Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2113: Scary red light

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Chapter 2113: Scary Red Light

"This is the power of the fierce thing."

Cheng Feng's heart sank, and he felt a deep danger hidden in the new veins and channels.

If you stay in it for a long time, the divine thoughts may be corroded and dissipated!

But let Cheng Feng leave the dragon lice regardless, Cheng Feng couldn't do it.

"Mad, I don't believe it."

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth and said, "The horrible things can eat me."

Thinking so, Cheng Feng turned away.

Directly evoked the thought of God, and flew deep into the new veins and mines.

In a blink of an eye, Cheng Feng's thoughts entered the mine for several kilometers.

The surroundings became darker and darker, and the sweltering atmosphere became richer. I saw blood spots on the rock walls of the mine tunnel.

It was astonishing that someone was dead and had blood on the rock wall.

"Cheng Feng, the situation is not right!"

At this time, Nalan Changsheng couldn't sit still anymore, and made a sound: "The lair of this big fierce thing is not simple, you continue to detect with the divine thought, I'm afraid it will be too much.

"In the event of a problem, there is no way to protect yourself."

"At least this divine thought will be swallowed up by evil forces!"

"Uncle Naland, what exactly is this wicked thing?"

Cheng Feng clasped his hands and asked Nalan Changsheng.


Nalan Changsheng said: "This kind of situation has not happened in my memory."

"But no matter what the wicked thing is, you better be careful."

"If you can, exit now."

The fierce thing is invisible and indestructible.

Before Yuan Yuanzong tried to investigate the nature of the fierce thing, he paid a heavy price, but he found nothing.

In the end, they could only manage to seal the fierce things and evacuate them.

With Cheng Feng's current methods, it is difficult to ascertain the fierce things.

"Retreat, you can."

Cheng Feng frowned slightly: "But not now, at least I have to find Xiaojin them."

Cheng Feng is stubborn and doesn't want to leave Xiaojin alone.

Although Xiaojin is only a small pet of Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng has already regarded it as a friend and family!

So taking a deep breath, Cheng Feng continued to evoke Shennian into the mine.

When the atmosphere in the mine became extremely depressing, the black mist was so thick that it was about to melt.

Finally, Cheng Feng sensed the breath of dragon lice.

When I saw it with a divine eye, a few hundred meters ahead, the mine tunnel became extraordinarily wide.

The blood-red rays flickered across the wide area, exuding an evil breath, and brightly illuminated the small underground space of a few kilometers.

The dragon lice are struggling wildly under the red light.

It looks like a fire burning, and it looks very uncomfortable.

Among them, Cheng Feng also saw the figure of Xiaojin, the king of dragon lice.

I saw Xiaojin in the center of the small underground space, where a red crystal the size of a human head was shining.

Red light shone on Xiao Jin's body, making Xiao Jin shudder all over.

Ragged mouth opened, teeth staggered, making a soothing noise.

The blade-like thin heel and wings are constantly cutting on the body, making it **** and painless!

"Xiao Jin!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng gave a low drink.

Even if he took one step, he wanted to save Xiaojin.

However, Cheng Feng just stepped into the small underground space and was illuminated by the red light on the body of the god.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

The divine thought was like a series of snoring sounds like snow covered by the scorching sun.

At the same time a tingling surged, making Cheng Feng uncomfortable.

"Cheng Feng, hurry out of the red light area."

Nalan's eternal voice sounded, "If I'm not mistaken, you're close to the wicked thing."

"Those red lights may be some external manifestation of the wicked thing."

"You are under the red light, either assimilated by the red light, or burned to ashes by the red light!"

Nalan's words were not targeted.

In the small underground space, many dragon lice have been irradiated by red light at this time and turned into fly ash.

Even under the gaze of Cheng Feng, 噗噗 噗 ~~~

The bodies of several dragon lice in a row spontaneously ignited and quickly turned to ashes.

At the same time, there were many dragon lice, and a mysterious red text appeared on the head.

Immediately fell from the air and fell into a deep sleep.

And when the dragon lice was asleep, those red lights continued to irradiate and penetrate into the body of the dragon lice.

Let the red text on the head of dragon lice become clearer and deeper.

"Big fiendish thing ... assimilating dragon lice?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng immediately knew that the dragon lice were facing a disaster.

Assimilated by the wicked thing, becoming a part of the wicked thing.

So forbearing the tingling pain of self-ignition of God, he wanted to rush into the small underground space and rescue the dragon lice inside.

However, Cheng Feng is now in a state of divine mind and has very limited power.

At the same time, it was illuminated by red light, which greatly reduced its strength.

Not to mention the rescue of dragon lice. I have stayed in the red area for too long. I'm afraid I have to get in.

"Master, don't come in."

At this moment, Xiao Jin's voice sounded: "It is very dangerous here, and it may endanger your life."

"I know, so I'll take you away."

Cheng Feng did not retreat, and went to the position where Xiao Jin was struggling.

"Master, no."

Seeing this, Xiao Jin anxiously said, "There is a weird force here, and he wants to enslave me."

"However, my family of dragon lice feed on dragons and are naturally strong."

"Apart from the master, others don't want to enslave us."

"So, you don't have to worry about us, Master."

"Just exit the red light area and wait for me to help myself."

"Even in the end, it can still eat back that weird power, and let it lose his wife and kill her!"

"Is this ... okay?" Cheng Feng didn't believe it.

The fierce thing even ascended the ninth strongest in the sky, they would be discouraged.

How can dragon lice be their opponents?

"Cheng Feng, maybe you can try."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Dragon lice eat dragon meat and drink dragon blood, maybe there is a way to counter the assimilation of the fierce thing."

"Further, in this state, even if you want to save the dragon lice, there is nothing you can do."

"Exiting the red light-irradiated area and letting the dragon lice help themselves may be an option."

Listening to Nalan Changsheng's words, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and eventually retreated outside the red light-irradiated area.

But the main reason is that Cheng Feng's body of this **** has been burned by red light half.

Even if he came near Xiao Jin, he couldn't rescue Xiao Jin from the red light area.

In the balance, you can only retreat temporarily.

"This terrible thing is really terrible."

Cheng Feng's divine thoughts withdrew from the red light irradiation area, but the body of divine thoughts was already less than half of the original.

If Cheng Feng is in the red-lighted area and stays longer, it is estimated that the body of this **** of thought will be wiped out.

"It seems that if I want to save them, I must be dear."

Cheng Feng meditates: "Only by the body of God's mind, nothing can be done."

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