Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2166: Martial arts party

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Chapter 2166 The Martial Arts Grand Event

That ray of divine thought flew fast, and flew out more than two thousand miles in an instant.

Cheng Feng's thoughts enveloped the limit, but it was two thousand five hundred miles.

Just before the limit was reached, the divine thought finally stopped and sank into a dune.

In the dunes, a beautiful woman in a tight red dress was sitting cross-legged.

There was a hint of red on his face, which was a back bite from the slain.

Amazingly the first person in the young generation of Blood Refining Church, the blood girl!

"The young man in black must be Cheng Feng."

The blood girl received the ray of divine thoughts, and her mental state improved slightly: "This man is too arrogant and is trained to be completely disproportionate to the combat strength. No wonder even the Holy Ghost leader pays much attention to it."

"I must immediately pass the message to Master, and let him go out and arrest Cheng Feng in person."

However, at this time.

The sand dunes where the blood woman is located suddenly split to the sides.

Like the river that was slashed, the deity of the blood woman was instantly revealed.

"Not good, then Cheng Feng actually followed up."

The blood woman's face changed drastically, and she immediately planned to use the blood river magic power to go away.

However, Cheng Feng had long been ready to release Hell's Heiyan and the extremely cold ice flames, surrounding all the paths of the Blood Girl.

"Can't we go?"

Seeing this, the blood woman's face turned pale: "In this case, then salvation can only be asked of Master."

After all, the blood woman took out a blood-red crystal ball.

When a blood-red divine power was poured in, the crystal ball became large and swallowed the blood girl.

Then he crashed into the fire wall formed by Hell's Heiyan and the extremely cold ice flames, trying to escape.

"You leave me!"

Just then, Cheng Feng arrived.

Emperor Cang's sword technique was exhibited, and the sword was severely cut off.

Hitting the blood red crystal ball, he was not able to chop.

Just blasted it out and rolled in the wall of fire.

After stabilizing, I want to escape again.

Obviously a top defense baby!


Cheng Feng raised a brow: "I want to see, you crystal ball can block me a few knives!"

The words came to an end, Cheng Feng's second, third, and fourth swords ...

The crystal ball was chopped into a trembling light.

It seems like the next moment, it will be broken!

Poppy poppy ~~~

However, at this time.

There was a clap of applause, but it suddenly sounded from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in black clothes walked while clapping his hands.

This middle-aged man looks very ordinary, but there is a cold twist on his body.

The evil spirit is red and black, which is obviously the blood evil that killed many people.

This made Cheng Feng's action of beating the crystal ball abruptly, and he looked at the other side alertly.

"Fast speed is like being able to shrink into inches."

Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed: "This person is a super master, and he is better than the Wolf King and the Earth Dragon King!"

The middle-aged man in black took small steps and was no different from walking.

However, in just one or two steps, they approached Cheng Feng from a few hundred miles away.

Showing his terrifying strength, Cheng Feng was very frightened.

"Not bad."

The middle-aged man in black came to Cheng Feng nearly, and admired with a look of expression: "At a young age, he has such strength.

"Who are you?" Cheng Feng asked alertly.

"My name is Wang Xijing."

Middle-aged man in black said: "I used to sleep in the Rift Valley of the Tianchi mainland, but I was awakened by what you did."

"I happened to be awake and just walked out."

"The Rift Valley? That seems to be a forbidden zone on the Teochew mainland."

Hearing the middle-aged man in black, Cheng Feng was shocked.

Because it is rumored that the Rift Valley is the residence place of the guardians of the continent, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

This middle-aged man is from the Rift Valley, is he actually a guardian of the Tianchi mainland?

"The Rift Valley is not a Longtan tiger cave."

The middle-aged man in black said lightly, "I just like being quiet, and I specifically told others not to disturb me."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's eyes contracted.

From this sentence, Cheng Feng can completely conclude that convenience is undoubtedly the guardian of the Tianchi mainland.

The guardian is the prison guard, who is responsible for the order of the prison.

On the land of Tiancheng, the defender is Tian, ​​who has the right to kill by death.

In the eyes of the defenders, the so-called Three Supreme Gojong gates are all dregs!

"He's a real defender. What is he doing here?"

Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuated: "Is it also influenced by the power of a certain creature?

"Your name is Cheng Feng, right?"

The watcher's eyes were sharp, as if he had seen through Cheng Feng's thoughts: "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to trouble you."

"Instead, there is a chance for you."

"Chance? What chance?" Cheng Feng asked.

"One, the chance to go out from the heavenly holy prison."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's eyes lit up.

Because of his Tian Cang judgment, the punishment marked was imprisonment for life.

Cheng Feng wanted to get out of Tiancang Holy Prison, so he had to find another way.

I thought it would be difficult for me. I never thought that the guardians of the Tianchi mainland actually sent me a chance.

"In the northwestern region of the Heavenly Prison of My Cang Cang, a martial arts event is held every 100 years."

The defender saw the look on Cheng Feng's face, and smiled lightly: "This grand gathering recruited a total of 990 martial arts geniuses."

"Each continent can send ten people to participate."

"If you can reach the top one hundred, you will get the opportunity to reduce sentence."

"If you can reach the top ten, or even the first."

"Not only will it be released directly, but it will also be accepted as a disciple by the strongest defenders in the Northwest, which is a step in the sky."

"And you, I'm more bullish."

"If you participate in this martial arts event, I hope to break into the top 100 and get out of prison early!"

"A martial arts event in the Northwest Territories?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened: "Excuse me, senior Wang, when will this martial arts event be held?"

"Three years later, it will be held in Tianlan, the first continent in the Northwest."

The guard said, "How about? Are you interested in participating?"

"If you're interested, I'll leave you a place in the continent!"

"Interested, of course."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But seniors, I have no conditions attached to this martial arts event?"

Inexplicably sending such good things, Cheng Feng was a little wary.

"No strings attached."

The defender said, "If you have to say something, try to get me the ranking."

"Let those guys see, I have a real genius in Teana mainland!"

Obviously, the defender Wang Xijing gave Cheng Feng the opportunity to participate in the martial arts event for the sake of face recognition.

I'm afraid that at previous martial arts events, the ranking of the continent was very poor, and Wang Xijing was lost in face.

So I want to get my face back in this session!

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