Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2246: Adversity

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Chapter two thousand two hundred and forty-six Advent

At this time, Wang Xiao was a little complicated.

First, I feel Cheng Feng's strength is getting deeper and deeper.

The second is very depressed, he was almost killed by a little thing, making him very shameless.

However, since he was his own, he had to admit it.

Moreover, with Xiao Jin's current combat strength, even if he teamed up with Li Zixiong and Yu Hongfei, he would probably lose more than win.

Even if the fight continues, you will lose your life.

Quitting it now is a good choice.

Anyway, the wound on his body looked scary, but it wasn't that serious.

Slightly moving the Jiuxing Deity can restore it as before.

"My son, what is the origin of your friend, it is so amazing!"

After treating the injuries on his body, Wang Xiao asked curiously.

"Xiao Jin is a dragonfly and has just been promoted to Emperor Jiupin."

Cheng Feng introduced: "There is only a first-line difference from the extreme state."

"After that, the master of the Yang family's ascent to the sky will come. Xiaojin will be the absolute main force."

"What? Emperor Jiu Pin Tianlong Lice?"

Hearing that, Wang Xiao's eyes lit up: "The strength of the combat force is definitely comparable to those who reach the extreme limit of ascension."

"It's no wonder that the three of us have joined forces just now and are not opponents."

Knowing Xiao Jin's history, Wang Xiao's self-confidence skyrocketed.

No worries about the arrival of Yang Zongquan, the strongest member of the Yang family.

At the same time, a wave of void appeared outside Yuan's main city.

The next moment, hum ~~~

An outrageous martial arts breath emerged from the void.

Even if an old man in a robe and shawl came out of the void.

A pair of stern eyes looked at the main city of the Yuan family, as if the dark clouds over the city.

It was difficult for the Yuan family in the city to breathe.

"No, there is a strong enemy to commit."

"Hurry up, hurry up the defense!"

Breathing, the Yuan family knew that an enemy was coming.

One after another, under pressure, opened up a large array of defense in the city.

Om ~~~

Soon, the sky above the main city of the Yuan family and the thirteen deputy cities all raised a strong light.

The strong light converged in the air and turned into a thick mask.

All fourteen cities were protected in the city.

Amazingly a defensive array!

And after the defensive array opened, hey.

From the main city of the Yuan family, more than a dozen warriors flew out, each with a strong breath.

Six of them reached the ninth top of the sky.

The six men's martial arts spirits are linked together, so that the old man with a long shawl standing in the void is a little moved.

"Six ninth-ranked top warriors?"

"When has the Yuan family become so powerful?"

The old man with long shawl is Yang Zongquan, the strongest of the Yang family.

He is the second uncle of the Yang family. He is very old and is in retreat all year round.

In his impression, the strength of the Yuan family was very weak, with only one or two ninth-ranked top warriors ascending to the sky.

I didn't expect to see each other again. The number of the top nine strongest men in Dengtian skyrocketed by two or three times!

In fact, the number of Yuan Jia Dengtian's ninth-ranked top power surged, which is Cheng Feng's masterpiece.

He gave Yuan Chenggong seven Blood Soul Pills and Blood Ling Dan. Yuan Chenggong directly selected four people, and in a short period of time, he piled up four top-ranking masters.

Coupled with Yuan Chenggong and Yuan Chenghuan, the number of Dengtian's ninth top masters has reached as many as six.

The deterrent effect is quite obvious!

"Huh, the ninth-ranked top powerhouse in the sky, there are also three, six, nine, etc."

After being slightly shocked, Yang Zongquan returned to calmness: "The six top-ranked warriors in the Yuan family who have reached the ninth level, only the one named Yuan Chengzhang can see.

"Others, they are all chickens!"

"Within a hundred strokes, the old man can kill them all."

"When the six people are killed, the entire Yuan family will certainly defeat the surrender."

"Advancing the strength of my Yang family to a new height is not the death of Xunhuan!"

At this point, Yang Zongquan raised his right hand.


The aura of heaven converged on his palm like a hurricane.

Turned into a huge palm, they blasted into Yuan's defense.


That palm force was a bit scary.

The Yuan family ’s moat battles have rarely reached the high rank of Wang Pin.

As a result, under the bombardment of this person's palm, it was severely sunken in.

There was even a crackling noise, making the scalp numb!

"No, then Yang Zong, the strongest in the Yang family, is too strong."

"The simple palm bombardment actually has the tendency to blow the moat."

"Come on, let's all go out to fight. If it breaks the moat, it will definitely make the people dead and injured!"

Seeing this, then Yuan Chenggong gave an order.

Six of the ninth-ranked top performers in the sky are out of the moat and face Yang Zongquan.

Because Yang Zongquan did not come alone, in the void behind him, ten masters were drilled out at this time.

Seven of them reached the ninth highest level of ascent, and three reached the ninth highest level of ascent.

If Yang Zongquan were to destroy the moat, the ten would massacre the Yuan family, and the consequences would be disastrous!

However, Yuan Chenggong's six flew out of the moat, but after only insisting on dozens of moves, he was defeated by Yang Zongquan and failed.

In particular, a master of the Yuan family who used the breakthrough medicine of the elixir was rubbed in the palm of Yang Zongquan and squirted on the spot.

Not surprisingly, within a few minutes, six people would die tragically outside the city.

At this moment, 咻 ~~~

A golden lightning suddenly penetrated the moat and shot at Yang Zongquan.

At this point, Yang Zongquan was about to fire at full power and blast the injured Yuan master.

Suddenly I felt a strong crisis, I didn't dare to neglect, and quickly raised my hand to defend.


As a result, a numb palm was penetrated by a pair of canine holes.

Yang Zongquan was in pain, and his palm curled out with a punch.

But the fangs retreated instantly, bypassing his punches and heading straight to his throat.

"Junk stuff, look for death!"

Yang Zongquan's complexion changed, and a nine-color mixed divine power was evoked, condensing into a layer of divine power shield, blocking himself.

Then took out a long sword, the tip of the sword was cold, and stabbed at the golden lightning.

When the long sword struck, the golden lightning flinched and flinched into a golden spinning top.

The high-speed rotation swings the assassination of the sword, stabbing ~~~

Rub it on Yang Zongquan's shoulder.

Blood splattered, and Yang Zongquan's arm was almost cut off!

"Grass, what's that?"

"Actually hurt Yang Zongquan, it was so strong!"

Everyone present was shocked to see the scene where the golden lightning injured Yang Zongquan.

In particular, Yuan Chenggong and others were pleasantly surprised, and a joy escaped from their hearts.

Turning his head, he looked in the direction of Cheng Feng in the city.

For those who can do such feats, only Cheng Feng is on the scene!

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