Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 223: Dream figure

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Chapter 223 The Dream Figure

Wow ~~ wow ~~

Xiao He patted two golden wings and landed steadily outside Tian Xuan Restaurant.

Immediately, Cheng Feng, who was sitting on the back of Xiao Hei, stood up and jumped off the back of the eagle.

Suddenly, everyone's gaze at the scene looked all over.

"You guys ... are you waiting for me?"

In the face of everyone's hot eyes, Cheng Feng asked casually.

"Waiting for you? Do you think you are qualified to let us wait here?"

In the lobby of Tianxuan Restaurant, Mo Yu had long been dissatisfied with Cheng Feng. At this moment, Cheng Feng was taken away from the limelight, and he could not help but take the lead.

"Ha ha."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng smiled indifferently: "Let others wait, I'm really not qualified, but let you Yu Moyu wait, it's totally worthy."

"You ... find death!" Yu Moyu was used to raising from Xiaojiao, and wanted anything.

At this moment, Cheng Feng countered coldly, and immediately became angry. He pulled out a two-foot long, delicate and elegant white jade knife, and flew into Cheng Feng.

Yu Moyu is fast and has a strong repair, and the knife intention has developed a taste of 'vacuum cutting'.

This knife, although he just cut it at will, can easily defeat a middle-level martial artist in Tianwu Realm.

"Get me started!"

铿 ~~~

However, Cheng Feng, who was in the half-step martial arts realm, shot backhand and repelled Yu Moyu stiffly.

"What? Yu Moyu was repelled by Cheng Feng!"

"It's ... impossible! There must be something tricky in it."

Seeing this scene, almost all of them couldn't believe their eyes, thinking they were wrong.

Even Yu Moyu didn't believe he would be repelled by Cheng Feng.

You know, Yu Moyu was able to rank ninth in the 370th session of the turret. This is not a blow. It has real talents.

Therefore, after Yu Moyu was repelled, he immediately wanted to use his true skills to get the scene back.

But just then, hum ~~~

A powerful coercion spread out, leaving Yu Moyu, who was ready to start, to move instantly.

This person is the boss Li who has always been smiling and welcoming.

"Yu Shao, please stop here."

Boss Li replied, "After all, the visitor is a guest. I can't let the guest fight in front of the big guy."

"If everyone really hates hatred, please wait for the Tian Xuan Business League's filming session to end on Tian Xuan's life and death stage!"

Mr. Li's remarks directly set the tone for the whole shooting session.

During the shooting session, even if you have a huge hatred, you have to bear with me until the end of the shooting session, went to Tian Xuan's life and death stage, and finished the knot.

"It's late, ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats."

Later, Mr. Li resumed the smiling face of the businessman and led everyone into the Tianxuan Restaurant lobby.

The lobby of Tianxuan Restaurant is very large. The whole hall is circular, but it is divided into four areas by four aisles.

I don't know if it happened that Cheng Feng was right next to Tiemu Zhengxiong.

"Cheng Feng, just over half a year ago, you have grown from a little ant who just awakened Wu Wu to this point, don't you think it's strange?"

On the left-hand side, that Tiemu Zhengxiong has been staring at him since he saw Cheng Feng, his eyes are very strange.

"Tiemu, you seem to be wrong."

Cheng Feng knew why he was able to rise rapidly and naturally did not want others to know, so he avoided talking.

"The goal of my trip is clear, and that is to redeem the Phoenix at any cost."

Temu Masao said in a hurry: "And if you want to achieve this goal, you must be satisfied, so I want to send you a big gift and disclose a secret to you."

"Oh, you old dog would be so kind?" Cheng Feng's disgust at Tiemu Zhengxiong didn't hide it.

Zhangkou is called "Old Dog".

But Temu Masao wasn't angry. Perhaps he was furious, but his face didn't show.

Not only that, he also let the other four Ironwood clan members forcibly resist the anger.

"Cheng Feng, let me be straight. The gift I give you is news about your mother." Masaki Tetsuo went straight to the point.

"My mother? Isn't she ill and died?"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng didn't react much.

Because the word 'mother' is very strange to Cheng Feng, even Cheng Feng has never seen her mother look like since she was born.

If it were not later heard that every child was born to a mother, Cheng Feng thought he had no mother at all.

Later, he also asked his father, Cheng Xinghe, and Cheng Xinghe's answer was that his mother died of illness.

However, listening to what Tiemu Zhengxiong said, there seems to be some hidden feelings about the matter.

"Died? This is probably what your father Cheng Xinghe told you."

"Isn't it?" Cheng Feng asked.

"of course not."

Temu Masao eloquently said: "Your mother is not only dead, but also alive and well. If you return my Phoenix to me intact, I will tell you where your mother is."

Tiemu Phoenix is ​​right next to Cheng Feng. With the strength of Tiemu Zhengxiong, Tiemu Phoenix can completely take away from Cheng Feng.

But it didn't make any sense, because he had been informed for a long time that Cheng Feng had arranged a matrix in Ironwood Phoenix. Once he left Cheng Feng kilometers away, his heart would be broken.

Moreover, he did not dare to capture Cheng Feng, forcing Cheng Feng to solve the ninety-nine Heavenly Knife battle.

For one, this is the site of the Tianxuan Business League. The other party cannot watch him indifference to Cheng Feng.

Secondly, this place is only a hundred miles away from Qianlong Academy. Once he starts to Cheng Feng, I am afraid that it will not take a few minutes for the main knife of Dota Peak to come in person.

And this is the confidence of Cheng Feng dare to come to the Tianxuan auction!

"My mother is alive? She is alive ..."

After listening to what Tiemu Zhengxiong said, Cheng Feng could not help but be lost in thought.

In his impression, the image of his mother was almost absent.

And even if it existed, it was just a figure when he was a kid and saw his junior junior having a mother who loved him and dreamed at night.

Dreams are always illusory, so Cheng Feng has no memory for his mother.

However, a heat wave connected with flesh and blood suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, warming his body and getting hot!

"How's my news, but is it worth your exchange for the Phoenix?"

Seeing Cheng Feng ’s response, Temu Masao showed a smirk on his face, but quickly converged: "You know, the reason why you can achieve today is thanks to your mother, which is the heritage of her bloodline. Here you are. "

"Power of bloodline? Bloodline inheritance!" Cheng Feng stunned.

Indeed, Cheng Feng's family has a shallow foundation and there are no big names in his ancestors.

But why, suddenly in Cheng Feng's generation, her sister Cheng Qingxue became a dazzling body and was scrambled by the martial arts holy land.

Cheng Feng himself may not be as good as Cheng Qingxue, but he is actually better.

You know, Cheng Feng awakened but the super martial arts soul, which is much stronger than a superior Jiupin martial arts soul.

This kind of talent may really come from the bloodline inheritance of his mother!


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