Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2243: All off

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Chapter two thousand two hundred forty three

With the order of Cheng Feng, Li Zixiong immediately acted.

Divine power in the body evoked and killed Yang Xunhuan.

As for the masters of the Yuan family who besieged Yang Xunhuan, when Li Zixiong was killed, they retreated one after the other and besieged the other two Yang families.

Then, a big battle began.

It just shattered and the mountains and rivers shattered.

After the battle was over, the thousands of miles outside Yuan's city were all turned into ruins.

The master of the Yuan family was mostly disabled.

However, Yang Xunhuan was beaten to the ground by Yuan Chengxuan and others.

"Where do you two come from? How dare you cope with Yuan Jialang and deal with my Yang family?"

There was blood in the corner of Yang Xun's mouth, and he looked at Li Zixiong and yelled, "If you leave now, there is nothing Yang can do."

"If you don't know what to do, don't even want to live until the strongest of my Yang family arrives!"

Yang Xunhuan should be used to being high above the ground, and he was very arrogant when he was knocked to the ground.

Li Zixiong was so hot-tempered that he got angry on the spot.

"Junk stuff, I've been beaten into a dog, dare to threaten Lao Tzu?"

"Believe it or not, I unloaded your dog's head, now?"

Li Zixiong approached Yang Xunhuan and greeted him with a slap, which made Yang Xunhuan dizzy.

My heart was so angry that my lungs almost exploded.

"Damn mess, you're looking for death ..."

Yang Xun yelled, trying to stand up from the ground.

As a result, he was too injured to get up.

"Miscellaneous Nima, I'm strangling you!"

As for Li Zixiong, his heart was on fire, and the casserole iron fist flew towards Yang Xunhuan's face, which was a beating.

A few minutes later, Li Zixiong kicked Yang Xunhuan.

Waiting for a smash to the ground, the entire face has completely bloomed, and turned into a pig head with fuzzy flesh!


"Damn mess, you're dead, all of you are dead!"

"Dare to humiliate Yang so much, and when you fall into my hands, I must strip you alive and die!

Listening to Yang Xunhuan's vicious words, Li Zixiong got cold.

As for Cheng Feng, his brow was even more wrinkled, and there was a flash of murder in his eyes.

"Brother Li, since this person wants to die so much, then you can fulfill him!"

When Cheng Feng said this, the scene was silent.

Because for the Yuan family, killing Yang Xunhuan was a matter of stabbing a honeycomb.

Yang Xunhuan is the second master of the Yang family. He is a mainstay, and killing him is almost a war with the Yang family.

By then, the strongest members of the Yang family will surely come out, and the consequences will be disastrous!

In addition, the Yang family also has the elders of the Wang family as their backers.

Once the Yang family fought with the Yuan family, the elder of the Wang family might also step in.

So just now, when they dealt with Yang Xunhuan, they just defeated them instead of killing them.

"Mr. Cheng, Yang Xun can't kill him."

After Yuan Chenggong froze for a while, he first responded: "Kill this person, the Yang family will be dispatched to kill them."

"Yeah, Yang Xunhuan really can't kill."

Yuan Chengyi and others also echoed Qi Qi.

As for Li Zixiong, he was fearless. He raised Yang Xunhuan and waited for Cheng Feng to give a final order.

"Dash, dare you?"

Yang Xunhuan trembled and said, "If you want to die, kill me."

"Hehe ~~~"

Hearing that, the cold color on Cheng Feng's face became even heavier: "It seems you really want to die!"

"Brother Li, do it yourself!"

Click ~~~

Li Zixiong was decisive.

As soon as Cheng Feng's order came out, Yang Xunhuan's neck was severed.

However, Yang Xunhuan is the ninth top powerhouse in Dengtian, and his neck will not die.

Divine thoughts flew from his head, actually intending to escape.

It's a pity that Cheng Feng guarded him from this move early, and the spirit was killed and completely wiped from the world.

A first-class ninth-ranked top powerhouse fell to the scene!

After killing Yang Xunhuan, the other two Li Zixiong were not kept, and they were sent to the road.

Let the three people from the Yang family die here.

"It's over, it's over!"

"When the Yang family knows the news, they will definitely be killed by the thunder."

"With the strength of Yang Zongquan's ascension to the heavens, all of us are not our opponents, I am afraid they will be destroyed!"

At this moment, the masters of the Yuan family were all cold, showing despair.

Feeling that this time offended the Yang family, will soon die.

"You, in fact, if you don't kill Yang Xunhuan, the Yang family will not let go of your Yuan family."

At this time, Cheng Feng's voice sounded: "Sooner or later there will be a battle, then you have to put Yang Xun back to the ring, and add trouble to yourself?"

"Eliminating early is the best option!"

Cheng Feng is true.

The Yang family had a battle with the Yuan family, but it was only a matter of time.

Cheng Feng killed Yang Xunhuan, but this time was slightly advanced.

So killing Yang Xunhuan was a good thing.

Yuan Chenggong was not stupid, and he quickly figured it out.

A trace of complaint in Cheng Feng's heart disappeared.

"Cheng Gongzi, the Yang family is strong, and the elder Wang family supports it."

"If you wholeheartedly destroy my Yuan family, I will have no resistance!"

After clearing his thoughts, Yuan Chenggong began to think about the most difficult problem in the first place.

What to do to stop the Yang family's attack.

"Rest assured, as long as the Semi-Saints of the Wang family don't show up, I'll keep you safe."

Cheng Feng's face was bland: "Of course, the preparation should be done."

"After you go back, pick out some absolutely loyal ascendants of the ninth heavy martial arts."

"I will prepare something to help you improve your cultivation."

"Help us improve ourselves?"

Yuan Chenggong's eyes brightened: "Cheng Gongzi, is there some kind of **** who can help people break through the realm?"

"Go back and prepare first, and you'll know by then."

Cheng Feng did not disclose much information, but it caused Yuan Chenggong and others to boil.

Looking forward to the future!

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away, the Yang Family Ancestral Hall.

An old man guarding the ancestral temple shouted.

Because the soul lamps of the most important members of the Yang family are stored in the ancestral temple of the Yang family.

The old man's eyes swept away, but he saw Yang Xunhuan and three other Yang family masters' soul lamps inexplicably turned off!

"What is it? Am I dazzled?"

"Sanye ’s cultivation is so thorough, how could it suddenly fall? I must have read it wrong!"

However, the old man looked at it several times in a row, and the three soul lamps were also extinguished.

At this moment, the old man's heart was cold and knew the seriousness of the situation.

He rolled out of the ancestral temple of the Yang family and reported the situation here to the owner of the Yang family.

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