Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 215: Huanglong Dimai

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Chapter 215

"Jianlin Yefeng, this person seems to be the 371th year of Jianlin, the top ten students, who have reached the first stage of Tianwu Realm."

"With Ye Feng's help, maybe he can try out Cheng Feng's jerk!"

And while everyone whispered, Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

I saw Cheng Feng's figure flicker, and the blue sky knife in his hand flashed for seven or eight times, even though there was a sound of a series of iron collisions.

Immediately, oh!

A figure flew directly in front of Cheng Feng, and when he smashed on a table, spilled food and soup, everyone could see clearly that the man turned out to be the sword forest Ye Feng who had just checked his strength.

"What ... Dang Jianlin's top ten masters of the new generation, even with one move, was hit by Cheng Feng?"

"This is too scary!"

"You know, Ye Feng is a junior martial artist in Tianwu Realm, and Cheng Feng is only half a step away."

In fact, everyone's shock is not unreasonable.

It should be noted that once the warrior breaks through the Tianwu realm, in the early stage, a vitality lake will be opened up in the body.

At this time, the warrior has a source of vitality in his body, which can be said to be endless and inexhaustible.

At the middle level of the Tianwu Realm, the warrior will open up another lake of vitality in the body, and the two vitality lakes form a cycle, which can let the vitality escape from the body for more than 100 meters.

That is to say, even if you and the middle-level martial arts of Tianwu Realm are separated by a distance of 100 meters, the other party can use the strong vitality to kill you in the air.

And if it reaches the higher level of Tianwu Realm, the two vitality lakes in the warrior's body will merge into one, forming a vitality sea.

This sea of ​​vitality is what people often say!

Although Ye Feng has not yet been able to open up a sea of ​​gas, a vitality lake has also condensed, much stronger than Cheng Feng.

But after a fight, the result was a slaughter.

"Hmm, the ninth-ranked guy in the 371st session of Jianlin also wanted to shoot Brother Feng? Really looking for abuse!"

On the side of Cheng Feng, Wang Wanben and Qi Ming hugged their shoulders with both hands, without any fear of Cheng Feng's defeat.

"I haven't seen it in two months. Cheng Feng's strength has improved significantly, and his speed is faster than running horses. Moreover, this is not his ultimate speed."

Aside, Su Feiyang saw Cheng Feng's action in his eyes, and his eyes suddenly shrank: "The most terrible part of Cheng Feng is not these, but the endless cards he appears to have, as if there is never end ..."

If just now, Su Feiyang still has a little regret for his submission.

So now, this regret is gone, and it disappears instantly.

As for the first floor of the Wenxin Tower, many warriors questioning Cheng Feng's heart, at this moment, all nodded silently and looked at Cheng Feng with surprise.

"Jianlin Yefeng, I seem to have no holiday with you. You are here to find me, for fear of being directed." Cheng Feng's eyes looked at Ye Feng.

"Cheng Feng, you do have some strength, I Ye Feng thinks he is not an opponent."

Cheng Feng shot a bit, and did not fight hard, so Ye Feng stood up for a while and hate: "However, you can't jump for a few days, dare to kidnap Dengke's sister Tiemu Phoenix, you It is my enemy of sword forest, waiting to bear the anger of the sword forest students! "

"Tiemu Dengke?" Cheng Feng understood immediately.

Tiemu Dengke's prestige in Jianlin is extremely high, especially in the 370th session of Jianlin. Although it is not a top ten Qianlong, it is even more popular than Jianlin's 'ten Qian Qianlong'.

Therefore, Cheng Feng made an appointment with Tiemu Dengke and kidnapped Tiemu Phoenix, which naturally aroused the anger of many Jianlin students.

Of course, these students are only a small part of Jianlin students, and they are not qualified to represent the entire Jianlin!

"Ironwood Phoenix, your ironwood family's hands are really long enough, even Jianlin dares to touch his fingers."

Cheng Feng glanced at Tiemu Phoenix, and if he pointed something out, he looked back at Su Feiyang.

As for the troubled sword forest leaf maple, it's just a puppet controlled by people, so don't pay much attention.

The Ye Feng was also frightened by Cheng Feng's mighty strength. Seeing Cheng Feng had no time to ignore himself, he sneaked out of Wenxinlou and quickly disappeared.

"Su Feiyang, in fact, I have been suppressed by you since I entered the turret, and you even wanted my life several times."

Cheng Feng stared at Su Feiyang with a cold eye, and said in a deep voice, "You should know that if I counted it seriously, I wouldn't kill you ten times."

"I know that Su Feiyang has no capacity for me, and I should punish." Su Feiyang whispered, "I will go to the turret immediately and continue to think about it until you are satisfied."

"Everything is nothing but form."

However, Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "If you really repent, it doesn't matter if you don't go to the wall. If you don't repent, even if you face the wall for ten or one hundred years, it's useless."

"As a colleague, before the festival, we will write off this and stop thinking about it."

"But if you still do not change from then on, by then, no matter where you hide, what excuses I will never show mercy!"

"Brother Cheng ... I remember." Su Feiyang said sincerely.

Cheng Feng glanced at Su Feiyang, nodded, and left the Iron Heart Phoenix three with Wenmulou and walked towards Shushan Mission Hall.

Su Feiyang looked at the back of Cheng Feng's departure, his expression was extremely complicated.


The Mission Hall is located at the 98th Peak of Shushan.

When Cheng Feng and the four came to the 98th Peak, the first thing he saw was the immense stone wall of punishment for evil and goodness.

Countless missions of varying difficulty are recorded on this stone wall. Every day, a large number of certified foreign soldiers come here to pick up tasks and then complete them.

The place to handle the task is to punish the evil mission hall next to the stone wall.

"Brother Feng, Qi Ming and I want to punish evil Yangshan Shibi and take a closer look." As soon as the 98th peak, Wang Wanben could not bear their curiosity.

"Well, you go, I'll go to the mission hall first to deliver the mission."

Separated from Wang Wanben, Cheng Feng came to the task hall with the disgruntled Ironwood Phoenix.

The task hall is large in area and has many windows for handling affairs.

After a while, it was Cheng Feng's turn.

"I picked up a dangerous task half a month ago, the number is ..." In front of the window, Cheng Feng handed the credit card to the other party.

"Well, you have received 25871 dangerous task, confirm that it has been completed and you will get 180 credits."

In the window, the deacon handling affairs handed out Cheng Feng's credit card.

At a glance of Cheng Feng, a line of numbers appeared on it.

"You should be completing a dangerous mission for the first time."

In the window, the deacon asked: "If you complete a dangerous task for the first time, you can soak it in‘ Huanglong Dimai ’for free for three days. It ’s enough for your cultivation to rush into Tianwu Realm!”

"Huanglong Dimai? What's that?" Cheng Feng never heard of it.

"You don't even know Huanglong's veins? Really ignorant!"

On the side of Cheng Feng, Ironwood Phoenix was forced to follow Cheng Feng for a long time, and was dissatisfied for a long time. At this moment, he seized the opportunity and immediately added irony.


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