Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2199: Devastation

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Chapter two hundred and ninety-nine

Secret base, teleportation around.

It was already full of people.

In turn, there are seven ascendants of the ninth-level ascendant, four ascendants of the ninth-level ascendant, and two ascendants of the ninth-level ascendant.

At the same time, Yu Fei, a pharmacist, and a middle-aged man riding a giant wolf.

The power of their bodies was sloshing, and the attack was ready.

Wait for Cheng Feng to emerge from the teleportation array and let the thunder bomber!

Under the fierce gaze of everyone, the teleportation array shined brightly.

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

"That mess is here, kill me!"

Seeing that figure, Yu Fei, the pharmacist, rushed to death.

With a greeting in his mouth, he was the first to throw a gray ball.

The gray sphere was filled with poison.

Immediately after being thrown into the teleportation array, they exploded, sending out the sky toxin, covering the entire teleportation array.

The toxicity is so strong that it can completely poison the ninth master of the sky into a pool of black water.

Not only that, but the other dozen masters also made their strongest attack at this moment.

When he hit the teleportation array, that teleportation array shattered into powder on the spot.

As for the figures in the teleportation array, they were directly erased and turned into fly ash.

"Huh, get rid of it!"

"We killed that **** intruder."

"Protect them for Mo Cang, revenge!"

Seeing that the figure was blasted into slag, Yu Fei and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

But the middle-aged man riding a giant wolf, and two other ninth-ranked high-ranking powerhouses, were vaguely not quite right.

Because the intruder was too good to kill, it was a bit unreasonable.

As they meditate, stab it ~~~

Suddenly, a matchless sword suddenly appeared.

It's good to practice, and cut to the ecstatic martial arts warrior.

"No, the intruder is not dead!"

"The figure just now is just a bait."

"Defense, hurry up!"

The middle-aged man riding a giant wolf shouted and shook his hands while punching, punching a punch at the bladeless sword.

The other two top-ranked ninth-ranked high-ranking powerhouses also hit each other.

However, the knife light was too strong and too sudden.

With the exception of three middle-aged people, all others were unprepared.

After hearing the reminder, it was too late.

Do not! !!

Ah ~~~

Just heard a series of screams.

Even if there were six or seven martial arts warriors, they were stabbed to death on the spot.

This is also the result of a middle-aged man riding a giant wolf and assisting with two ninth-ranked high-ranking powerhouses.

Otherwise, it will be destroyed on the spot!


"Damn, **** it!"

Originally set up a killing bureau, to kill Cheng Feng.

As a result, even Cheng Feng's face was not seen, and he was severely killed.

This made Yu Fei's anger extremely extreme, and yelled, "Mr. Ming Yuan, Zhang Lao and Wang Lao."

"Also please give your best effort, I want that man to die!"

In fact, without Yu Fei's reminder, Mr. Ming Yuan, who was riding the giant wolf, and Zhang Lao and Wang Lao, all killed Cheng Feng together.

The majestic divine power swayed, shaking the entire underground secret base violently.

However, Cheng Feng was utterly fearless.

Standing in the poisonous gas, he cast his soul to kill, and began to harvest the remaining martial arts warriors.

噗嗤 ~~~

A ghost kills a ninth-level primary warrior who ascended the sky.

It was like a hammer banging on a watermelon, his head exploded on the spot, and he couldn't die anymore.

Then came the second, the third ...

In the blink of an eye, all the ninth-level primary and intermediate martial arts ascended to the sky were dead.

Only Yu Fei was left, his face was as pale as soil.

"Damn mess, you're dead!"

Yu Fei hated: "Under the attack of Mr. Ming Yuan, even the ninth-ranked high-ranking powerhouse will be dead.

"You must have escaped!"

However, Yu Fei's eyes almost glared.

I saw the attack by Mr. Ming Yuan and the three was about to hit Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng's hand flicked, wow ~~~

A piece of cyan paper flew from Cheng Feng's hand.

Turned into a blue horse, not only resolved the attack of Mr. Ming Yuan's three.

He also took advantage of the situation and rolled Mr. Mingyuan directly into the cyan paper.

No matter how hard Mr. Mingyuan exerts his power, he cannot move at all.

At this time, Cheng Feng strolled to Mr. Ming Yuan's three.

The Devil Sword in your hand lifted up, oh!

The heads of Mr. Mingyuan's three were smashed on the spot!

"What? Your little beast has actually killed Mr. Mingyuan?"

Seeing this, Yu Fei's face was as pale as paper.

It was too unexpected and shocked!

Because Mr. Ming Yuan, but a master from the headquarters of Wanlingmen, is a second-ranking ninth-level intermediate martial artist.

The strength is still above the ink warehouse protection method.

As for the old and Wang Lao, they are the two ninth-ranked high-ranking powerhouses.

Although Xiuwei is the elixir of elixir, it is also a trivial matter.

However, it was blasted by Cheng Feng!

"That piece of paper ... It seems like a piece of sacred paper that Yucang gave to Mocang to protect the law!"

In shock, Yu Fei suddenly realized: "You are so messy that you have erased the blood mark of Yu Cang's half-holy, and can call the power of holy paper."

"No wonder it's so easy to kill Mr. Mingyuan!"

Seeing the blue sacred paper, Yu Fei finally understood why Mr. Ming Yuan's three were vulnerable.

Surprisingly bound by the power of the sacred paper, unable to exert its due strength.

"Old thing, you just killed me with poison."

After killing the three members of Mr. Ming Yuan, Cheng Feng threw his body into the empty pot to feed the dragon lice.

Weapons are thrown away by the Devil Sword, and everything else is thrown away.

So as not to leave a mark and be hunted down by all soul gates.

Then he walked towards Yu Fei and said coldly, "You should be an alchemist. You must be involved in the whole process of extermination of humanity here, and you must die for all your sins!"

"Say, you want that way of death!"

Yu Fei's status in the secret base is very high, but Cheng Feng can be sure that the other party is not the king of grain medicine.

Because Cereal King is the treasure of all souls, there must be true strong protection on his side.

"Little beast, do you know what you are doing?"

Hearing that, Yu Fei's body was cold, and immediately shouted, "This place is the alchemy land directly under the Wanlingmen."

"And the Gate of All Souls, but the first gate of the Tianyu continent, the third continent of the Northwest Territories, has a semi-sacred power sitting in town."

"Dare you kill me, not only will you lose your life."

"Even your family, relatives and friends, and even all acquaintances, must be buried with you!"

"Northwest Territories? Tianyu Continent?"

After listening to Yu Fei's threat, Cheng Feng raised a brow, and suddenly a bad feeling came to his mind: "The northwestern region you said, but the northwestern region of Tiancang Holy Prison?"

"Of course."

Yu Fei nodded, somewhat inexplicably.

But Cheng Feng who got the answer was a bit messy in the wind!

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