the Yuanling Stone, I can make you fly away now!"

Cheng Feng's voice became extremely cold as he spoke.

As long as Yang Huan dare to say a word, he doesn't mind killing it.

Anyway, Yang Huan had blood on his hands and committed many crimes. Cheng Feng would kill him without any psychological obstacles!

"Cheng Feng, you ..."

Hearing that, Yang Huan was a little angry.

But when he saw Cheng Feng's cold eyes, he became cold all over.

Deeply know that in front of Cheng Feng, he is no different from the ants.

Dare to work against Cheng Feng, absolutely dead.

So he took a deep breath and said, "Cheng Gongzi, I can give you Yuanling Stone."

"But at the time of Ming Yuanzong's accountability, I hope you can stand up!"

"Rest assured, as long as you obediently help me to do things, I will ensure your thoroughness."

Cheng Feng said a little comfort, as for how credible this statement is, only God knows.

"Cheng Gongzi, the mine that I manage has already depleted the mine."

Yang Huan said: "I arrested the mining monsters and mined with the indigenous people, and I could only dig a few hundred kilograms of Yuanling Mine every day."

"After processing, the finished product is less than one-tenth."

"Nine months have passed since the tribute was handed in last year, and more than 10,000 kilograms of finished Yuanling Stone have been accumulated."

Talking, Yang Huan took out a soul ring.

After opening it, it's wow ~~~

The pure white spirit stone was piled up into a hill.

"Twelve kilograms of Yuanlingshi, this doesn't quite match what you said."

Cheng Feng glanced at Yang Huan a little, knowing that the other party had detained a lot of spirit stones.

But Cheng Feng didn't delve into it, and came directly to the Yuanling Stone Pile.

Sit down and cross your knees, begin to refine and absorb the Yuanling Stone, restore the exhausted trial power, repair the injuries on the body.

At the same time, Cheng Feng also ordered Yang Huan to enter the mine himself to investigate the specific conditions of the new veins.

Once the new veins can be mined, they are mined immediately.

Because according to Cheng Feng's speculation, the more than 10,000 jinyuanling stone in front of him may not be enough for him to use.

Of course, when Fang Yang Huan left, it was inevitable.

Warn the other side not to do anything, otherwise Cheng Fengbi will give him a thunderous thunder.

Finally, in order to eliminate hidden dangers, Cheng Feng simply separated a **** black inflammation and attached it to Yang Huan's body.

Once he noticed Yang Huan's misbehavior, Hell Hei Yan could kill Yang Huan immediately.

After sending Yang Huan and others away, Cheng Feng began to cultivate.

I saw him running Frozen Tianchen Jue.


The auras from the Yuanling Stones rushed out, converged into a river of auras, and poured into Cheng Feng.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng was drowned in the Aura River.

The dry meridians of Cheng Feng quickly became plump, and the depleted sea of ​​divine power revived with divine power.

Injured body, quickly stop bleeding and scarring.

The tired spirit is greatly relieved.


Time passed, and night fell on that day.

Most of the 12,000 kilograms of Yuanling Stone accumulated in front of Cheng Feng has turned into dust.

Yang Huan, who had returned from the exploration of the new veins, twitched his cheeks.

But Cheng Feng didn't react at all. A pair of closed eyes opened and a smile appeared on his face.

"With the help of these Yuanling Stones, my cultivation has finally recovered."

Cheng Feng stood up and felt that his strength was bursting, more than several times stronger than before.

This is the benefit of the complete heaven and earth rule, which greatly develops Cheng Feng's potential.

At this point, if Cheng Feng were to face the ancient demons, he could at least block the opponent's two claws.

"I am now truly stepping into seventh place."

Cheng Feng whispered: "But it's only the seventh stage of the first ascent, which is far from the eighth and even the ninth stage."

"So, we need to continue working hard."

"When my cultivation reaches the ninth level of ascending to heaven, and then I eat the three heavenly-level heaven and earth fruits, I will be able to enter the realm of creation in one fell swoop."

"Until then, there is hope to break the blockade of the Heavenly Prison and become a truly free man!"

At this point in his thoughts, Cheng Feng held up his hands and grabbed the remaining Yuanling Stone.


A stream of pure reiki rushed out of the Yuanling Stone and fell into Cheng Feng's body.

Cheng Feng's revision was a small step toward the seventh-highest level of Dengtian.

But with it, the remaining Yuanling Stones were turned into powder.

The aura in the Yuanling Stone was absorbed by Cheng Feng!

"Grass, this monster!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Huan was startled, and said in a horror: "He actually absorbed the aura of nearly four or five thousand yuan of spirit stones in one breath?"

For every kilogram of aura in Yuanyuan Stone, it is enough for one ascendant to use it for ten days and a half months.

However, Cheng Feng was alone, absorbing more than 10,000 kg of Yuanling Stone directly.

This is much more horrifying than many of the eighth-biggest unbeatables.

Is Cheng Feng a superpower who is much stronger than the eighth strongest in the sky?

Suddenly, Yang Huan had many thoughts in his heart.

The careful thoughts of Cheng Feng, who had originally planned to calculate, disappeared instantly.

As for Cheng Feng, it was light and light.

Sucked away the remaining thousands of kilograms of Yuanling Stone, but there is a sense of endlessness.

Looking up at Yang Huan, he asked, "How about that new vein in the mine? Is it valuable?"

"Hui Gongzi, the mining value of that new vein is great."

Mentioning this matter, Yang Huan was excited and said, "I estimate that it was a vein that was missed by Ming Yuanzong.It is not only of excellent quality, but also has a large storage capacity."

"A preliminary estimate is that at least tens of millions of catties can be mined, even hundreds of millions of jin yuan."

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