Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2170: Encounter Gorefiend

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Chapter 2170: Encounter With A Blood Demon

As for the power of Wan Fenyan, Lu Xiaoqing and the three have long realized.

After hearing Cheng Feng's voice, he immediately fled behind Cheng Feng.

"What are you hiding behind me?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned: "All fled to the distance, hurry up!"

"I think it's safer to hide behind you."

Lu Xiaoqing did not respond, and replied: "In case of danger, you will be convenient for rescue."

These three people obviously depended on Cheng Feng, for fear of escaping, the flame monster was killed, and Cheng Feng couldn't save it.

It is the best choice to follow behind Cheng Feng and stay within Cheng Feng's rescue range at all times.

"No, I'm not used to someone behind me."

However, Cheng Feng refused: "Either you stay away from me, or the three of them stand against the fierce beast."

Cheng Feng and Lu Xiaoqing were all wrong.

In case of a critical moment, these three people suddenly became evil and gave Cheng Feng a look, with unpredictable consequences.

Besides, Cheng Feng is ready to run away.

The three of them were followed by Lu Xiaoqing, how could they still act?

"Cheng Feng, Uncle Wang just said, I want you to protect the three of us."

Lu Xiaoqing didn't want to take risks, and he entangled: "Are you supporting us, do you want to be severely punished by Uncle Wang?"

Wang Xijing Xiu is powerful and the ninth-ranked mid-level powerhouse on the sky.

Cheng Feng was crushed by this person and convinced to take it orally.

However, Lu Xiaoqing District's seventh ascendant was that he wanted to use Wang Xijing to push Cheng Feng, but he thought too much.

I saw Cheng Feng glanced at Lu Xiaoqing and said immediately: "Okay, you can follow me, but you are all following."

After speaking, Cheng Feng grabbed the demon sword, and rushed back towards the fierce beast that rushed.

"What does this guy want to do?"

Seeing this, the smile on Lu Xiaoqing's face was frozen.

The pace of preparing to chase Cheng Feng also stopped.

Because the flame beast transformed by Wan Fenyan can be very powerful, if it falls into the siege, it is difficult to die.

"Crazy, this kid in black is crazy."

He Fanghua also stopped and vowed vowedly: "Even the fiery beast of ten thousand flames, even if the ninth strongest person in the sky falls into it, he may not be able to escape.

"This kid, Cheng Feng, will be torn to pieces by the fierce beast!"

But the blood girl's eyes flashed, and she felt that Cheng Feng was not trying to die.

She could have played against Feng Feng before, knowing how terrible the opponent's strength is.

Moreover, the other party can be followed by the leader of the blood gods, and is by no means a short-lived ghost.

However, she did not keep up.

Because she doesn't have an uncle like Wang Xijing, Cheng Feng may jealous of Wang Xijing and not dare to hack against Lu Xiaoqing.

In case of catching up, Cheng Feng came up with a ruthless record, ten deaths.

At the time when the three men's thoughts were ups and downs, Cheng Feng was already banging with the fierce beast.

At that moment, the cold light of the sword and the fire shone and illuminated the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Feng turned out to be like a humanoid exploding beast, slamming the impact of the fierce beast.

With the long knife in his hand, after blasting three fierce beasts, he plunged into the torrent of fierce beasts.

In an instant, the trace disappeared.

"Well? The kid in black disappeared?"

"Is it dead? Still slipping?"

As soon as Cheng Feng was submerged in the team of fiery beasts, his breath completely disappeared.

This made the three of Lu Xiaoqing's faces change, and a bad hunch came into their hearts.

This is indeed the case. The impact of the fierce beast was paused for a moment, then reopened, and the three of them attacked Lu Xiaoqing.

"No, the fierce beast rushed over, run away!"

Seeing this, did the three of Lu Xiaoqing still think about Cheng Feng's life and death?

Turned around on the spot and fled, he didn't even dare to look back.

After the fierce beast left, Cheng Feng appeared quietly.

It turned out that after Cheng Feng rushed into the team of the fiery beast, he promptly used the shadow kill to hide himself.

The fierce beast could not find the attack target, and naturally locked the spearheads on Lu Xiaoqing.

Let the three of Lu Xiaoqing become bait, diverting the danger away.

"At this time, the master of Danqimen and Wang Xijing were fighting fiercely with Wan Fenyan, just when I left."

Cheng Feng glanced at the battlefield hundreds of miles away, and thought to himself: "Although Wang Xijing can give me one, three years later, there will be a place for participation in the Northwest Martial Arts Festival."

"But it's too dangerous to stay, and wait until later to find a way."

Think of it here, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng casts his footsteps + Shadow Kill, and silently flies out of Wanfengu.

During this period, Wan Yanyan has noticed.

However, under the siege of Dan Cangmen's master He Cangtai and Wang Xijing, he was already somewhat powerless.

After triggering several flames to intercept Cheng Feng, he found that there was not much effect, and then left Cheng Feng to leave.

Soon, Cheng Feng left the battlefield and was about to leave.

Suddenly, two strong breaths flew from the horizon.

One of them was as dark as ink, and the other was as red as blood.

Arriving over Wanfengu, Wu Heiqiang breath turned into an old man in a robe, landed in Wanfengu, and rescued Lu Xiaoqing, who was chased by flame monsters.

As for the blood-red breath, it turned into a 60-year-old man in blood.

His eyes were sharp like a knife, staring at the direction where Cheng Feng was.

"No, I seem to be aware of this person."

The blood-stained old man's gaze stared at Cheng Feng, which made him feel as if he was stuck with a needle, creating a tingling sensation.

I knew in my heart that my stealth method might be seen through by the other party.

"Cheng Feng, this person is not easy."

At this point, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "If I read correctly, I should have reached the ninth level of the ascendant."

"The divine power in the body is like a galaxy pouring back into the river, endless and inexhaustible!"

"The ninth-ranked mid-level powerhouse?"

Hearing the words, Cheng Feng took a deep breath: "Well, this person must be one of the three largest Gaozong gates in the continent of mainland China, and the master of the blood-making hall."

"I was leaving by chaos, I wanted to avoid this person."

"I never thought it was a step too late!"

Thinking so, but Cheng Feng did not give up.

Directly cast a shadow of a thousand miles, want to fight last.

"Hehe ~~~"

A sneer came: "Under the eyelids of this seat, still want to play tricks?"

"Void passage, shatter this seat!"

Whispering, click ~~~

Cheng Feng was about to perform a mile-shaped void passage, and it was inexplicably broken.

Cheng Feng's last escape opportunity was strangled in the cradle.

The next moment, the blood-skinned old man lifted his right hand, and made a strong grasp in the direction where Cheng Feng was.


Massive auras gathered around Cheng Feng, turned into a huge hand, and caught Cheng Feng in his palm.

Then, you need to catch the other person.

"Emperor Cangshu, Wanxing Tonghui!"

Feeling the splash of the crisis, Cheng Feng said nothing and used his strongest attack method.

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