Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 210: Daoshan Hongding

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Chapter 210

"Wanben, Qiming, are you two okay?" One hundred meters away, Cheng Feng asked Wang Wanben.

"Brother Feng, we're fine."

"It's okay, you all give way, I will meet this Zhuang Hao."

"Brother Feng, I heard that Zhuang Hao's family is very close to the Tiemu family."

Wang Wanben is a member of the second family of the Qianlong County family. He is well informed and told Cheng Feng: "Zhuang Hao's purpose here is to be Ironwood Phoenix, so be careful."

"Close to the Ironwood family? I see."

Cheng Feng nodded after listening, his tone became serious.

At the same time, Zhuang Hao, 100 meters away, the shock in his eyes spread.

Before he came, he didn't look at Cheng Feng at all, thinking that Cheng Feng was just a lucky boy, just relying on a high-power weapon. With his strength, as long as he resisted the first of Cheng Feng's high-power weapon When the waves bombed, Cheng Feng would run out of energy and defeat himself without fighting.

But never thought that Cheng Feng would be so fast.

After the warrior enters Tianwu Realm, there will be a qualitative change in the overall strength.

Zhuang Hao is now in the high order of Tianwu Realm, and the normal speed alone is twice the speed of Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng has just shown a speed that is five times faster than Zhuang Hao, a high-level martial artist in Tianwu Realm!

Five times, what is this concept?

If the warrior in the same realm, one side is five times faster than the other, it will be a living torture!

Fortunately, in addition to Cheng Feng's speed far beyond Zhuang Hao, his vitality repaired, but it was too much.

This shocked Zhuang Hao and restored a little self-confidence.

"Cheng Feng, dare you really pick me up?"

Zhuang Hao gave a loud sigh, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the whole person jumped up. When the person was in the sky, the thick-backed sword in his hand slashed down, as if he wanted to split the huge Shushan.

"How about picking you up!" Cheng Feng also jumped up in the face of Zhuang Hao, who was the top of Taishan.

Then pulled out the blue sky knife, Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding ~~~

Continuously cut out seven knives!

Of these seven knives, each of them was filled with Cheng Feng's eighteen vitality rivers.

But cutting on Zhuang Hao's blade, it was like a mud ox entering the sea, with no effect at all.

On the contrary, Zhuang Hao's effervescent sword strength, following the blue air knife, poured into Cheng Feng's body, disturbing the vitality movement in his body, and the meridian was impacted with tear-like pain.

This is the gap, the gap for repair!

Zhuang Hao is a high-level practice of Tianwu Realm. The vitality in his body has condensed into a sea of ​​vitality.

However, Cheng Feng is only half a step away from martial arts. There are only eighteen vitality rivers. The difference between the two is too far away.

If not for Cheng Feng's high speed, he would leave at the touch of it. I'm afraid that Zhuang Hao's strong vitality would cause him to be injured.

"It seems I am a weak shortcoming, and it must be filled as soon as possible."

This confrontation gave Cheng Feng a clear understanding of his shortcomings.

At the same time, Zhuang Hao's sword rushed into the body, which also made Cheng Feng somewhat surprised, showing a weird smile.

It turned out that Zhuang Hao's aggressive blade strength made Cheng Feng's meridians a little tougher and wider when he cut and destroyed Cheng Feng's entire meridians.

It should be noted that the current practice of Cheng Feng is that the reason why he cannot improve is that the meridians have not been widened and cannot accommodate the excess vitality. If the meridians can be widened by one or two with the help of the pressure brought by the other party, then the cultivation can be promoted.

So, on the battlefield.

I saw Cheng Feng relying on speed to continue to attack Zhuang Hao. Although the effect was very bad, he was shocked by Zhuang Hao's knife again and again, but he rushed up and down again. It seems that he has to use speed to consume Zhuang Hao. dead!

"Cheng Feng's tactics are not right. Although his speed is fast, but his vitality is far less powerful than Zhuang Hao. He's such a stormy storm, he will probably consume himself first."

"Yeah, after all, Cheng Feng is young, and his combat experience cannot be compared with old students like Zhuang Hao."

Hearing everyone's discussion, both Wang Wanben and Qi Ming were anxious.

However, Cheng Feng on the battlefield, as if he did not hear these, continued to make a knife as always.

However, in the gap between his swords, he pinched a top-grade Yuanshi in his hands, and quickly absorbed it in the cold days.

This icy day is a god-level method taught by Nalan Changsheng, which can absorb the vitality in Yuanshi ten times, which makes Cheng Feng's vitality river quickly filled.

Even more, Cheng Feng absorbed the vitality faster than his consumption speed.

At the same time, his meridian was opened up by the invasion knife, and he had extra space, which made him more powerful than ever, reaching 19, 20, 21 ...

"What's going on? How can Cheng Feng's strength increase slowly?"

Resisting the violent bombardment by Cheng Feng, Zhuang Hao noticed something wrong: "Perhaps this boy's hidden means, but no matter how he struggles, the vitality repair is too weak. If not as expected, I am afraid at this moment There is very little left. And it's time for me to give this kid a bit of trouble! "

Consciously Cheng Feng's vitality was about to run out, Zhuang Hao, who had been passively defending, suddenly split a knife of extreme horror.

This sword is very fierce.

It was cut with a knife, like a huge **** meniscus with a length of seven or eight meters, and it was pushed out horizontally, splitting the ground with a one-meter-wide, ten-meter-long knife mark.

As for the house in front of Dao Jin, it was raged and destroyed by the smashing, raging, and falling apart.

Ding Ding Ding Ding ~~~

This time, after Cheng Feng cut seven swords, he quickly withdrew.

But even so, as if the body was cut by a giant knife, the meridians of the whole body made a bouncing sound, almost breaking.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's meridians have been opened up again, and the space has skyrocketed, so that the vitality of his body has reached 32.

"Thirty-two rivers of vitality have nearly doubled."

"But the gap is still huge."

Cheng Feng endured the pain of the meridian rupture: "And my meridian at this moment has reached the limit, and can no longer withstand the bombardment of Zhuang Hao's sword ... maybe it is time to end this battle."

In fact, Cheng Feng has not used all his combat power since the beginning of the war, and has been fighting Zhuang Hao with normal strength.

The purpose is to use the pressure brought by the other party to sharpen oneself and promote cultivation.

But as the other party started to really exert force, Cheng Feng couldn't handle it all at once. In that case, there was no need to suppress himself.

Therefore, when Zhuang Hao was stabbed, just when he was about to concede his sword, hey, Cheng Feng rushed up.

But this time, Cheng Feng didn't keep his hand in the slightest. As soon as he went up, he broke into three broken fourth styles continuously at an inhuman speed and collapsed!

All I saw was a stream of vitality exploded from Cheng Feng's body, forming a series of knife qi, and then the knife qi was superimposed and combined to form three sharp mountain swords, and then blasted into Zhuang Hao.


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