Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2130: Qianlong out of the abyss

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Chapter 2130 The Qianlong Departed

The words fell, the old man in Yiyi's hand shook.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

The fishhook, under the control of the old man in the clothes, suddenly turned into a ghostly lightning.

Xiang Feng's whole body was vital and stabbed away quickly.

"Di Cang Sword Technique, stop me!"

The old man in Yiyi put a lot of pressure on Cheng Feng.

The opponent controlled the fishhook to kill him. Cheng Feng didn't dare to neglect, and directly urged his three pillars.

Show Emperor Cang Sword, block the kill of the fishhook.

Ding Ding Ding!

The fishhook stabbed quickly.

However, Cheng Feng's spirit was highly concentrated, and God's mind locked the fishhook, so that he could see the offensive course of the fishhook.

The Devil Sword greeted him, blocking all attacks.

However, the old man in Yiyi is too powerful.

Divine power was introduced into the hook along the fishing line, and the power was reduced a lot.

However, the stab of the fishhook on the Devil Sword still trembled Cheng Feng's hands, and even the tiger's mouth broke open, blood dripping.

Not only that, but also a trickle of force pouring into Cheng Feng's body.

To destroy Cheng Feng's meridians, destroy Cheng Feng's cultivation.

The peak is not prepared for the process, and the seven-star **** body is operated in advance to block the invading power from crushing and dissolving!

The dense attack of the old man in the clothes was blocked by blunder.

"Good boy, good strength!"

After some fighting, the old man in Yiyi no longer had a slight disdain for Cheng Feng.

It is known that although Cheng Fengxiu is not very strong, his combat effectiveness is far more than some eighth heavy martial arts ascends to the sky.

So he looked stunned, holding the fishing rod with both hands for the first time.

Wait until you throw the fishing rod violently.

The fishhook seemed to have turned into a python, entangled around Cheng Feng.

It is necessary to tie Cheng Feng with that fishing line, and even cut it into dozens of segments.

"Arhats, defense!"

The fishing line is as thin as silk, but it is very tough and sharp.

Before touching Cheng Feng's body, Cheng Feng's skin had a tingling sensation.

Not dare to neglect, the first layer of Rulai Jinshenju, who has become a realm, is shown.

A golden body Luohan emerged out of nowhere, arms spread out, protecting Cheng Feng under him.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

The fishing line was entangled in Jin Shen Luo Han, just like a blade, but he was directly submerged in Jin Shen Luo Han.

If this is Cheng Feng's body, it must be flesh and blood!

"It's a terrible fishing line. I feel like the eighth strongest person in the sky is close, and it will be cut into a pile of minced meat in an instant.

Cheng Feng's scalp was numb, and the old man in the clothing was extremely jealous.

Immediately without any delay, the shadow puppetry was displayed in the shape of a hundred miles.

Huh! It appeared a hundred miles away.

However, the old man in Yi clothing is like an epiphyseal bone.

As soon as Cheng Feng appeared, the fishhook in his hand burst from Baili and ran straight to Cheng Feng's brow.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng had been on guard, and the devil's sword crossed his eyebrow.

Huh! Fly out the fishhook.

Just this time, Cheng Feng's arm was really stinging.

By the time God slowed down, the old man in the costume had already performed a martial arts skill, and hurried forward.

"A teleportation martial art?"

The old man in Yiyi is interested in hitting the range peak: "You kid in black, there are a lot of means!"

Cheng Feng turned a blind eye to the old man's ridicule.

The hand-held slayer sword is defensively alert, and dare not reveal the slightest flaw.

The old man in Yiyi was treacherous, and suddenly launched an attack while talking.

I saw the premonition in his hands shake, wow ~~~

The fishing rod actually rose in the wind and turned into a dragon.

It can even be clearly seen that the dragon scales on the dragon's body are shining with cold light, giving an indestructible taste!

The next moment, the dragon's mouth opened up and swallowed to Cheng Feng.

"No, I'm afraid this is the real means for the old man."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face changed dramatically: "As for just now, it's just the old man in Yiyi playing!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng really saw the power of the ninth strongest man in the sky.

Dare not to neglect in the slightest, the Devil Sword held high, directly using the Emperor Cangdao Wanxing Tonghui.

Suddenly, nine hundred big stars lit up in the sky.

When the slashing magic sword draws down the power of nine hundred stars, it turns into a bladeless light.

Stabbing ~~~

Thinking of that dragon, he smashed away fiercely!

However, the dragon is very flexible.

Actually, when Wu Wudaoguang cut off, the giant dragon body fluttered.

The dragon tail swept across the sky and banged together with Wu Pingguang.

At that moment, the terrifying force was violent, and the whole lake was soaring.

The shock wave swung open to the four sides, directly forming a tsunami, which eclipsed the world.

Many moving ships were affected by the huge waves and were broken into powder on the spot.

This is the result of Cheng Feng far away from the lakeshore pier hundreds of miles.

If you fight near the pier, you do n’t know how many innocent people will be affected!

噔 噔 噔 ~~~

In the tumbling waves, a black figure burst backwards.

The clothes were wet by the waves and looked a little embarrassed. It was Cheng Feng.

"Ascending to the ninth level is really much stronger than ascending to the eighth level!"

In his retreat, Cheng Feng sighed: "I drew the power of nine hundred stars to make Wanxing Tonghui, and the eighth top powerhouse on the sky will be seriously injured."

"But the old man in garb was not harmed in the slightest!"

"Not even a piece of hair was hurt!"

Cheng Feng did not exaggerate in this regard.

Cheng Feng and the old man in Yiyi just hit each other, and the other party was indeed not injured.

The dragon transformed into a fishing rod was only cut by a bladeless sword and changed back to the appearance of a fishing rod.

This made the old man in Yi clothing frown, and finally paid attention to Cheng Feng.

"You are young, but you have such strength."

The old man in Yiyi groaned: "It seems that this kid in black may have a good background."

"Only the top continent in the Northwest Territories can cultivate such a peerless genius!"

Among the ninety-nine continents in the Northwest Territories, the Tianchi continent ranks very low.

Although the Emperor Yuanzong is one of the three largest Gaozongmen in the continent of China, compared with the real superjongmen, it is still a lot worse.

For the peerless characters cultivated by the super sect, I was very afraid.

The non-process peak involved the death of Yu Cangfeng and others. Although the old man in Yiyi feared it, he decided to take Cheng Feng first.

If Cheng Feng did not kill a few in Cangfeng, he would apologize.

After the idea was settled in the heart, the old man of Yi Yi exudes a terrible momentum.

Ready to fire, take Cheng Feng down.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's pressure increased again.

Taking a deep breath, for the first time, the Wanxing Tonghui style was triggered to the level of a thousand big stars.

Let the stars in the sky flicker and drown the rising sun.

It also made the workers, warriors, and tourists near the Great Lake Wharf ... horrified and fled to the shore.

"Tianya Haike, Qianlong out of the abyss!"

In the midst of horror, the old man in Yiyi shot. gfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x + cAJfrxmldLwH / ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmT6M4KHQWJrA ==

I saw him grab the fishhook, pour into the rolling nine-star power, and then throw it out.

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