Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2184: Assault and escape

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Chapter 2184 Attack and Escape

However, Cheng Feng has no choice but to bite the bullet.

When you reach the teleportation array, turn it on immediately.

Om ~~~

Waiting for a while, the light flashed.

Cheng Feng disappeared instantly under the envelop of that light.

"No, someone turned on the teleportation array."

"It must be an intruder. We are all here. No one is guarding the teleportation team."

"Seized by the intruder, he immediately escaped!"

In the passageway of the No. 3 Alchemy Room, the warriors of All Soul Gates noticed that the teleportation array was opened.

All of a sudden, they all came over.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

One after another returned to the training area.

However, Cheng Feng has long disappeared, leaving everyone blue.

"What are you trying to do? Chase me!"

A leader yelled coldly: "If you don't catch the intruders back to me, and wait until Mr. Gu returns, all of us will wait to be trained into elixir!"

Listening to the leader's words, all martial arts trembled.

Even if there are four ninth heavy martial arts soldiers who entered the realm of heaven, they entered the teleportation array and chased after the fleeing Cheng Feng.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng has completed the transfer and arrived in a warehouse under a restaurant.

The warehouse is large and contains many fine wines.

At this moment two guys dressed as men are guarding the wine in the warehouse.

Just then, a teleportation array at the end of the warehouse was illuminated.

The next moment, Cheng Feng appeared.

"Huh? My friend is a little bit faceless!"

The appearance of Cheng Feng immediately alarmed the two buddies.

Dropped the jar of wine in his hand and walked towards Cheng Feng.

"Huh, you haven't seen many people."

The moment he saw the two guys, Cheng Feng faintly guessed that the other party might be the master of guarding the teleportation array.

I was startled, but my face didn't move.

Taking a calm pace, walked towards the two men.

At the same time, he said in a condescending tone: "This seat has followed Mr. Gu for many years. Mr. Gu went out not long ago to look for auxiliary items for refining and refining the chemical alchemy."

"The refining of the Blood Spirit Pill and the Blood Soul Pill will be given to me to take care of."

"But you all-spiritual gate, but you didn't send over the materials for refining elixir. What does it mean?"

"Did you look down on this seat? Or look down on Mr. Gu?"

Cheng Feng looks awesome, and the words in his mouth are all taboo secrets.

Suddenly, the two martial arts warriors were shocked.

The suspicion of Cheng Feng in his heart was instantly reduced to a minimum.

There were even some concerns, for fear of offending Cheng Feng, ‘Mr. Gu ’s left and right arm’.

"I'm sorry, neither of me is aware of this."

"Otherwise, we will report your problem to Elder Zongmen immediately. What do you think?"

Two masters of Wanlingmen, lowered their posture, and asked Cheng Feng's opinions.

However, Cheng Feng still had a very unpleasant expression, and when he approached the two of them, his face was not annoying.

"Well, I have to speak to your elders about this."

Cheng Feng commanded: "Take the way ahead. If you do not give me a satisfactory answer, when Mr. Gu returns, I will ask him to go to the headquarters of Wanlingmen in person."

"This ... okay."

The two looked at each other for fear of offending Cheng Feng, the 'big man'.

Gritted his teeth, turned and took Cheng Feng to see the elders of Wanlingmen.

But they turned around.

Stabbing ~~~

A cold and bright knife light suddenly appeared.

A flash on their bodies, two heads with shock and puzzlement, fell to the ground.

His divine thought still wanted to escape, but Cheng Feng was killed by a spirit.

In an instant, the two top eighth ascendants died in the sword of Cheng Feng.

To kill these two people, Cheng Feng's footsteps kept on, and he swept outside the underground warehouse.

Out of the warehouse in an instant, came to the backyard of the restaurant.

Immediately, Cheng Feng was about to use the shadow method to escape from the restaurant.

However, the city where the restaurant is located has actually built a large defense.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that he had reached the middle rank of Wang Pin.

Although the large defensive formation has not yet been opened, the empty channel in the city has been completely sealed off.

No teleportation is possible without permission.

"Mad, this must be the ghost of All Spirits."

Cheng Feng's brow frowned, and he took a shadow kill to follow God and rushed to the gate.

After leaving the city, it is planned to perform a thousand miles.

However, before Cheng Feng arrived at the gate, a strong sense of crisis rushed forward.

Then, four arrogant martial arts spirits rushed up into the sky, and they passed through the sky in an instant, shrouding the large city.

Not only that, but also in the moment when these four martial arts spirits rushed up, the Wang Pin middle-level defense array was also opened.

A majestic force is born, which will be transformed into a thick energy hood, covering the entire city!

"Not good, the master of all souls has chased it out."

Cheng Feng's face changed drastically: "Also, Wanlingmen also colluded with the city's masters and used the moat."

"If the moat was brought together, then I would never expect to escape again!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng immediately made a decision.

Ignoring the storm and not revealing it, I made a direct move and rushed towards the outside of the city.

And on the way, he also exhibited Rulai Jinshenjue and incorporated that Jinshen Luohan into his body, making himself impenetrable!

And at the same time, Cheng Feng also evoked the beast martial spirit, making him grow to eight meters in size, with tremendous power.

Launched a wild charge, like a humanoid beast sprinting.

Just a glance can make your heart drowsy!

"Look, the moat is on."

"The moat of Mingshan City has not been opened for decades. This time, it is all because of the humanoid in the sky!"

"That man is a bit scary, too strong, it's a moving mountain of meat."

"However, there is a moat, and we must not be able to escape halfway from our Mingshan City!"

The people in the city were alarmed.

But everyone was full of confidence in Mingshan City's defensive battle, and felt that Cheng Feng would be stopped in the city.

However, when Cheng Feng fit into the yet-to-be-closed formation cover.

Click ~~~

He actually bumped the law shield into a hole.

The next moment, he crossed the city wall and flew out of Mingshan City.

"What? Our Mingshan Fortress was smashed?"

"What about that guy, is it still human !?"

Seeing this scene, the people in the whole city are as dead as a chicken.

Because Wang Pin's mid-level defense array, even the ninth strongest in the sky, cannot be crushed.

However, Cheng Feng did it!

In fact, the reason why Cheng Feng was able to smash the moat was also a matter of luck.

The entire array has not yet been fully opened, and its defense is less than half of its heyday.

And Cheng Feng fired full force, plus full sprint.

It's normal to break through the defensive array.

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