Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2267: Earth Ice Bear

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Chapter 2276 The Earth Ice Bear

"Mr. Cheng, what should we do now?"

A few words of comfort to Wang Genrou, Yuan Fengmei looked towards Cheng Feng.

She had no choice but to resort to Cheng Feng.

"Rest assured, I'll take Girl Wang away."

Cheng Feng said, striding softly toward Wang.

Om ~~~

Wang gently turned up and down, setting off a huge wave.

The moisture in the air was instantly frozen and turned into dregs and fell down.

Falling on Cheng Feng's body is a large lasing arrow, which has amazing lethality.

However, Cheng Feng turned a blind eye.

It's just when the cold rushes.

Promote Hell's melanitis and let it entangle all around.

Those cold shocks were stopped immediately.

However, the coldness in Wang Qingrou's body was too strong, it was the holy water of the new nine days.

Although it's a hundred thousand miles behind the real nine-day holy water, it's also super scary.

Under the wash of cold air, Hell's Black Flame disappeared at a scary rate.

If this situation continues to develop, at most one or two minutes, Hell's black inflammation will be wiped out by the cold and completely wiped from the world.

"Small fire, come out and help!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't hide the secret and let the new emperor fire out directly to help.

Wow ~~~

The new emperor fire is violent.

When it appeared, not only the cold air rushing towards Cheng Feng was evaporated, but even a counterattack was launched.

"Little guy, you are doing well."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face showed a smile.

Then he stepped out and rushed directly into the roaring cold air, grabbing Wang's soft and cold hand.

"Mr. Cheng!"

The moment Wang Qing's soft hand was caught by Cheng Feng, a sense of crispness spread throughout his body.

There was a sense of security in my heart. It seemed that as long as Cheng Feng was there, he would not be in danger.

"Girl Wang, don't worry, I won't let you be taken away by Jiutian Holy Water."

Said, Cheng Feng hugged Wang gently and turned around to return.

Om ~~ Om ~~

Wang Qingrou's body was shocked by a horrible cold wave, but he could not shake Cheng Feng's footsteps.

Let Cheng Feng make strides.

Faintly, there was even a deep hissing sound coming from the depths of Jichuan Bingyuan.

Full of anger and killing intentions, Cheng Feng must be broken into pieces!

It's a pity that there are no scruples.

The horror deep in the Jichuan Bingyuan did not emerge from Bingyuan.

After tens of thousands of miles, even if the means are thousands, it will not be able to play a role in Cheng Feng.

Can only watch, Cheng Feng holding Wang gently and left.

However, the existence of Jichuan Bingyuan is unwilling.

Suddenly a strange sound wave was emitted and spread to all directions.

After that, the monster that was dormant in the ice layer suddenly fell into a violent state.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

After breaking the ice layer, they rushed to the three of Cheng Feng.

At the same time, farther away, there were a large number of monsters breaking through the ice and rushing towards the direction of Cheng Feng.

"Not good. Jiutian Holy Water can control the monsters in Jichuan Bingyuan."

"Hurry up, hurry up to the crack that the Juggernaut cleaved."

"If it is blocked by a lot of monsters, it will be very dangerous!"

When speaking, 咻 ~~~

Cheng Feng has turned into a humanoid lightning bolt and rushed forward.

Yuan Fengmei met and hurried to follow him.

Roar! !!

But on the way of Cheng Feng, monsters have already emerged.

Seeing Cheng Feng rushing, he opened his mouth and spit out a sharp ice cone, preventing Cheng Feng from escaping.

However, Cheng Feng did not see the speed as he did not see it.

Wait until those ice cones are about to hit themselves.

Wow! The execution of Rulai Jinshenju, the whole person became invulnerable.

嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Those ice cones hit Cheng Feng and were directly hit into powder.

Not only failed to stop Cheng Feng, but also failed to slow down the pace of Cheng Feng.

Huh! Cheng Feng arrived near the monster and fit into it.

It turned out that a monster was killed on the spot!

Cheng Feng, who has full firepower, is a humanoid beast.

Although it is not very big, it is very violent, and I have been killed all the way without knowing how many monsters.

It can be said to be so powerful that it flew thousands of miles in an instant.

The huge crack pierced by Swordmaster was already in sight.

But at this moment.

On Cheng Feng's way, two powerful monsters appeared.

One of these two monsters is a giant bear that is hundreds of meters tall.

The giant bear's paw dragged on the ground, just like cutting tofu, and cut a few ditches of ice on the ground.

It can be imagined how sharp the bear's nails are.

Compared to high-end holy vessels, I am afraid they are almost the same.

As for the other end, it is an ice dragon.

With a length of thousands of meters, it looks like steel cast iron and cast iron, which can actually travel through the ice.

It's like the ice that is as strong as steel, but it's like lake water, which makes people shudder!

"Gong son, we are in big trouble."

At this time, Yuan Fengmei's face was as pale as paper: "If I read correctly, one of these two monsters is the earth ice bear and the other is the nine-turn ice dragon."

"Each head has reached the top of the prefecture-level Jiupin!"

"Especially Jiuzhuan Binglong has a talented supernatural power that can shuttle freely in the ice."

"Many people have died under the attack without actually fighting him!"

"The Earth Ice Bear and the Nine Turn Ice Dragon?"

Cheng Feng's face also became serious: "Aunt Yuan, you must first enter the Wan Jian Tu and hide."

"After killing, I'm afraid I can't take care of you, it will be very dangerous."

After speaking, Cheng Feng did not wait for Yuan Fengmei to agree, so he sent it to Wan Jian Tu.

Then he took the shoelaces of the bleeding gods and temporarily tied Wang gently.

The next moment, he pulled out the slashing sword and rushed to the ice bear and Jiuzhuan Ice Dragon.

Roar! !!

The earth ice bear is very violent.

Seeing Cheng Feng rushed, it seemed to be provoked.

With a violent roar, two stout bear paws patted Cheng Feng.

The horrible force surged, smashing the void directly.

Ascend to the ninth master of the sky, I am afraid they will be beaten to death!

However, Cheng Feng was fearless and greeted the bear's paw directly.

It seems like to compete with the Earth Ice Bear, who is stronger.

"My son ..."

Seeing this scene, Wang gently frightened his eyes closed.

I feel that Cheng Feng and the Earth Ice Bear slammed into each other, I am afraid that it is more fierce and less fortunate.

However, she thought that death could accompany Cheng Feng, and her fear disappeared inexplicably.

With a smile on his face, his closed eyes opened.

Immediately, she saw an unforgettable picture.

I saw that Cheng Feng was about to collide with the bear's paw of the earth ice bear.

Suddenly the body flickered like ghosts.

Actually passed by the earth ice bear.

The next moment, it turned into a flash of lightning, bypassing the earth ice bear, and flew to the sword marks left by the bombardment of the sword master.

Roar! !!

This time, the Earth Ice Bear fell directly into rage.

It originally thought that the human in front of him was daring and prepared to face him.

I never thought it was a liar.

It is a great humiliation to slip away at the critical moment.

Make a furious roar, turn around and intercept Cheng Feng!

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