Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2098: Gangster

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Chapter 2098 The Gangster

Cheng Feng has always felt guilty about Hell's Hei Yan falling into a state of weakness because of himself.

When I heard the news of the Wan Fangu fire, I was immediately motivated.

Ready to go to Wanfen Valley to help Hell's Black Flame return to its peak.

However, the fire in Wan Fangu is obviously not a weak chicken.

It is definitely not that weak to let the three ascendants of the eighth strongest man return.

Although Cheng Feng was in the dome continent, he could defeat the eighth top powerhouse in the sky.

But that is the continent, and the laws of heaven and earth are incomplete.

Although after entering Tiancang Holy Prison, Cheng Feng went through a baptismal baptism to make up for the broken law of heaven and earth.

But whether it can be as powerful as the dome continent still needs to be verified.

"There is no rush to go to Wanfengu."

Cheng Feng whispered: "At least after I have completed several training plans and hollowed out the entire new vein at the same time, it is not too late!"

After understanding the situation of Wanfengu, Cheng Feng continued to chat with the elderly.

During the period, I asked about the dragons and planned to catch a few dragons and reward them after the dragon lice finished their work.

However, the elders of Jinxingzhai know very little about the Dragons.

Cheng Feng doesn't care, because the Dragons are also a big clan in the heavens and the world.

In addition, there are quite a few dragons acting arrogantly. In Tiancang holy prison, dragon prisoners must be indispensable.

If you run into it in the future, once you determine that the other party is evil.

That Cheng Feng naturally didn't mind capturing it and throwing it to the dragon louses for a meal.

In the chat, a few hours passed quickly.

When the sky slowly fades, roar! !!

The familiar beast roared.

After a while, Yu Yong led two people into the humble hall.

After meeting Cheng Feng, he saluted on one knee.

"My son, his subordinates do not humiliate their mission. With the help of the" holy beast ", they subdued all Dazhai within a radius of 3,000 miles.

"Thirteen of these Dazhai were unconquered and killed by one paw of the holy beast."

"In addition, Xinyun, Liwang, and Gubo Sanzhai were also included in the service."

"The King Li and Gubo knew the current affairs very well, and when I came with the Holy Beast, I chose to submit."

"But Xinyunzhai has been destroyed by holy beasts because of its background and publicity!"

"Well, hard work."

Cheng Feng didn't care about this, he was destined not to live in Jinxingzhai.

Everything he did at this time was nothing more than helping Jinxingzhai.

After affirming Yu Yong's credit, Cheng Feng looked at the two behind Yu Yong.

I saw these two men, a man of strong build, nearly three meters in height, as strong as a cow.

The other person was old and looked like seventy and eighty, but his eyes turned very fast, and he was obviously mature.

"My son, these two are the owners of Liwangzhai and Gubozhai."

Yu Yong briefly introduced a word, and then turned his head to stare at the two men, yelled: "See my son, don't hurry to kneel and salute?"

Reprimanded by Yu Yong, the two were not displeased, saluting on both knees.

Because they used to think that the reason why Yu Yong was able to sweep everything was the credit of the blood **** beast.

I saw Cheng Feng at this moment, and then I knew who Yu Yong's backing was.

There was no luck at all, and she completely surrendered.

"Get up."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "I don't have any rules here, just be faithful, don't oppress the weak, and don't do evil."

"As long as you can do these three things, and you continue to manage your village, I will not intervene."

"Son, we promise to do it."

King Li's guarantee of cutting gold and iron.

Cheng Feng nodded, indicating that he knew.

The main reason is that Cheng Feng doesn't care, he only needs Li Wang and others to stop oppressing Jinxingzhai in the future.

"My son, I don't know if you received the news."

After talking with Cheng Feng, both Li Wang were relieved.

Then hesitated a little bit and said, "Our strongest gang in the Lingshan region, Hei Gang, has sent three masters to this place."

"It is rumored to have received instructions from Ming Yuanzong to erase our Venus Village!"

"The Gangster?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng's brow raised, "It seems that the message sent by Yang Huan has worked."

The Hei Ling Gang received the order from Ming Yuanzong to wipe out Jinxingzhai. It must be the deacon Li of the Ming Yuanzong.

"What about the Gangsters and how powerful are they?"

Cheng Feng went straight to the topic and asked the details of the Gangster.

"Back to the son, the black gang is a master, like a cloud, and there are dozens of masters in the heavens."

Cheng Feng said: "Especially the Blackbird helps the black shark, it is the sixth strongest man in the sky."

"In the whole Yuanling Mountain area, they are all loud people."

"The three elders sent by the Black Shark have all reached the fourth level above the sky, and the son has to guard against it."

"Only the fourth most important thing?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and shook his head: "If you wait for this, the blood **** beast can shoot to death with one paw!"

The strength of the Hei Gang is at least a first-class gate if it can be placed on the continent.

But for Cheng Feng, it is not enough.

Even if the entire sect was dispatched, it did not hurt a single hair.

However, the Gangster Gang is only a gang in the Yuanling Mountain Domain.

The Yuanling Mountain Area is a very small place on the continent.

In this way, the continent of Tianchi is much larger than the continent.

The Continent of Heaven, however, is one of the ninety-nine continents in the northwestern region of Tiancang Holy Prison.

From this we can imagine how huge the heavenly holy prison is.

Cheng Feng wants to travel through the heavenly holy prison, but it takes a lot of time.

"It seems that I want to get out of the cage of Tiancang Holy Prison, but it is not easy."

Cheng Feng whispered: "But this is more interesting!"

Thinking so, Cheng Feng showed a smile on his face.

Then he waved to signal Yu Yong, leading the two to go to rest.

As for the three elders photographed by the Gangster, if they don't die, let them go.

If you die, just kill it!

"My son, this time he went out and seized a lot of Yuanling Stone."

Before leaving, Yu Yong hesitated: "Those who have harvested all this soul ring, please ask the son to check it."

"Oh? How many primal stones are there?"

"Nearly a million pounds."

"A million pounds of spirit stone?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng was light and light, and then said, "You share these Yuanling Stones with half of the other people in the village, and keep the rest for yourself."

"What? These Yuanling Stones myself ... remain?"

Yu Yong's head buzzed, thinking he was dreaming.

You know, it's a million pounds of spirit stone, even the strongest one who is ascending to the sky is eager.

But Cheng Feng didn't even see it, so he rewarded him.

It's too much, it's scary!

At this moment not only Yu Yong was shocked, the two kings of force and Gu Bo were also jumping wildly.

Turning his head and looking at Cheng Feng, his mouth was so big that he could swallow an egg!

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