Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2092: Speak out amazing

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Chapter 2092 Amazing Words

The mine is dark and gloomy, and the air is very bad, but it has no influence on Cheng Feng and other existence.

Between the leisurely steps, Cheng Feng has reached the depths of the mine.

At this moment, the mine has two bifurcations, one east and one west.

The black mist on the eastward tunnel seemed to be dormant.

Even Cheng Feng felt uncomfortable.

It is the mine tunnel that leads directly to the fierce thing.

The other mine is the opposite of the big fierce mine, leading to a new mine.

"What the **** is that fierce thing in the eastern tunnel?"

Cheng Feng looked at the eastern mine tunnel and whispered, "Anyway, it should be very difficult to deal with."

"It can make me feel such a strong sense of crisis, and my combat power is at least comparable to the ninth strongest in the sky!"

"So, set it aside."

"Concentrating on digging new veins, repairing injuries and improving repairs is my current priority."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng didn't hesitate, turned his head and walked towards the west mine tunnel.

Within a few minutes a burst of harsh noises came.

When Cheng Feng looked up, he saw that it was the sound of a dragon lice fluttering.

"Master, you are back."

Feeling the breath of Cheng Feng, Tianlong louse Xiaojin Fei gray, lying on Cheng Feng's shoulder intimately.

"Well, what's the gain?"

Cheng Feng nodded and asked about the mining conditions of the new vein.

"The harvest is very good."

Xiao Jin's fine feet flung and threw a soul ring to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng opened it for a look and found that there were already more than 100,000 kilograms of spirit stones in it.

"Fuck, Yuanling Stone is mining so fast?"

Cheng Feng took a trip outside the mine in less than half an hour.

However, in such a short period of time, the dragon lice have already mined him more than 100,000 kilograms of spirit stones.

In addition, this is the first time that dragon lice have carried out mining work, and they are not familiar with the mining process.

When the mining is proficient, the work efficiency will be further improved.

"Xiao Jin, very good."

Cheng Feng nodded with satisfaction, praising: "You continue to command the dragon lice to open the mine, and strive to hollow out the entire vein as soon as possible."

"At that time, we can leave here and take a look at the outside world."

Tiancang Holy Prison is very large, it is bigger than the earth dome continent. I do n’t know how many times.

Cheng Feng came here, naturally not stuck in one place.

Traveling outside the world can not only increase your experience and sharpen yourself.

You can also make new friends and broaden your horizons.

Be prepared in advance to leave Tiancang Holy Prison in the future.

"Master, just look at it."

After hearing Cheng Feng's praise, Xiao Jin nodded happily.

Then he flew up from Cheng Feng's shoulder and re-entered the mining of new veins.

As for Cheng Feng, he shook his head and smiled, cleared an open space, and began to concentrate on treating the injury.

Cheng Feng has many injuries, but the real fatal injuries are not.

With his intensive treatment, he quickly got better and healed.

After a little while, Cheng Feng had only three injuries left to heal.

All other injuries have healed.

"The attacks of ancient demons are really terrifying."

Cheng Feng frowned, "My shoulder was hit, and it's only 80% better now."

Cheng Feng's last three injuries were shoulder, left leg, and lower back.

Although these three injuries did not heal, they were also very good.

Even if Cheng Feng doesn't bother, he can grow up in two or three days.

"Treatment of injuries, come to an end here."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Next, it's time to sort out my cultivation situation."

Cheng Feng's current revision has temporarily entered a stable period.

Reached the seventh ascent to the sky, and can be slowly polished and improved through time, it is difficult to make a big leap.

But despite this, it is already very scary.

Taking Cheng Feng's seventh ascendant as a climber, crushing the eighth ascendant ascending to the sky is as easy as playing.

And here, the eighth heavy ascendant who ascended the sky, but the eighth ascendant that has absorbed the laws of the whole world.

Rather than the dome continent, the semi-cradle's ascent to the sky is eighth.

In addition to practice, Cheng Feng's martial arts skills need time to practice one or two.

Because of careful calculation, the martial arts that Cheng Feng now uses for combat are quite simple.

Over and over again is the technique of Emperor Cangdao and Seven Kills, without the tentative thunder cannon fist.

This is okay for ordinary martial arts. Once it is true for the strong, it is not enough.

As for weapons, Cheng Feng is quite adequate.

Attacks include the Devil Sword and Sky Burial Banner.

Defense is the armor of war god, red flame robe.

The four strengthen each other and avoid weaknesses, complement each other, and let Cheng Feng have both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Secondly, there are major hole cards, such as the new emperor's fire, the celestial burial monument, the celestial box ...

Today, a super heavy treasure machine tower is to be added.

Regarding the Qianji Tower, Cheng Feng didn't actually think about how to deal with it.

Because the level of this treasure is too high, the worst reached the level of the top holy artifact.

Just the defensive power that it carries, it can block the bombardment that exists in half-step creation!

Although Cheng Feng's strength far surpasses those in the same realm, he has no confidence to control such treasures.

Maybe Cheng Feng will release the Qianji Tower and go away by himself!

"The Qianji Tower should be a move left by Xingyue League Yue Qianji."

Cheng Feng guessed in his heart: "It's a good thing that this tower left me."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's heart suddenly opened up.

Immediately no longer hesitated, a rush of thought and took out the Qianji Tower.

I saw the Qianji Tower becoming more than two feet tall, with a copper-colored body and quaint lines.

The moment he was taken out by Cheng Feng, hum ~~~

The tower shook, detached from Cheng Feng's hands, and flew out of the mine.

"Huh, it seems that Qianji Tower chose to leave after all."

Seeing this, although Cheng Feng had already anticipated, he was involuntarily caused a loss.

After all, like treasures such as the Qianji Tower, anyone wants to own it, and Cheng Feng is no exception.

However, at the time of Cheng Feng's loss.

咻 ~~~

The thousand-machine tower that flew out of the mine was actually folded back again.

Stopped in front of Cheng Feng and made a sound.

"Cheng Feng, you brought me out of the earth dome."

"So for a while, I will follow you temporarily until I find my old master!"

"Are you going to follow me for a while and look for an old master?"

Hearing the words, Cheng Feng was surprised and asked, "Qianji Tower, the old master you said, wouldn't it be Yue Qianji's predecessor?"

"Yes, it's him."

The sound from the Qianji Tower surprised Cheng Feng even more.

"Really Yue Qianji? This is impossible!"

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "If I remember correctly, the seniors of Yue Qianji are from ancient times."

"It's at least hundreds of thousands of years away from the ancient times."

"Even if it has captured the existence of great nature, I am afraid it will not live that long!"

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