Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2206: Bodhisattva

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Chapter 2206 The Bodhisattva Body

"No, Lord Lord is dead, killed by that young man in black!"

"Escape, run away!"

"If the young man in black kills, there will be no death!"

Seeing Cheng Feng's picture of killing the Blood Demon Master, all the blood refiners who were present at the scene all looked tragic.

Dare not to neglect in the slightest, they want to flee.

"Did I tell you to run away?"

However, Cheng Feng's voice suddenly sounded.

Then, an unparalleled pressure spread, covering hundreds of miles.

Those fleeing warriors suddenly fell on the ground as they were crushed by Juyue.

"Your blood-refining church has done a lot of evil by relying on Gorefiend."

"Now, it's time to pay back one or two."

Cheng Feng's cold eyes swept across the crowd: "Everyone present, whoever harms anyone, stands out and perpetually breaks his arm."

"And swear by my soul, I will not kill innocent people in the future! I will not die around you."

"By the way, don't try to deceive me, I have the means to find out your details."

"If I find out that you are lying to me, I will make you regret being born in this world!"

The removal of the first evil does not solve all problems.

These remaining warriors are also a curse.

Must be properly arranged, otherwise the harm will be even greater.

Under the unrivalled coercion of Cheng Feng, everyone in the Lianxuetang quickly surrendered.

All the martial artists who stood up have stood out, and actually reached more than 90% of the total number.

Then he gritted his teeth and broke one of his arms.

Immediately in front of Cheng Feng, he made a vow of soul and soul, saying that he would be a human again in the future.

Seeing this, the killing intention on Cheng Feng's face was only slightly weakened.

"The two old guys who reached the ninth weight, and the blood girl stayed, and everyone else is gone!"

Cheng Feng glanced at everyone and issued an order.

"Thank you for your grace!"

They are pardoned.

Bowing to Cheng Feng, they fled away.

As for the genius blood girl cultivated by the Master of Blood Devil, and the two deputy masters of Lianxuetang, they stood stiffly.

Because Cheng Feng had already spoken, they were not allowed to leave.

"All come here."

After the crowd left, Cheng Feng beckoned the three women to come over.

"Mr. Cheng Feng."

The three came near, all shaking.

"I don't have a maid next to me, so you stay with me and wait."

Cheng Feng raised his hand and pointed at the blood girl, and commanded: "As for these two old things, follow the blood monster master to do all the evil things."

"If you want to save your life, tell me more about the news of the demon monk Fedor."

"If it pleases me, I will let you go."

"If you are not satisfied, send you to reunite with the Blood Devil."

"Mr. Cheng Feng, we must know everything and everything."

Hearing the words, the two deputy chiefs of Lie Blood Church hurriedly said, "I heard the master mentioned earlier that the demon monk Fedor was not in the Northwest Territories."

"Instead, I went to the south of Tiancang Holy Prison, worshiped an evil monk as a teacher, and practiced an evil skill."

"But not long ago, the Lord of the Blood Gods issued an order asking the demon monk Fedor to rush back to the Northwest to arrest you."

"If nothing else happens, Fedor will return in the near future."

"Fedor has gone to the Southern Territories to worship?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "What is the evil monk's practice? Can the demon monk Fei Duo bow his head?"

"That's a fierce man who almost turned into a bodhisattva!"

A deputy chief of the Blood Refining Church replied: "It's a pity that the man did too much evil and burned his karma.

"Otherwise, Tiancang Holy Prison may not be able to shut it down!"


Cheng Feng could not help but take a breath.

Because casting a bodhisattva body is equivalent to gaining good fortune in martial arts.

This shows how powerful that evil monk is!

No wonder that even such a demon monk Fedor is willing to cross millions of miles and go to the southern region to learn from the teacher!

"It looks like this demon monk Fedor is really a big trouble."

Cheng Feng thoughtfully: "Perhaps I should retreat for a while and improve the cultivation."

"If you can have the ninth most important cultivation practice, even if you are against a demon monk, you can be fearless!"

Compared with those old masters, Cheng Feng's Xiuwei is still weaker.

After all, he is still seventh in the sky and inherently at a disadvantage.

"Do you know any more about the demon monk Fedor?"

Cheng Feng asked the undulating thoughts.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, I heard that Fedor is good at stickmanship."

A deputy church of Lianxuetang said: "It is said that after Tu Guang taught the monks in the ancient temple of Buddhism, he won a top Buddhist soldier."

"That buddha is an iron rod, weighing hundreds of millions of pounds."

"If you go down, you can beat a ninth strongest!"

"I heard that the demon monk Fedor also practiced a Buddhist golden body."

Another rushed, "It is said that the Buddha's golden body has been refined by Fedor.

"Ascending the ninth-highest attack of the high-ranking powerhouse, he can carry it physically."

"It's inaccessible, it won't invade!"

In order to survive, the two deputy chiefs of the Lianxuetang scrambled to disclose the news of the demon monk Fedor to Cheng Feng.

At the same time, Cheng Feng was also told that the blood demon Honglian had received the order of the blood gods, and she would take her four lovers to set foot on the continent.

If you run into each other, it will be a big trouble.

"Well, you guys are doing well."

After hearing these messages, Cheng Feng nodded: "Now abandon the repairs and you can leave."

"What? Discard repair?"

The two thought that if they leaked their secrets, they would be able to retreat.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Cheng Feng actually wanted them to self-defeate.

"What? The punishment for self-defeating is too heavy?"

Cheng Feng's brow froze, "When you were in trouble for the world, I was afraid that I wouldn't even give others the chance to dismiss them."

"Those who fall into your hands are worse than dying directly!"

"Right now, either repair or leave."

"Either, I'll send you to reunite with Gorefiend!"

For the cold-blooded butchers such as the deputy chief of the Lianxuetang, Cheng Feng showed no mercy.

If they dare to be crooked, Cheng Feng will serve the sword!

The two saw Cheng Feng's intention to kill. Although he was extremely reluctant in the heart, they finally neglected to repair.

Suddenly, their faces were covered with wrinkles and they became very old.

Cheng Feng glanced coldly at each other, evoking divine power to roll up the blood woman, and flew away.

As for the two deputy masters of the self-defeating Xiu Xie Tang, without Xiu Wei, they are destined not to live long.

Miserable death will be their best destination.

It can be regarded as a slight atonement for their sinful lives!


Flying away from the Xishan area, Cheng Feng went around and went directly to the Nanshan area.

Dan Qi Men's door is responsible for cleaning up the most violent things in this area.

When Cheng Feng arrived there, about half of the fierce things had been cleared.

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