Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2250: Devil Advance

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Chapter 2250 Devil Advancement

"How could this be? How could this be?"

After a long time, the owner of the Yang family shouted with a hoarse voice: "Uncle Er's practice can reach the limit of ascending the heavens, and there is only a slight difference from the half-holy place."

"And in his hand, there is a piece of semi-sacred paper, how could it fall on the Yuan family?"

The owner of the Yang family couldn't understand it.

A mighty ascendant to the heavens, holding a piece of semi-sacred paper, fell into a small family.

Did that small family suddenly become a dragon-tan tiger cave?

"No, this is not the case."

The owner of the Yang family gritted his teeth, and his eyes were completely broken: "Without the second uncle sitting, my Yang family will certainly plummet. I must not let this happen."

"You must immediately invite the elders of the Wang family to go to the Yuan family to find out."

Talking, hum ~~~

A large teleportation array of the Yang family suddenly flashed light.

The next moment, three figures emerged from the teleportation array.

"Xueyi brother, famous old man, Guan old man!"

Seeing those three figures, Yang Qizhi, the owner of the Yang family, had a bright smile on his face, and hurried to meet him.

Those three figures are the three masters who arrived from the Wang family.

The man in the middle was pale, giving a sick feeling, but it was Wang Xueyi, the grandson of the Wang Family.

The two people on his side looked like a seventy and eighty, who were former servants of the elder Wang family.

It was given to Wang Xueyi to **** it, and the repair was unfathomable.

"Master Yang, my grandfather heard that something happened to your Yang family."

Wang Xueyi was very straightforward. After seeing Yang Zhiqi, he went straight to the topic: "Like the so-called Yuan family, he jumped up again and killed your second master Yang Xunhuan?"

"Xueyi brother, more than that."

Hearing Wang Xueyi's mention of the incident, Yang Zhiqi's face suddenly filled with grief and indignation: "The Yuan family didn't know what was going on, and suddenly their strength soared."

"Not long ago, my second uncle Yang Zongquan led ten family masters to suppress the Yuan family."

"As a result, it was gone and the soul lamp went out!"

"What? Yang Zongquan waited for more than a dozen masters' soul lamps to go out?"

Wang Xueyi's face changed greatly: "Master Yang, are you sure this matter is related to the Yuan family?"

"very sure."

Yang Zhiqi begged: "I also hope that Brother Xueyi can look at the Yuan family to see what he has done in previous years."

"Give me justice to the Yang family!"

With the fall of Yang Zongquan and others, the Yang family is now almost an empty shell.

Even the courage to go to the Yuan family to inquire about the news was lost, and he hoped that Wang Xueyi and others.

But why are the three of Wang Xueyi frightened?

Because Yang Zongquan is a powerful man who climbed to the heavens.

Although Wang Xueyi is confident, with his self-defense baby given by his holy sacred, enough to defeat Yang Zongquan, but also has to pay a small price.

However, Yang Zongquan and others died in the Yuan family.

Doesn't this mean that the Yuan family also has the power to destroy his Wang Xueyi?

"Master Yang, this matter requires long-term consideration."

His mind turned sharply, and Wang Xueyi instantly made a decision: "Behind the Yuan family, I am afraid that there are other big forces behind us, we cannot act recklessly."

"I am going to return to the family right away, report this to my grandfather, and ask him to make the most correct verdict!"

Having said this, Wang Xueyi turned to the large teleportation array and turned back to the Wang family.

"Xueyi Brother, Xueyi Brother!"

Seeing this, Yang Zhiqi's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot: "You can't do this. My master Yang family is more than 90% dead, all died in the Yuan family, we must discuss it.

"Discussion? I didn't stop you."

Wang Xueyi's footsteps continued, and he replied: "As long as you want, you can go to the Yuan family to discuss it!"

Stop, 唰 ~~~

When the teleportation burst into full bloom, the three of Wang Xueyi disappeared.

"Grass, the unbelievers of the royal family!"

Looking at the empty teleportation array, Yang Zhiqi hated his teeth.

Prior to this, the elder Wang's family had trespassed with Yang's wolf, annexed and did not know how many small families,

At that time, the two sides formed an alliance, and one side had difficulty and the other side had to support it.

Now that the Yang family is in trouble, the Wang family has withdrawn directly.

This caused Yang Zhiqi's heart to bleed and he was full of hatred towards the Wang family.

At the same time, a feeling of remorse came to my heart, cursing myself why did you wear the same pants with the Wang family? Why didn't he stop when Yang Zongquan went to Yuan's house to seek revenge?

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world!

In all remorse, Yang Zhiqi fell into deep despair.

at the same time.

The Yuan family, under Yuan Chenggong's command, is operating in an orderly manner.

Healing, cultivating, forming formations, forging weapons ... are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Be prepared for a possible enemy.

But unfortunately, the enemy they were alert to was frightened away.

However, the preparation of the Yuan family was not useless, and the Wang family could not ignore this matter.

Perhaps when the masters of the Wang family really arrive, it will be an unprecedented storm.

By then, these preparations will come in handy.

"The bodies of Yang Zongquan and others are a great supplement to dragon lice."

After the war, Cheng Feng took away the bodies of Yang Zongquan and others, and threw them into the empty pot: "Xiao Jin was injured, and it was time to repair.

"Take these people's bodies to supplement Xiaojin's body!"

While collecting the corpses, Cheng Feng also picked up some weapons.

For example, the long sword used by Yang Zongquan is a high-end holy weapon.

After Cheng Feng picked it up, he groaned a bit, and threw it directly to the Demon Slayer.

Anyway, Cheng Feng is not good at swordsmanship, so keeping is also a waste.

Om ~~~

Consumes several sacred artifacts in succession, and the Demon Slayer reacts.

The black scales around the body seemed to be transformed into a demon dragon, which was to be directly resurrected.

But in the end it was worse, the floating black scales fell into silence.

Turned into an inscription, imprinted on the slayer.

However, the power of the Devil Sword has skyrocketed at this moment.

Its level has been promoted from the first-level artifact to the intermediate-level artifact.

"Huh, Demon Slayer finally took another step forward."

Cheng Feng held the Devil Sword in his hand, and sighed, "This step has been difficult. I want to go further in the future, I don't know how many high-end holy artifacts to swallow."

"But no matter how difficult it is, I will elevate you."

Devil Sword has a special origin and is a magic soldier.

Cheng Feng thought that it was an ordinary magic soldier.

But over time, Cheng Feng found that the sword was different.

It seems to have endless potential that can be continuously developed.

Especially just now, when the inscription on the Devil Blade floated and turned into a black scale.

The trembling feeling was much more horrifying than Cheng Feng's face of the power of fortune.

I am afraid that in the heyday of the Devil Slayer, it was glorious!

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