Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2142: Wrath of the Wolf King

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Chapter 2142: Wrath of the Wolf King

Not just under the governor of Golden.

At this time, even Governor Kim had some doubts about himself.

It is thought that Cheng Feng's repairs he had just discovered were deliberately forged by Cheng Feng.

Its true cultivation is even more terrifying than one thinks.

So he didn't dare to be indifferent, didn't even say hello, just turned his head and ran.

The governor of Golden State has a virtue with the Golden Governor.

He also secretly left without saying hello.

The purpose is very obvious, run first, let other people drag Cheng Feng.

Thereby increasing his chance of escape.

As for the lives of others, it has nothing to do with it!

"Since it's all here, leave it to me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's severe cold voice flashed.

Cast the soul to the extreme, looking at the nine people who fled.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Like dumplings, six people were smashed on the spot and fell from the air.

The other three took precautions in advance, but barely carried God's mind to attack.

But also like drunken, mixing garlic at the foot of the air.

Cheng Feng came back to kill a few times, two of the three of them couldn't bear it immediately, the divine thoughts collapsed and they fell from the air.

Only Governor Golden took out a helmet and put it on his head.

Immediately, the bombardment of Cheng Feng's divine thought was temporarily blocked.

The next moment, he was about to run away.

"I said, now that you are here, leave me!"

However, Cheng Feng did not want to let him go.

One drew out the slashing sword, and slashed it.

Do not! !!

Just listen to Governor Jin screaming screaming.

Then, the whole person was cut into two pieces by Cheng Feng!

"What? This kid in black is also proficient in knives?"

Looking at this scene, Xiao Qing's eyes stared at the boss: "And depending on the situation, the sword is the mainstream."

"That horrible attack is just ordinary means?"

At this moment, Xiaoqing finally had an in-depth understanding of Cheng Feng's strength.

Lamented under his heart, no wonder Cheng Feng was able to escape in the hands of his teacher.

That's not just sneaky tricks, but real materials!

Compared to Xiao Qing's surprise, Wang Qingrou's heart rolled like a big wave.

Secretly hit the range peak on the side, and some thoughts came to mind.

Perhaps with the help of Cheng Feng, he can revenge himself.

For this, she can pay any price!

Just when Xiaoqing's thoughts were ups and downs, the atmosphere of the wolf king court became somewhat depressed.

"Master, Governor King and his twelve King Kong, all the soul lamps just went out."

In the magnificent hall, the silver wolf said: "The time interval during the period is not more than one minute!"

"Huh? Thirteen of Governor Jin were completely destroyed within a minute?"

Deep in the hall, a blaze of flames made a chilling sound: "What the **** is going on? Is someone trying to find this place?"


The silver wolf shook his head and said immediately: "Will I go out and find out the man who is a scammer?"

"Where's Yu Qianjun? What does he say about this?"

The chill sound was a bit low, with deep anger.

"Yu Qianjun hasn't answered yet."

Silver Wolf said: "Perhaps preparing for the manpower at this moment, rush to the scene of the incident!"

"Then send a letter to remind him to make sure that he rescues the person who caused it."

Leng Yan said, "As for you, stay here."

"My martial arts skills are about to come to fruition, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Master, I understand."

The silver wolf nodded, even though it used special means to send a message to the Royal Qianjun.

The Royal Qianjun is located in the northern part of the Canglang King's Court and governs one-tenth of the Qianhan Desert.

In the north, he is the Emperor of Tu, with great power in his hands.

However, with the order of the Wolf King, he was afraid to disobey.

Already receiving the first order from Silver Wolf, he summoned his three most powerful men to discuss the countermeasures.

At this time I received a message from Silver Wolf again, and immediately knew the seriousness of the problem.

Not afraid to be indifferent, he immediately took the three capable officers and hurried to the direction where the Flame Mountain was located.

At the same time, he was also ordered to the five remaining swordsmen and two governors.

Ask them to assist themselves and fulfill the order given by the Wolf King.

As for the other general, he did not send a message.

Because the other party is at odds with him, unless the Wolf King orders in person, he will not be birded at all.

But even so, it is also a strong hand.

Aside from nothing else, Yu Qianjun alone is an eighth top powerhouse in the sky.

Let Cheng Feng feel the pressure in the midst of meditation.

"time to go."

Cheng Feng greeted: "I have killed the Qitaibao of Dilong Palace and a governor of the wolf court, and will surely shock the two kings.

"Nine out of ten will send masters to kill, you must leave here as soon as possible."

While speaking, Cheng Feng took out the Nether Pot and threw thirteen Governor Jinzhou killed into the pot to feed the dragon lice.

As for everyone's weapon, it was thrown to the Devil Sword.

After doing this, Cheng Feng evoked a divine power, entangled Xiaoqing and Wang Qingrou, and flew away.

Soon after they left, hum ~~~

A burst of void movements occurred.

The next moment, the strong Emperor Qianjun, along with the three capable men, would emerge from the void.

"There is no one here, but there are still divine power fluctuations."

Yu Qianjun glanced around, his face gloomy and said, "Moreover, I also smelled the broken taste of God's thoughts."

"Among them, there is the spirit of Jinchang Road."

"Governor Jinchang Road?"

An old man with a goatee, clutching his beard, said, "There are no signs of fighting here, but Governor Jin's thoughts were broken and he died."

"It follows that the enemies we face are very powerful!"

"No matter how strong the opponent is, we must catch him in front of the Wolf King."

Yu Qianjun said coldly, "Otherwise, we would have to bear the anger of the wolf king!"

"I can't guarantee my life!"

"General, I tracked down the enemy's surviving divine power."

At this moment, a fat man with a round stomach said, "Should we catch up immediately, or wait for others to catch up?"

"Catch it immediately."

Yu Qianjun's decisive decisive fell: "Leave a mark while pursuing, so that our people can catch up."

After speaking, let the fat man lead the way and chase Cheng Feng.

This fat man's tracking method is good. With a little divine power escaped during Cheng Feng's flight, he actually found out Cheng Feng's flight route.

It didn't take too long to catch up with Cheng Feng.

"General, the first three people must be the killers who killed Governor Jin and others."

The fat man's fingers are hundreds of miles away, and they are exactly Cheng Feng's.

"Fang Biao, it's your turn."

Yu Qianjun glanced at Cheng Feng and said to a lean middle-aged man.

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