Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2209: Waiting for news

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Chapter 2209 Waiting For News

Cheng Feng originally intended to help Wang gently report his revenge.

They passed it on to her mother Yuan Fengmei.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Fengmei actually disappeared, and may go to Tianjiao mainland first.

In this case, Cheng Feng could only personally **** Wang gently to Tianjiao mainland.

"Forget it, it doesn't hurt to go to Tianjiao mainland."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "Anyway, this day, the continent is continent, and I don't need to stay."

"When I went to Tianjia mainland, I could also have a clear understanding of the general trend of Tiancang Holy Prison through the news network of Yuan family."

At this moment, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Every figure suddenly flew from the sky.

When he arrived, it was discovered that it was the Yuanyuanzong.

They should have noticed the movement of Cheng Feng catching He Cangtai and others, and rushed to investigate the situation.

As a result, they felt cold all over, thinking that they had seen the illusion.

"Oh my god, a large number of masters of Dan Qimen actually died on the spot."

"It also includes He Cangtai, the owner of Danqimen? What's going on?"

Wu Yuanzong's warrior stunned.

I never expected that I would see such a terrible scene.

Not dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported to the high level of Ming Yuanzong.

Soon, the three great masters of Mingyuan Sect came together.

However, even when they saw that scene, they took a breath.

"Cheng Feng again?"

Ming Yuanzong, deputy chief veteran, first saw Cheng Feng in the crowd.

A look of fear: "This guy is a **** of plague. Wherever he goes, he will do evil!"

"Cheng Feng?"

The Master of the Mingyuan Sect raised a brow: "Is this the one that King Xijing valued?"

"Yes, it is him."

The veteran nodded: "According to Xiaoqing, this child had previously entered Tianyu mainland by mistake and destroyed a secret base in Tianyu mainland's first gate, Wanlingmen.

"Master Xijing has already set out for the prison governor of Heaven Cang for this matter."

"I suggest we stay away from this person, lest endless troubles be called!"

"Well, that's fine."

Ming Yuanzong's authentic master nodded.

Immediately ordered all the Emperor Yuanzong warriors, all returned.

Among them, the vassal advocated that the firmament was struggling.

His illegitimate son Yang Qianba died in the hands of Cheng Feng.

Although there is no direct evidence, he has confirmed it in his mind.

Originally intended to capture Cheng Feng, tortured to death by cruel means, to avenge Yang Qianba.

But now I dare not show the slightest sign, and my heart is extremely dull.

But hesitated for a long time, Zhang Yuqiong eventually returned with the team of Ming Yuanzong.

After all, it's just an illegitimate child. In order to get revenge on him, if he puts himself in, it's worth the trouble!

"Don't you have the courage after all?"

Hundreds of miles away, Cheng Feng saw the arrival of Ming Yuanzong in his eyes.

Zhang Yuqiang, in particular, focuses on care.

If the other party wants to have trouble, they are ready to give them some colors to see.

Because he killed Yang Qianba, Yang Qianba was too mad, and he wanted to kill Cheng Feng first.

Cheng Feng killed each other without any guilt.

In Cheng Feng's dictionary, killers, people always kill them!

"You guys, you can leave."

After Ming Yuanzong and others departed, Cheng Feng's gaze swept away the stunners, and he waved for them to leave.

After all, the murderers who murdered the Manchu royal family have been removed, and there is no reason to affect these people.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Hearing the words, everyone bowed to Cheng Feng and immediately dispersed.

Only the corpse of one place remained, as well as the two daughters of Wang Qingrou.

"Girl Wang, the vengeance has to be reported, don't be sad anymore."

At this time, Wang gentle, had restored peace.

Hearing Cheng Feng's appeasement, Zhan Yan smiled: "Thank you Father Cheng, if I weren't for you, I wouldn't avenge my life."

"this is nothing."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "If you do evil, you should pay the price!"

"By the way, I have already asked the deputy owner of Dan Qimen. Your mother probably took your father's body to the sky armor continent."

"You prepare a little bit, and after three days, I will send you to Tianjia mainland."

Wang Xijing told Cheng Feng before leaving.

If he does not return within three days, it means that he did not persuade the governor of Tiancang.

The next thing can only depend on Cheng Feng himself.

Therefore, Cheng Feng is prepared to wait here for three days.

Wait for Wang Xijing to give him the final answer.

"Gong son, I really don't know how to thank you."

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Wang Gen gently raised a warm current in his heart.

Because in her life, she was the first man of his age, so good to her.

It made her feel strange, sweet and warm.

"Thank you for your help."

Cheng Feng helps Wang Qingrou. First, Wang Qingrou is a vulnerable group, and he can help.

Secondly, it was her encounter that resonated with Cheng Feng.

"When you kill someone for the first time, you will definitely feel uncomfortable."

Cheng Feng instructed the blood girl: "You will take Girl Wang with you later."

"Remember, don't play tricks."

"I have a divine power in your body. If you accidentally explode, it will blow you up."

"Hum!" The blood girl snorted coldly.

Then obediently and gently, Wang took a walk around.

As for Cheng Feng, he stood still and began to sort out his own situation.

"My situation is not optimistic."

"It seems to have escaped the pursuit of the Spirit Gate and smoothed the target of the Blood Gods."

"But in fact, it's just a temporary calm."

"Once the soul gate traces my whereabouts, I will definitely want me all over, leaving me nowhere to stand."

"At the same time, there is the blood demon red lotus of the blood gods and the demon monk Fedor, which is even more trouble."

"I must improve my strength as soon as possible to deal with the next crisis!"

Cheng Feng's analysis is very accurate.

He looks safe now, but in danger.

And if you want to stabilize all this, you need to be strong enough!

"My divine power and divine spirit have all reached the eight-star intermediate level."

Cheng Feng secretly said: "Next, as long as the **** body is also elevated to eight stars, you can officially enter the eighth ascent."

"By then, there will be a leap in strength!"

"The ninth-ranked high-ranking powerhouse in the sky can be easily beaten!"

Cheng Feng's body is now a seven-star high order. If he wants to reach the eight-star level, he must take the warming flesh of heaven and earth.

Before Cheng Feng destroyed the secret base of Wanlingmen, he carried out a sweep of the storage room in the base.

Obtained a lot of treasures of heaven and earth, among them there are a lot of physical medicine.

At this time, it just comes in handy!

"Tianrong ginseng, humanoid ground dragon, purple golden okra ..."

Cheng Feng took a strain of heaven and earth medicine from the soul ring.

Take a quick glance and feed it directly into your mouth.

Because these precious medicines are all babies that have a warming effect on the body, they can be taken directly.

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