Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2149: Battle of Two Kings

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Until 2149

"Silver wolf, you still die for the king!"

The silver wolf fled, but the earth dragon king did not want to let it go.

The giant dragon's mouth opened, swallowing vigorously at it.


An outrageous suction suddenly appeared.

Dragging the silver wolf, he went towards the mouth of the earth dragon king.


At this moment, the silver wolf faced the sky and made a howl.

Then, a full moon suddenly appeared, shooting a brilliant silver.

Falling on the silver wolf is actually to help the silver wolf.

Not only forcibly broke away from the Earth Dragon King, but also rushed to the Wolf King Palace at a scary speed.

"Wolves' talents are supernatural, is Silver Wolf Howling?"

Seeing this, the earth dragon king flashed coldly: "Since you want to escape, then I will help you."

Words fell, the power of devouring in the mouth of the Earth Dragon King suddenly turned into a thunder.

Bang ~~~

Banged on the fleeing silver wolf, blasted it with silver hairs, fleshy flesh.

But the silver wolf just held back and jumped into the wolf king's palace.

However, the silver wolf escaped, but the three Emperor Qianjun did not escape into the wolf king's palace.

The Earth Dragon King failed to kill the silver wolf, and was angry at the moment.

With his eyes fixed on the three Emperor Qianjun, the huge dragon head went down without saying a word.

At this time, the height of Xiuwei was reflected.

That Emperor Qianjun and Qiu Jun are both the top eighth performers on the sky.

At this moment, the divine power was ignited, like two human-shaped arrows, almost rubbing the dragon head of the earth dragon king, and fled into the wolf king's palace.

As for the governor, he was slightly inferior.

Just a step slower, but was chased by the earth dragon king.

The huge dragon's mouth fell, 嘭 ~~~

The governor was smashed into a ball of meat!

"Grass, this dragon king is really cruel!"

Hundreds of miles away, Cheng Feng saw the scene through the eyes of God, and his brows could not help shrinking: "If it weren't for Silver Wolf running fast with Yu Qianjun, it would definitely die!"

"But next, the situation will look better."

"Unexpectedly, there must be a battle between the Wolf King and the Earth Dragon King, and it must be very exciting."

The earth dragon king and the wolf king are both the ninth most powerful and powerful.

The two battles are rare in decades.

Cheng Feng observes in secret, and his fighting experience will be greatly improved.

It is even possible to touch the class bypass, and maybe even practice one or two martial arts.

Just when Cheng Feng was watching, hundreds of miles away.

Earth Dragon King's dragon body flipped over, turned into an old man in a black and yellow robe, and walked towards the Wolf King Hall.

"Wolf, an old friend has come to see you, and still not out to meet?"

"Huh! My King has no friends, and no friends like you!"

The wolf king's hall stood like a mountain, and a chilling voice came out of the hall: "If you remember the agreement of a hundred years ago, now you recede, nothing can be done by the king!

"If it doesn't, the king will never die with you!"

"Of course, the King did not forget the agreement a hundred years ago."

The Earth Dragon King said lightly: "But you Golang King court killed His Majesty's Qitaibao, you must double your life."

"I just swallowed thirteen people. Let me swallow another one and leave your wolf den!"

"Swallow another?"

Leng Yan's voice said, "My King meets you, and I will send someone to make you devour you later."

"You wolf, Wang appetite, you always know how to play."

The King of Dragons smiled and said, "So, you sent one of your two generals out and let me swallow it, and the matter was cancelled."

"Otherwise, Hugh blame the King to settle your wolf den!"

"Old dragon, don't bully people too much!"

The Wolf King's voice was cold and a little angry.

Because Qianqian Jun and Qiu Jun are already his last two generals.

If you send them out, you will not only chill your own heart, but also greatly weaken your own strength.

In case the earth dragon king does not talk about credibility, he regrets it too late!

"I wolf, I have given you face, don't you cherish it?"

Earth Dragon King's speech is just an excuse.

Hearing the angry words of the King Wolf, he immediately said, "Since that is the case, then blame the king's hot hand!"

After speaking, the Earth Dragon King raised his right hand and gently walked towards the Wolf King Palace.

Boom ~~~

A strong light shot from the Earth Dragon King's finger and banged on the Wolf King's palace.

The wolf king's palace is forged from rare materials and is very strong.

But at this moment, a big cave was also shot.

Through the cave, you can see that in the hall, Yu Qianjun and Qiu Jun have dignified faces. The silver wolf lies on the ground and is bleeding.

In the deep part of the hall, a fiery black-red flame appeared to have violent fluctuations.

An old man with a black body, cast like steel, was looking out of the temple with an angry face.

Eighty-nine out of ten, is the Lord of the Wolf King's court!

"Wolf, come out of your wolf den!"

The King of Dragons grinned, poking his hands continuously.

With his movements, 嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

The wolf king's palace was shot with so many holes.

"Dilong, you really irritate me."

At this moment, a voice containing the wrath of thunder came out of the hall: "If this time does not kill you, my king will not be human!"

The voice fell, booming ~~~

The huge wolf king hall suddenly rose up.

When he had risen into the sky, he was burned by a black-red flame, but was burned into a liquid.

Eventually solidified, it became a Fangtianhua halberd, and fell into the hands of the wolf king.

"Hehehe ~~~"

Seeing the real wolf king revealing, the earth dragon king smiled: "It turns out that you are practicing fire magic, so no wonder you haven't been able to shrink back."

"I just don't know your fire magic skills. How long have you cultivated?"

"Cultivate Nima, die!"

Speaking of this matter, the wolf king burst into flames.

He paid a huge price and finally managed to practice the Martial arts skills.

But at the last moment, was interrupted by the earth dragon king, the indignation in the heart filled the sky.

Now there is only one idea, that is to kill the earth dragon king to dispel the anger of the heart.

Om ~~~

The wolf king waved Fang Tianhua's halberd, rolled up the dust of the sky, and halted to the earth dragon king.

The dragon king did not show weakness, and his hands continued to poke.


A beam of light shot from the hand, nailed to Fang Tianhua's halberd.

The slashing trend of Fang Tianhua's halbery continued to weaken, and eventually disappeared.

Then the Earth Dragon King launched a counterattack, preparing to take advantage of the Canglang King to practice the Fire Demon, but was defeated by the opportunity of counterattack and completely killed it.

In that case, he will leave the whole Qianhan Desert alone!

Boom boom ~~~

So a fierce battle raged.

The terrifying force is violent, and it changes the colors of the heavens and the earth.

The three Emperor Army silver wolves were originally intended to be blended in to help the wolf king kill the earth dragon king.

As a result, he was smashed with violent force before he approached.

Knowing that although he is the eighth top warrior of Dengtian, compared with the ninth weight of Dengtian, there is still a big gap.

Can only retreat to the sidelines and secretly pray that the Wolf King wins.

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