Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2173: Another visit to Yuanling Mountain

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Chapter 2173 The Lingshan Realm Again

The battle in Wanfengu, with the joining of the Blood Demon Master, the scale of victory soon tilted to the side of Wang Xijing.

Especially when Wang Xijing was impatient, he used the means of the defenders to borrow the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

It didn't take too long to beat Wan Fenyan into flames.

In the end, 嘭 ~~~

Turned into a red and white flame, without resistance.

Seeing this, Wang Xijing just put away the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

"Wan Fen Yan Yan, now is willing to follow this seat to Yuanling Mountain, suppress the fierce thing?"

Wang Xijing stared at Wan Yanyan and asked.

"Huh! Think of it!"

However, at this moment, Wan Yanyan still did not give in.

"Not convinced yet?"

Seeing this, Wang Xijing's brow frowned: "Must you really want to kill yourself?"

Wang Xijing is actually very lethal. If Wan Yanyan does not give in, he is afraid that he will really destroy the other party.

However, Wan Yanyan is really stubborn.

It was a posture that would rather be destroyed than yield.

Seeing this, Wang Xijing's murderous spirit slowly rose and a fist was raised slightly, and he was ready to make a fatal blow to Wan Yanyan.

At this moment, Cheng Feng took a step forward.

"Senior Wang, should you let me try?"

"I have dealt with a lot of different fires, and maybe I can persuade Wan Yanyan to change his mind."

"Oh? Then you try it."

Wang Xijing originally wanted to kill Wan Yanyan, but hesitated after hearing Cheng Feng's words.

Eventually let Cheng Feng try, dead horse as a live horse doctor.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng went up to mumble with Wan Yanyan for a while, and Wan Yanyan really changed his mind.

Wang Xijing and others almost fell down.

"Cheng Feng, what did you say to Wan Yanyan?"

Wang Xijing was curious about Wang Yanyan, who was changing his mind.

"In fact, it's nothing, I just told Wan Yanyan, if it wants to bury the body of its owner back to his hometown, don't take his life as a joke.

Cheng Feng laughed: "Because if life is gone, all hope is gone!"

Heard that everyone was thoughtful.

"Well, now that Wan Yanyan has changed her mind, I will give you half an hour to adjust your status."

After conquering Wan Yanyan, Wang Xijing was in a good mood: "After half an hour, we set off for Yuanling Mountain."

Once enlightened by Cheng Feng, Wan Yanyan had completely figured it out.

It took only a while to return to its peak.

Seeing this, Wang Xijing did not delay and evoked a divine power to engulf everyone.

Then call the power of the laws of heaven and earth, 唰 ~~~

In an instant, appeared in the Yuanling Mountain.

I saw the Yuanling Mountain at this time was quite different from Cheng Feng before leaving.

The cold and evil breath radiates everywhere, making people feel uncomfortable as if immersed in ice water.

If you look up, you can see everywhere a cold black mist covering the hills.

Obviously it's a horrible thing everywhere, so much that it's heartbreaking.

"A lot of fierce things!"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "It's more than a hundred times more than when I left!"

"This should have existed before, not caused by subsequent transmissions."

The fierce thing has the spread, but no matter how fierce the spread, it is impossible to spread the whole fierce thing in the whole Yuanling Mountain in a few days.

Otherwise, the entire heavenly holy prison is the world of great fierce things.

"Have the fierce things in Yuanling Mountain area flooded to such an extent?"

Wang Xijing looked up, his face was quite heavy.

"Master Xijing, the horrible thing here should have spread since a hundred years ago."

Yuan Taifang stepped forward: "After a hundred years of transmission, almost the entire Yuanling Mountain area has been occupied by the fierce thing."

"Once I discovered the situation, I was led by Zhang Yuqiang's deputy chief to suppress it."

"But today, it has had very little effect."

"As for the specific situation, let Zhang Yuqiang report to the adult himself later."

When speaking, Zhang Yuqiang had already arrived.

Zhang Yuqiang is tall and has a cold and strong face, which is very similar to Ming Qianzong's second elder Yang Qianba.

When Cheng Feng saw the other party, he couldn't help but hesitated.

Because Yang Qianba is rumored to be Zhang Yuqiang's illegitimate son, and Yang Qianba has died in the hands of Cheng Feng.

If you let Zhang Yuqiong know about this, you will certainly endlessly die with Cheng Feng!

However, Cheng Feng did not regret killing Yang Qianba.

Nayang Qianba was bullying, and Cheng Feng was dead. Cheng Feng only responded passively.

Even if you give Cheng Feng another chance, Cheng Feng will still kill each other!

"Ming Yuanzong Zhang Yuqiong, I've met Lord Xijing."

After Zhang Yuqiong arrived, he bowed and saluted to Wang Xijing.

"No need to be polite."

Wang Xijing waved his hand and said, "Tell me about the situation in Yuanling Mountain."

"Master Xijing, there are five blocks in Yuanling Mountain."

Zhang Yuqiang is very straightforward, straight into the topic: "Dongshan, Xishan, Nanshan, Beishan, and Zhongshan, respectively."

"Among the three mountains in the east and the south, the most serious thing is the flood."

"Beishan and Zhongshan, the flood of the fierce things is lighter."

"Especially Zhongshan, I have led the disciples of Ming Yuanzong, and they are almost cleared up."

"I hope that Master Xijing will rule the masters and thoroughly clean up the fierce things in the four mountains in the southeast and northwest."

"Stifle the horrible things in the cradle!"

Yuanling Mountain has a vast area and is divided into five blocks by Zhang Yuqiong.

Each large block has thousands of miles.

Within a few days, this person was able to clean up the fierce things in the Zhongshan area, indicating that his strength is very good.

"Oh? The horrible things in Yuanling Mountain, are there four areas left?"

Wang Xijing's eyebrows were raised, "It's all right, you Yuanmingzong, Danqimen, and Lianxuetang, each choose a mountain area for cleaning."

"As for the most serious Dongshan flooding, this seat will be resolved by this seat."

"Aim to clear away all the wicked things within half a month."

Wang Xijing simply ignored the capabilities of the three main gates of Ming Yuanzong, and directly cleared the task, but also fixed the time.

The main thing is too terrible, it is spreading.

If it can't be cleared in a short time, the consequences are disastrous!

"Master Xijing, my Ming Yuanzong is willing to clean up the horrible things in Beishan and guarantee the completion of the mission.

Na Yuan Tai Fang responded quickly, and when Wang Xijing's words stopped, he immediately opened his command.

Robbed Beishan, the lightest thing in the four mountains.

Then He Cangtai of Danqimen seized Nanshan in Yuanling Mountain.

In this case, the mountain area left to the Lianxuetang is only the mountain area of ​​Xishan.


The Blood Demon Master is still intervening for Wang Xijing, resulting in the inability to kill Cheng Feng.

At this moment, Yuantai Fang was pitted again, and his face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

However, no matter how sullen in his heart, he had to knock out the front teeth and swallow.

That look can almost kill!

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